Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm still here...

Okay so my goal is to blog 3 days week... well I realize now that's not gonna happen. I always have such great intentions but it seems that something will pop up and what should have taken under an hour will take 4! Its crazy!!  
We have some really exciting things going on around here and I can't wait to share some of them with you... but first things first...
My Nico is doing great!! He got his stitches out last Wednesday and everyday gets a little bit better for him but harder for us. The better he feels the harder it is to keep him down! 
These first 2 pics were taken with my iPhone so quality isn't great. 
Such a sweet boy sleeping right next to me.
He's been stuck to us like glue... however he doesn't really have a choice
since he still can't be off a leash and has another 9 days of being towel walked.
Love this pic of him on our bed right up against me and my lap-desk!
He's ears tell it all, slightly down and off to the side means he's totally relaxed, straight up and forward means I hear you and am on to you and one ear up and the other ear bent and turning toward his side means that feels good and keep it up!  
I can't wait for his fur to grow back, you can see on his front right leg the square patched they shaved for his IV.
Nico in puppy prison. So sad for him.
Thanks for sending all your good thoughts and best wishes for him! 
He is doing great!

Now for the super exciting NEWS... Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker is one of the sponsors picked to sponsor the Provo Craft  Circut Circle design team! Also my design team diva's and I will be doing a cross promotional program with them too! 
I'm so excited... I mean really who doesn't love a good die-cutting system and awesome icons and images that comes with all their cartridges!!  

its like Christmas morning...
can you believe all the fun to be had with all these yummy products!!
Soooo... what's the fun of having all these goodies and not sharing a few with my followers... right!?!
This is what I'm going to give away on my blog:
The Cuttlebug embossing and die cutting machine, 1 Textile embossing folder, 1 Measure by Measure embossing borders, 1 Fanciful Labels embossing plus (cuts & embosses), 1 Quilled Chrysanthemum Kit (to create beautiful floral accents) and 1 extra long Spacer & 2 extra long cutting pads for the Cuttlebug!
You'll need paper for your Cuttlebug, right...
so you'll also get my brand new "It's Your Day" paper line! 

If you'll leave a comment on this blog post telling me what you'll create with my papers and the Cuttlebug goodies and also become a follower of this blog, then I'll pick one lucky person to win ALL of this!! 
I'll pick a winner midnight Thursday night (central standard time) and announce them on Friday morning! 
If you register for my Newsletter (at the top of my blog on the left hand side) I'll be giving away a Circut Expression and a couple of cartridges! (But this will only be for those that are on my newsletter mailing list.) The Newsletter will be going out in the next 10 days! 
Good Luck!!
Have a wonderful day! -Nikki

*This giveaway is now closed! Thanks for entering!* :)


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Chris said...

OMG...It IS Christmas! So wonderful that PC has shared those goodies with you and that you're sharing with their Cricut Circle. It's also wonderful to hear that your Nico is doing well!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Yeahhhhhhhhhh for Nico!! Glad he is doing better!! And WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! What an AMAZING GIVEAWAY!! WOW WOW WOW WOW!!! Good luck to everyone! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Patchi said...

I almost choked on my food when I read that you were going to share that amazing prize! I've been wanting a Cuttlebug forever!

In the next few months I'll be scrapbooking my sons' birthday photos, and It's Your Day will be perfect - along with some embossing texture! And not to let any bit of good paper go to waste, I can make birthday cards for all their friend with the leftovers!

Thanks for the chance to win and I'm so glad Nico is recovering so well!!!

Unknown said...

Awwww what a darling puppy =) Miss my little (big) girl so much seeing him. Now what would i create with a cuttlebug...hmmm. I would for sure try out dryembossing. Cause i dont have a cuttlebug so i havent tryed it. And it just looks so cool =)

Hugs from Lilli =)
l.a.nikolaisen at gmail dot com

Lindy said...

WOW Nikki....It is like Christmas. So wonderful that they have shared all that with you and you are sharing with us. It's also wonderful news that Nico is doing so well.

Melinda AKA medialady said...

