Hi everyone! Hope you all are having a great week!
I've so loved working only part-time these last 4 months. I've gotten to spend time with my wonderful family (the 4-legged ones too)! We've done a little traveling in our 5th wheel and spent a few weekends in Branson, Mo to just do... well nothing! So its getting close to the time when I need to decide if I'm going to design for the Winter CHA Show or not. I just don't know if I have it in me. I can't imagine not designing but can't imagine it either. I'm stuck. I kinda feel like I need more time to play and my favorite time of the year is coming up (Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas)! I want to decorate (using all that fab stuff you see on Pinterest) and cook and have some awesome Holiday parties!
I've told my design team girls that I need to make up my mind but until then its not fair to keep them hanging on so I told them all goodbye for now. Sniff Sniff... Two of them have been with me from day one of starting the business, Deana Boston and Julie Tucker-Wolek. I can not tell you what it means to me to have such loyal designers on my team! They are more than designers to me, they are my friends and I will miss them dearly!! Also Sarah Eclavea who has done so much for NSS, you will be missed. Katrina Hunt has been with me since the beginning too, just not on the team, we live in the same city and have been friends for years! When I picked her to lead my team I knew she'd be great I just didn't realize how great!!
Thanks to all my past DT girls for your support and helping put NSS on the map!
Also to all my loyal followers and supporters THANK YOU!
So...until I figure out what I'm going to do, it will just be me blogging here for awhile!
Here are some pictures from my fun Summer!
I did a lot of babysitting of this little one!
Miss Taylor!
We picked plums in my backyard and set up a slip and slide too!
I became a peach farmer, for about 3 weeks all I did was pick peaches, can them or made peach jelly and pie! So very yummy!
I took my niece, Ellie and my nephew, Cade to see a couple of movies this Summer and had lunch together too! Then chilled out at Aunt Nikki's house.
Took Savannah, Nico, and Bella all to the lake to swim!
They loved it!
Camping with the pups...
Hung out with Henry and his girlfriend, Sophie!
Had a few family BBQ's...
Re-decorated my back porch!
Took Henry to the Big Cat Rescue in Branson.
This is such an awesome place to visit, all the big cats have been rescued from some horrible condition they lived in before coming to their new home!
Did a lot of dog grooming... Alfred my old fella was a bit hard to groom because he won't or can't stand for too long!
Dan and I had our 8 yr anniversary in July. This is our wedding picture, with Henry and Willie-B (when he was our only pup). We had an island themed wedding in our home with just our families! It was wonderful!!
I had coffee every morning and sat on my back porch and got this picture of Nico enjoying his yard too!

I also did some indoor decorating (thanks so Pinterest).
The above pic is the "before" picture.
I made Alfred (my old fella) his very own area in the kitchen. I never used this as a desk so I wanted to do something fun with it!
I loved how it turned out! And I think Alfred did too!

I also pained this huge wall that is the entryway from my garage into the house.
(I'm really into chalkboard paint right now, if you can't tell.)
Had lunch dates with these two off an on all summer, my nephews, Jacob and Noah!
Went to Salt Lake City, Utah...
to visit our good friends Kristen an Carson!
Hiked the Utah mountains with Nico everyday!
Played with Beckham, our good friends youngest baby! He came to visit us in our 5th wheel and he really liked Dan, a lot!!
These are just a few pictures of my big boy, Nico in our 5th Wheel this summer. I love the picture above with just his ears, nose and paws sticking out!!
And... yes, he is spoiled ROTTEN!!
Love this pic of my two boys, Dan and Nico at a campground in Kansas trying to cool off from the heat.
My cutie-pie, Alfred...
Scrap-a-palozza with Katrina!
More babysitting... this cutie, Jacob!
Dan chilling out with a couple of the pups! I love this picture but he'd kill me if he knew this was on my blog! (And Nico doesn't sleep with us by the way.)
I cut about 5 inches off my hair and added bangs too!
I had dinner with snow white (aka.. my niece, Mollie)!
To end my pictures of summer I have one last one of my sweet nephew, Noah, who steals my heart every time I see him.
Thanks for sharing my Summer with me and I hope you all will stay on my journey with me while I figure out what the heck I'm going to do!!
Have a great week!
I've so loved working only part-time these last 4 months. I've gotten to spend time with my wonderful family (the 4-legged ones too)! We've done a little traveling in our 5th wheel and spent a few weekends in Branson, Mo to just do... well nothing! So its getting close to the time when I need to decide if I'm going to design for the Winter CHA Show or not. I just don't know if I have it in me. I can't imagine not designing but can't imagine it either. I'm stuck. I kinda feel like I need more time to play and my favorite time of the year is coming up (Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas)! I want to decorate (using all that fab stuff you see on Pinterest) and cook and have some awesome Holiday parties!
