Business first.... is this not the cutest little money tin!! My oh so very talented design team diva, Mimi Leinbach made this for her sons lunch money!! When I saw it I fell in love with it!! Who doesn't need one of these for school!!
Victoria's mom had to work on Saturday so she came to Aunt Nikki and Uncle Danny's house for the morning...... and boy oh boy did we have fun.... playing with the dogs,

playing cards with Uncle Danny,
sitting in the grass with Uncle Danny,

playing with sticks with Uncle Danny!!! Do you see the running theme in these pictures, that's right, all Victoria wanted was her Uncle Danny!!! I was chopped liver!!! (But I still love her to death!!)
Then on Sunday, Heather and I went to the American Idol concert in KC!! WooHoo!!
And I got to meet and get my picture taken with my "TV" boyfriend, DANNY GOKEY!!!!
and with Kris, the winner of American Idol!! But did you see the picture above this one with Danny Gokey.......... Ahhhhhhh I was one happy girl!! More on this later!! Oh and more pics later too!! I'm soooooo very tired and need to go to bed!!!! Goodnight!! -Nikki