Wow! How wonderful of you to share some of this amazing product!
I have so many recent pictures to scrapbook of my boys so I would love to use this product!

Danielle Higginbottom-Brown said...

Nikki you rock!!!! If I win Im going to use this amazing prize to make a spring chipboard album!

Thanks for the chance!

Janet's Joy said...

Holy Cow!!! I would love it to be Christmas morning at my house too!!! How super generous of you. :)

Victoria H said...

WOW!! Awesome! I have tons of photos I need to get caught up on, from holidays, vacations to every day!

US said...

OMG! Looks like you hit the best jackpot ever. I SOOOO want to win this one! I've been looking at getting an embossing machine for the past few months, but didn't know where to start with them! I have all kinds of projects in mind. Im expecting a baby, so I will be working on announcements, nursery decorations ect, for him/her, and also starting on a new scrapbook for my daughter.

Sarabeth aka Sarita said...


ok, i've picked myself up off the floor and am back in my chair again!

i would love to win this! i would create birthday mini's- i've been creating mini's like crazy and just can't get enough of them- in my family the most pics we take are of birthdays and i wanted to go in our "back in the day" stash and work it all out-it would be perfect with your fabulous line of paper too :0)

thanks for the chance to win and big hugs and kisses to nico and his recovery :0)- my little riley wishes him well (that's my pup :))


Beejay said...

Love the photos! I have had 2 German Shepards in my life. Love their sweet temperment. Best wishes for a quick recovery. With all those yummy prizes my granddaughter and I would make some fun spring learning tools as she discovers letters and numbers!

Danelle said...

Geez, doesn't everyone wish for a delivery like that at their door! Thanks for sharing and looking forward to what you come up with!

Anonymous said...

OMG I would say it looks like Christmas! WOW I love Provo Craft!!!
Good Luck to everyone!!!

Rosy C. said...

I would definately working spring and summer pages. And with the scraps because we all save scraps...LOL. I would make spring and summer birthday cards. Love this cheery and bright collection. TFS...
Sweet Creations...
www.sweetdelightspapernmore. blogspot. com

Kathy said...

WOW looks like you had Christmas early!!! OM what we could do with all of the goodies...
Good Luck to all!!!

ShoppingTamii said...

LOVE all the puppy stories! so adorable! I am signed up and following :)

Jenn said...

Happy to hear your pup is on the mend!

Loving all the goodies! I can't wait to get my hands on It's Your Day! I have so many photos from my son's b-day to scrap. I would love to make a mini album. And to think of the cards and decor you could make with the line! Fun, fun!

Thanks for the chance to win!

Naomi said...

I am so jelous you received all those cartridges, but so HAPPY you are sharring! I would create the most awsome altered book for my son who accomplished his Eagle project and made Eagle on 12-30-2010! And let him know just how proud of him we are!

connie said...

What an awesome giveaway!! crossing my fingers.

Stacy said...

WOOHOO!!!!! Love goodies boxes like that....way to fun :) Let's see, if I won all of this yummy goodness I would create a cool little mini for my grandson's first birthday that is coming up. Thanks for the chance to win and for sharing you yummy goodies with one lucky person!!!

Life's Creative Adventures said...

OH My!!! These products would be great to help me create a scrapbook to document my granddaughter's first birthday. I just love that paper line and thanks so much for sharing.

Lucianna Dilsaver said...

Wow, what a wonderful prize. Thank you for the chance to win it. I would make tons of beautiful cards with the goodies, especially those papers!! Thanks again for the chance :)

Gordon said...

I would love to create some gift bags with various die-cuts so I can have them ready at any time. They could be soooo cute. Boy would I love to get this prize.

Liz said...

Well that is so so awesome it looks like xmas and my jaw has dropped how lucky are these ladies.. You have a fabba dabba do design team they will do the cutting system justice I just know it.
Well I am sure that I would do a layout and cards with the papers I'm so far behind in scrapping it's not funny
I signed up the first thing for your newsletter.. I don't want to miss out.
Nico in puppy prison poor guy but 9 days will fly by look it was just Feb and now it's March.
Good luck to all who enter
You had to be so amped to open this.

