I know what you are thinking, packing, really, its not rocket science! And you would
be right, its not but I'm a super crazy, organizing, make an outline, for a big event kind of gal!
I was showing my mom, sister and telling my massage therapist, about my packing an all
three said you should blog about it! Now, they all could have wanted me to blog about it to show everyone my craziness or what if, maybe one tip helped someone else then it would be worth it! Right!
Then I thought I'll host a nice giveaway because if I could learn one thing
that might save me a bit more time then that would be even better!
Lets get started!!
Yep... it sold, so now its packing time!!
We close the end of the month and move into our new home just a couple of days before we close on this house. Because I'm so high strung and LOVE to organize I decided to sit down
and start a list of how long I thought each room would take to pack, then
counted the days until the move and came up with a packing schedule.
I know, its crazy but this is how I have to work and also it makes sense to me,
this way I'm not packing all day and night for 4 days straight until I move.
I can enjoy the process, well, as much as you can enjoy packing!
This is my schedule, leaving certain rooms that are large and have more items
in them for more days. Week 1, went great, I stayed on schedule and was able to
work my "real" job a bit and enjoy life too. I would suggest this method to
anyone that has to juggle several things at once, it will make your life easier. I promise.
Before I started packing last week I got one of my old crates and
made a supply box so that all my things are together in one place and I can just
pick up that box be on my way to the next room.
What's in my old wooded crate,
you ask?
Well, a super duty tape gun, I have several
because of my business, when in the business of shipping they are a must
but you can get cheaper tape guns at office supply stores.
I have Zip
Lock bags, for the little things that need to be packed but have several pieces
to them, example: throw the cords to electronics into the bags then tape the
bag to the the machine it belongs too, now nothing is lost during the
move. I also collect all the nails for picture frames hung on the wall too so
they are all together in one spot. You won't believe how much you'll use these
little bags, more than you think!
A tape measure, I pre-measure
larger pieces of furniture then with masking take write the measurements
of that piece and tape it on the furniture. This is so when you are moving it
in and the movers or you don't think it will fit well you have the measurements
written down on the furniture so now you just have to measure where in the
new place it might go. It will just save a little extra time on moving day.
Next, I have small post-its and pens for notes you need to leave or a reminder
to get something at the store later that day, so you don't forget scribble it
down and then you can keep packing too. It will be amazing what your mind
comes up with and remembers and forgets all at one time during packing.
and duct tape are for labeling things, scissors (a must have too) and the good
ole' Sharpie! A must have is a good black Sharpie!!
A trash bag, for all
the crap you find that needs to be thrown away and newspaper too for packing
Lastly a barstool, you heard me right, a barstool. This is so
you don't injury your back or like me, who has a really bad back already,
I don't further damage it. I put the box I'm packing on the barstool or a
regular table chair, that way I'm not bending over at the waist killing my
back. My barstool and chair are a necessity!
My next tip: label your boxes
with the room in your new home it will belong too. On moving day label
each room in the new house; so that each box will go to the correct room,
then save an area in your home or garage that the "IDK" (I don't
know) boxes will go.
I did this my last move and even the movers
told me that they wish everyone did this as its so nice to have labels on
the box to match the room it goes too. I have labels for master bedroom,
bedroom #1 and bedroom #2, also if a room is painted, say its a pink room in
the new house, then label it pink bedroom instead of #1 or #2, this makes it
even easier for the guys that are moving you. Also, and this takes a bit
more time but if you've scheduled yourself enough time this shouldn't be
an issue, under the label of the room the box will go too, put a general
description of what is in that box. That way on moving day you can find your toothbrush,
heating pad and PJs then fall into bed! No really this is a great tip I
got from a friend that was moving and its true, you will need that one thing,
once you’ve moved in, and have no clue where is it so instead of ripping open
every box you have that's packed you can simple read the contents and move on
to the next, plus it should be in the correct room so that makes it even

More on labels: I also put the
room, that box belongs in, on all four side of the box. This way if a box
doesn't get in the correct room (and several will) and you are searching for it,
you see it… “hall bathroom box” in the middle of all the boxes that are stacked
up to the ceiling in your living room, you don't have to pull out to see if its
the "missing" box because it is labeled on all four sides! You will
pat yourself on the back for this simple tip once your are in the new house,
exhausted and can't find that damn muscle cream for all those sore places from
the move!!
I would, and do have, several plastic tubs labeled:
-clothes donations
and another one labeled
-garage sale
These go from room to room with me too. This makes the move
easier, that way you are clearing out the old and don't have to do this at the
new place, it will be done and you'll be happy you did it before the move.
That's all the tips I have!
What tip(s) do you have for me?
Would you like to win a pack of scrapbook paper?
If so leave me a comment or packing tip about moving and I'll draw a random winner Saturday the 17th, you'll need to check back to see if your the winner then email me your shipping address and I'll send you a box of scrapbook paper and goodies!!
I can't have a blog post without a couple of dog pictures...
Bella asleep on my my heating pad, she loves that heating pad!
My big boy, Nico, waiting for me to come to bed!
Have a great day!