I've told my design team girls that I need to make up my mind but until then its not fair to keep them hanging on so I told them all goodbye for now. Sniff Sniff... Two of them have been with me from day one of starting the business, Deana Boston and Julie Tucker-Wolek. I can not tell you what it means to me to have such loyal designers on my team! They are more than designers to me, they are my friends and I will miss them dearly!! Also Sarah Eclavea who has done so much for NSS, you will be missed. Katrina Hunt has been with me since the beginning too, just not on the team, we live in the same city and have been friends for years! When I picked her to lead my team I knew she'd be great I just didn't realize how great!!
Thanks to all my past DT girls for your support and helping put NSS on the map!
Also to all my loyal followers and supporters THANK YOU!
So...until I figure out what I'm going to do, it will just be me blogging here for awhile!
Here are some pictures from my fun Summer!
I did a lot of babysitting of this little one!
Miss Taylor!
We picked plums in my backyard and set up a slip and slide too!
I became a peach farmer, for about 3 weeks all I did was pick peaches, can them or made peach jelly and pie! So very yummy!
I took my niece, Ellie and my nephew, Cade to see a couple of movies this Summer and had lunch together too! Then chilled out at Aunt Nikki's house.
Took Savannah, Nico, and Bella all to the lake to swim!
They loved it!
Camping with the pups...
Had a few family BBQ's...
Re-decorated my back porch!
Took Henry to the Big Cat Rescue in Branson.
This is such an awesome place to visit, all the big cats have been rescued from some horrible condition they lived in before coming to their new home!
Did a lot of dog grooming... Alfred my old fella was a bit hard to groom because he won't or can't stand for too long!
Dan and I had our 8 yr anniversary in July. This is our wedding picture, with Henry and Willie-B (when he was our only pup). We had an island themed wedding in our home with just our families! It was wonderful!!
I had coffee every morning and sat on my back porch and got this picture of Nico enjoying his yard too!
I also did some indoor decorating (thanks so Pinterest).
The above pic is the "before" picture.
I made Alfred (my old fella) his very own area in the kitchen. I never used this as a desk so I wanted to do something fun with it!
I loved how it turned out! And I think Alfred did too!

I also pained this huge wall that is the entryway from my garage into the house.
(I'm really into chalkboard paint right now, if you can't tell.)
Had lunch dates with these two off an on all summer, my nephews, Jacob and Noah!
Went to Salt Lake City, Utah...
to visit our good friends Kristen an Carson!
Hiked the Utah mountains with Nico everyday!
Played with Beckham, our good friends youngest baby! He came to visit us in our 5th wheel and he really liked Dan, a lot!!
These are just a few pictures of my big boy, Nico in our 5th Wheel this summer. I love the picture above with just his ears, nose and paws sticking out!!
And... yes, he is spoiled ROTTEN!!
Love this pic of my two boys, Dan and Nico at a campground in Kansas trying to cool off from the heat.
My cutie-pie, Alfred...
Scrap-a-palozza with Katrina!
More babysitting... this cutie, Jacob!
I injured my back, my L5/S1 disc is herniated and I'm pretty much flat on my back resting it daily! Which anyone that knows me knows this is SO FRUSTRATING!! I hate being held back or sitting still! I actually just found this out yesterday but have been nursing it for weeks and weeks! Of which my dogs love as you can see. While I ice my back and lay on the floor they have to be right by me or on me!!
Bella became really ill last month but is recovering nicely. You can see how sick she is in the picture below waiting for the vet hospital to open early one morning.Dan chilling out with a couple of the pups! I love this picture but he'd kill me if he knew this was on my blog! (And Nico doesn't sleep with us by the way.)
I cut about 5 inches off my hair and added bangs too!
I had dinner with snow white (aka.. my niece, Mollie)!
To end my pictures of summer I have one last one of my sweet nephew, Noah, who steals my heart every time I see him.
Thanks for sharing my Summer with me and I hope you all will stay on my journey with me while I figure out what the heck I'm going to do!!
Have a great week!
Oh wow! It sounds like you had a wonderful summer, and I know that you'll be creating again eventually, hopefully soon, but enjoy the time....do what you want to do....we will all be here when you start creating again!
Good luck with your decesion.. Yes I know Good-bye's are tough, but seems like this is best decesion for you and your family which is always number one!
Nikki, I can absolutely relate with just wanting to sit back and relax and enjoy your everyday without the pressures of designing. I think every single person who has ever designed or been on a design team for any amount of time can also relate. Sometimes, we need to just sit back and evaluate and enjoy...and if the desire comes to us again, then so be it. I truly do hope that you do, but that is only for selfish reasons of loving your designs! ;)
You deserve a break and you have done an amazing job at putting your company on the map...and your Design Team has done a magnificent job of helping.