Kassidy said...

Wow! What fun things you have in-store:) You asked what would I create? The real question is what wouln't I create;) I would have such a fun time making cards, invites, scrapbook pages, altered crafts and so much more. thanks for the chance to win. Love it!

Megan Aaron said...

I would make a birthday mini album for my daughter! I always take so many photos, that a mini album would be perfect!

Debbie Garcia said...

Well that could be used for a layout and card absoutely with four grandson and another on the way...
Cuttlebug no way...
I have signed up for Newsletter thanks for being so generous I cannot wait to see what is done with those cartridges...

Rhonda Van Ginkel said...

Holy scrappy goodness! I'd create a crazy amazing book for my 3 year old and he would be in heaven! He won't leave our wedding photos alone and I want to create a storybook for him that progresses from wedding to him and now. : )

Provo craft is so amazingly generous, that's an awesome prize!!!

So happy to see Nico on the mend and getting better every day!

The Scrapbooking Queen said...

Nikki what fun and all that wonderful product what a lucky ladie you are.. glad to hear your furry babie Nico doing better
Can't wait to see all you have in store for us :o)
The Scrapbooking Queen

Lolô Artesanato said...

If I'll lucky girl...I'll a lot of layouts..hehehehe
I love do LOs
tks for the chance to win!!!

Auntie Ang said...

Well with all the birthdays in Feb I defintely would use it for the pictures...
Ok Seriously birthday on
10th,14th, 20th, 23rd twins, 27th and 28th really
That paper is adorable and Wow was provo craft generous Thanks for the amazing giveaway...
The paper would be just fine that is way generous

Diane Standish(crazeedi) said...

Niki-I already am a follower here and on FB!! And I already receive your newsletter!! So I hope that still qualifies me for your giveaways! I love your paper lines, read your blog and FB often! I would use the Cuttlebug to make a beautiful scrapbook for my granddaughter!! Thanks for the chance-I would love a diecutting system like this-or a Cricut!! ps-I also make a LOT of cards so your papers and the embossing would be perfect!

Auntie Ang said...

I'm a new follower and already signed up for newsletter too woo I am shock

Joni Parker said...

{swoon} -- ok, I love this line and have been thinking of going back and doing a mini with pics from every birthday (my son's).. and leaving some done, but waiting for photo pages for "future" birthay photos. This line is timeless and would be perfect for that!! -- Oh, and add the Cuttlebug... Wow..how generous!! I really don't have any of the "big" tools (Cricut, Cuttlebug..etc) ...so would be a blessing to win. (Already a newsletter subscriber). -- So glad Nico is doing well!!!

Alex said...

OH MY WORD ! That is awesome news ! Congrats! Well, I happen to have some of your amazing papers in my hot little hands and the wheels are turning like crazy! I especially love the Ellie's Day Out and Papers :) Yes, I'm a follower :)

Melissa said...

you are super awesome!!! WOWSER!!! this is one generous giveaway. thank you so much for the chance to win. and i am so happy that Nico is feeling much better. have a great week!

Alex said...

OH MY GOSH! That is wonderful news ! Congrats! Well, I just so happen to have your fab Ellie's Stamps and papers in my hot little hands and the wheels are turning, I'll be posting a projects very soon :) Yes, I'm a follower :)

Manders said...

I would do some sort of Mini or layouts this paper is so birthday licious
Thanks for making it fun and good luck to the winners
and a cuttlebug to that is just a big huge Wow
Screaming and dancing for winner
Thanks again for the wonderful blog and really hope the 9 days go by fast for Nico

Manders said...

P.s I am a follower already and signed up way back for newsletter

Sarah L said...

What a fantastic giveaway! I love, love, love the paper! I think it would be perfect for a mini album for my nephew. He just turned 2 and it was such a fun day

Tonya Roach said...

I would make invitations for my daughters 5th birthday. I have 3 daughters with birthdays in March so I would scrapbook all the birthday madness :) I spend all my money on them in March so it would be nice to win something for me. Glad to hear Nico is feeling better! Thanks for offering such a great prize package.

Cristi said...

WOW WOW WOW, How very exciting!!! Thank you for the chance to win this awesome prize, you are so sweet to share with us.

Becky Dunham said...

Wowie Nikki - lucky you! Of course you deserve it too :) But I am still jealous... I don't have any kind of embossing machine so I would sure love to win this fabulous prize. What would I make with it? Everything! Cards, layouts, boxes (oh yeah boxes would be fabulous with these papers and all embossed - fabulous). thanks for the chance to win! I think I was signed up for your newsletter but had an email change so now I am signed up again. I am already a follower of your fabulous blog and FB!

I am sooo glad that Nico is doing well. It is hard when your furry babies are sick :)

Christa S. said...

Wow, it looks like you got some AWESOME goodies. I also LOVE the set you've giving away. I can wait to see what you and your team create. If I win the cuttlebug, I plan to comb the webs for ways to introduce dry embossing to my scrapbooking. This and the paper would go great for my kids school pictures.

Betsy said...

Christmas is right! I have been wanting a cuttlebug oh so long! I have a couple of boys having birthday's coming up...I see some birthday cards/LO's and more in my future with this!

floridagirl said...

holy moly!!! That is one huge batch of sweetness they sent you!! I would definitely be squeezing out some yummy embossed cards and layouts if I won this prize - thanks for the opportunity!!

dfhathaway123 said...

I would SO love to win these prizes. I just moved to another state, missing my grandbabies. I am scrapbooking page after page of them. I don't have any embossing tools. I have a small cricut. I could make cards for them and albums.

Carol W. said...

So glad your Nico is on the mend! I love my furry babies and know that it's hard when something is wrong with them.

WOW What an amazing prize! I just received the Cricut for Christmas so a cuttlebug would be amazing to have. As for what I would make ~ ummm lets see I have two kiddos that have birthdays coming up...so invitations, party favors, decorations, birthday cards, just to name a few.

Thank you for the chance to win this fabulous prize.

clworkman4 at gmail dot com

Debbie said...

I've been looking at It's Your Day Collection and thought it would be perfect to scrap some of those old birthday pictures of my daughter who by the way turns 21 on Friday! Would love to have the Cuttlebug, one gadget I do not have!!!!

dallena said...

Lovely! A mini album and some birthday cards. Thank you!

Ashly Margritz said...

I have been eyeing the cuttlebug for a while now . . . and its the perfect match with your paper line!! I would have to make some type of spring layout or mini because I am dying for spring to come! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Elle V. said...

Wow! Amazingly generous giveaway! I'm 7 months pregnant and falling behind in my scrapbooking ...so this would help me out BIG TIME!! Please, please, pick me! :)

www.cricutcraftyclare.blogspot.com said...

I am following via Networked blogs and signed up for the newsletter. Thanks for the chance to win on both! cjdempsey9 at msn dot com

Angie said...

Wowsers is that a stash of LOOT! How FUN! I'm a follower of your blog and a newsletter subscriber. If I won I would have so much creating with my little boy. He loves to scrap with mommy and I know he would love to use the cuttlebug with mommy! His birthday is coming up so I can see him helping me with his birthday layout!

Anonymous said...

OMG how lucky are you.. oh and everyone that has a chance to win.. as for cuttlebug.. I would love to help emboss some cards that i will be mailing for the military... They are always looking for cards for the guys to send home.. It would be great..Thanks for the chance to win

Amy said...

WOW what a haul! I'm green with envy! {Thank goodness it is March, right?!} What would I do with all of that fun stuff? Make presents for my family! I love making cards and scrapping pages but also love to give my items away. This would be so, so, so exciting!!! Woo hoo! Have fun with all of your new toys!!

Hanneke said...

My goodness that is like Christmas!!! Of course i would love to create with all those, let's see what I would made, a mini or cards or maybe a fun banner or a mobile so may things are popping in!!!

So great to see Nico is doing better, he looks great!!!

Unknown said...

So glad to know Nico is doing well. I am crating some scrapbook albums for my niece and nephew, I am using your products for them. Thanks for the chance :)

Ceesa aka Lisa said...