Good luck at finding your Mojo!!!
Nikki! You are a lovely lady inside and out! The best decisions are always the hardest ones, yes? You have a beautiful family and wonderful days ahead of you. Although the scrapbook world will, for now, miss your whimsical designs maybe this will empower you for next release or maybe it won't - only time will tell. I just know that I was beyond thrilled to be a part of the inaugural design team..an honor I'll never forget! Blessings to you! Laura Achilles
I'm at a "crossroads" in my life as well so I completely understand where you are coming from!
Sometimes it's nice just to slow down a bit too!
Good luck w/ whatever you decide to do!
I adore you, Nikki Sivils! No matter what you decide... you'll be a success!!! Big, big hugs for you, my friend! ♥
oh nikki, it seems like you had a wonderful summer. i so enjoyed all your photos! i love to see family photos. i am so glad that you are enjoying your time with your family- i truly understand this!!
take time and enjoy! as a scrapper i hope that you will come back soon with some outstanding new lines and find it enjoyable!!
mary pat
I love you more than you will ever know...thank you for believing in me!!! I know we will be friends forever :)
Enjoy your time, Nikki. Thanks for being such an inspiration to us all. Hugs
Oh dear! I understand your decision and you're creations and paper designs will surely be missed a great deal.
Hope you'd be back again with the scrapbooking or crafting world/industry with more of your wonderful designs.
Hugs & regards,
You all are so wonderful!! Thanks for your kind words and understanding! You all rock!!
Famil comes first and decisions are hard to make, but you will see a light at the end of the tunnel telling you which way to go. Enjoy your time and so nice of you to share summer with us.
What fun you had this summer. Sometimes we just need to take time for ourselves to figure out what we want to do. SO take the time, enjoy your favorite seasons. May you come back refreshed, happy and ready to do what you want! Until then. We'll have fun reading your blog to see what you are up to.
I think it is amazing that you are wanting to make your family first and spend that time with them first! Love that you took the time off to enjoyed the past few months with your family and I really enjoyed seeing all the pictures here and on facebook!
You have to do what is best for you and your family!
We will all still be here supporting you in the future when you decide to design again.
I will miss your amazing scrapbook products too!
Big hugs!!
You definitely have a tough decision ahead of you Nikki! Yours is not a job you can do if your heart isn't in it! Take time for yourself and your family and hopefully you will be refreshed and ready to design again. Either way, all the very best to you!!
take care and good luck with your decision. Everyone needs a break in life once in awhile. Amazing summer showed you there is more to life with family and friends... enjoy
Sorry to hear you are leaving Nikki but I do understand. You have always been a great sponsor for Colorful Creations and I appreciate you and your team. I wish you nothing but the best!
Wishing you the best in your decision making, Nikki. Looks like you had an awesome summer and precious family time is something you don't want to miss out on.
We've really enjoyed working with your collections over the past years! Enjoy some time off, and if you make anything yummy from Pinterest recipes, be sure to bring some by SG! -- Debbie
Hugs and best wishes,
It is brave of you to do what you feel you need to right now. You are amazing and I wish you all the best. By the way--love your new haircut :)
Gosh, what a summer! Thanks for being so open and honest with your followers! And we wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide! In the meantime, we'll miss you! Hugs!
Follow your heart pretty lady! Just do what inspires you right now. You can always get back in the game later when you have worked out your feelings. It's been a great ride with you and I loved seeing your company grow from the ground up! It's sad to think that I won't see you at CHA but know how you feel! I've felt that way in other areas of my life and it's best to just take a break and regroup! HUGS to you and your gorgeous family!
I'm not going to worry too much about what you will do because I know it will be great! Enjoy the time to do things that lift your heart and soul. You are an inspiration!
What a summer, I can imagine that it's a lot to take on. Hope you find the inspiration to design some awsome lines again. We miss your collections in the Dutch Scrapbook stores!
Take care girl, follow your heart and enjoy the little, but very important, things in life.
Hugs, Mieke
You're a wonderful designer. I know you'll be back. Don't stress. It's good to have a break. Everyone needs one! All your fans will still be here! I love your photos. Beautiful. Hugs to you.
Aww Nikki, I know this is a tough decision. Having been there myself but in a different way, I totally understand. You will find it liberating. Trust me. :) Deadlines are the pits and stressful. It is nice to just be creative when you want and not have to answer to anyone. Hugs to you and Dan both. You've put sooo much time and work into Nikki Sivils. You're due a break. Love you guys and hugs from me.
My pic didn't show on my post, but that was me Nikki. Susan Dupre
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