I wish the delivery man would knock on my door with cool packages like that... I would use all of those things to make stuff to send the troops and to hand out little gifts to every one I come in contact with on a daily basis instead of just on holidays. On the holidays I will make little tags attach them to something like candy and hand them out to everyone I come in contact with on that day to try and make someones holiday special or different with all that product I could do it every day and not just the holidays.

Mark said...

I will use any excuse I can to go to my scrapbooking room!! I am currently working on a heritage album. Love your papers!!

Natalie said...

OH MY! that looks a little bit better than christmas morning id say ;) it would be super fantastic to win those amazing goodies!
i would create fun party decorations with those goodies! also im sure idhave plenty left over for a few cards! thank you for the chance to win! im so glad your Nico is feeling better! :)

Kath said...

Oh my - the chance to win a CuttleBug - I don't have an embossing machine and want one sooooo much! I have two granddaughters that I do layouts of, and I make cards for Operation Write Home, so between your gorgeous papers and being able to emboss, I'd be in seventh heaven!

Lisa W said...

Glad Nico is doing better. It's always tough when a pet is not doing well. Christmas definitely came early (or late, depending on how you look at it) for you. That is absolutely amazing what they sent you. As for what I would make, I think it's more like what couldn't I make. Both of my girls birthdays are this month so I could scrap some of those pics. Also my daughter and I are obsessed with embossing folders so we could go crazy with those.

Lillian Child said...

So happy that Nico is doing better! Our furry pets do so pull at our heartstrings when they are sick. And talk about inspiration overload - that a LOT of product you have to play with. I would shut the door and send for takeout (and dog biscuits) and create until I retired! Thanks so much for this GENEROUS giveaway!

Raven B said...

OH my goodness! I am NOT kidding my mouth just started salivating. I know embarassing right! I cant even imagine all the goodness that is to be created here. I'm thinking something big, huge! lol No seriously I think a few books are in order and definately some altered art! SUPER fun. Congrats on the success.
thatsmerb at gmail dot com

txscrapmomma said...

WOW!!!! I can remember getting my 1st Cricut in the mail, <3 that feeling of new goodies to play. If I won ur blog giveaway, I'd use the line to scrap my daughter's birthdays from when she was little. Good luck to everyone. TFS

María Castillo said...

OMG, This is a totally amazing giveaway!! I would use all those amazing goodies to make an album for my princess!! Thanks and so glad your Nico feels better! My dog Bruno send him a kiss!

Diana Fisher said...

Glad Nico is feeling better, he looks so cuddly. And YAY for the Cricut Circle partnership.

If I won, I would make so many cards!! The papers just call to me for spring cards!! :)

Scrapthat said...

I'm thinking your papers and the goodies would make a most beautiful mini album for the summertime! (yes I am thinking ahead!) I would like to have a separate album to document all the fun we have when the weather is nice and warm!

Karen said...

My oh my what a wonderful prize!!! I have been wanting a Cuttlebug forever!!! I have tons of birthday photos that I would use your papers for and also for all the special days coming up in my family I would be in card heaven if I won this!!!! PLEASE please please pick me!!!

Kapoor's said...

WOW! That is Christmas for sure. I am going to use your papers to work on my daughter's dance album!!! Love all your papers!!!

Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom said...

I probably was one of the very first ones to sign up I am a total Nikki Stalker and I would be in heaven for that cuttlebug that's for sure... and that folders lot Wow wow wow
I just love the birthday line acutally just about everything from CHA is a win win...
I'm such a dog lover and need to get my Jaguar a friend since Bailey passed.
I'm glad to hear that Nico is doing well...
I love my dogs and usually always have two just something so soothing and of course they sleep with me.
Good luck to everyone and I'll keep my fingers crossed...

Janet said...

AWESOME!!!!It is so nice of you to give away some of what you got. I'm fairly new to cardmaking and scrapbooking, buying stuff a little at a time. It would be so awesome to win this!!! I would definately have to do a Spring/Easter album and put together a motorcycle album for my husband of out rides. Thank you for this give away opportunity. I've been a fan of your blog and been following you on FB.

mlc_15 said...

WOW THAT IS AMAZING!!!!! I would scrapbook my childrens birthdays with that amazing paper and the cuttlebug give-away! Glad to see that your big pup is doing great :) Thanks so much for the chance to win! mlc_15@hotmail.com

Margie said...

Oh, wow! I would love to use your papers and those Cuttlebug goodies to make scrapbook pages for my kiddos!

Brenda said...

First I have to say that I am so glad the pooch is doing better - yay!! WOWZERS! What an amazing giveaway! I so love working with all of your product - right down to the buttons, flags, and breadless tags. It's all amazing!

The Country Life said...

Omg!! I would make so many things with this prize!! Cards!! Scrapbook pages!! Banners!! You name it!! Glad Nico is doing better!! Thanx for the opportunity to win that AWESOME prize/s!! Jennifer (www.countrycricut.blogspot.com)

wendipooh13 said...

what a FAB giveaway!!!! how cool.... I would be making cards and tons of fun goodies to add onto my pages... that line would work great to make a fun mini bday album too!!!!!

Merri Lynn said...

I can oly imagine all the projects that would be created using all those goodies--too few to narrow it down to one. Can't wait to see all that you and your team create.

Erica Marshall said...

I am glad Nico is doing so well, you're in the home stretch now!

HOLY COW!!! That prize package is so fun and I sooooo wish I were you right now with all those cartridges sitting in my house!! I have never used the cuttlebug so that would be super fun. I've always wanted to try embossing, I'd make loads of birthday cards with your papers and have enough for all the rest of the upcoming birthdays!!

Becky Moore said...

I'm so happy Nico is doing better! I keep him in my prayers! I love scrapping with your goodies!

jasper said...

So glad Nico is doing better...have followed your blog for sometime now so I can tell how attached you are! The papers and Cuttlebug stuff would be perfect for my grand daughters birthday party! We plan to make invites, and give aways and decorations...that would really coordinate it all. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Pick me Pick me!!

J is Scrapping and Creating said...

Oh man what an awesome give away. I would love to have those boxes of goodies be at my front door. The question is what can't you do with your paper lines. For me the first thing that popped in my head was to do a mini album for my son's 5th birthday. I did one for my daughter and I would love to do one for my son. Glad to hear your Nico is doing better.

M'tika Heibel said...

I'm always excited about products I haven't tried yet and this is one of them - count me in! I am still trying to catch up on scrapping my boy's books... I'm only 13 years behind so this paper will be used for the many pages I have left to do and I don't have any problem cutting flowers and butterflies for their books either ;)

Unknown said...

Wow - what an exciting giveaway!!! Hmmm what would I do with the loot? Well scrapbook my new grandbaby that will be here in just a couple more months!!! So exciting and I can't wait to be able to pass my love of creating and scrapbooking along to my grands the same way I shared my love of this craft with all my friends.

Lucie said...

What an amazing giveaway! I have been looking into getting a cuttlebug recently but haven`t had the funds to get one, I would love it to make cards and use for crafts for my daughter!

Cynthia Baldwin said...

Yowza! What an amazing prize!
I would love love to scrap my backlog of birthday event photos with your line, and I need to work on building up my card stash...so the Cuttlebug goodies would rock!
Thank you so so much for the chance to win!

KK said...

My oh My!!! Nico is such a trooper and loyal dog. Yea for him!

As for the Cricut goodies...That's awesome! Whoever wins will be in heaven! My goal this year is to create personalized cookbooks for my family and friends. Those goodies with your beautiful paper would make the perfect combo for success!

Don't worry about the blogging frequency...no matter how often, we would always want more!

Julie Giles said...

That's better than Christmas!! That's all the holidays combined together in one dream package :) I can't wait to see all the projects that come from this collaboration. And I LOVE the It's Your Day line...this will be perfect for an uncoming 1st birthday in our house...and now I know what photos to take to go with the line I'm going to use - lol.

debby said...

OMGoodness what couldn't one create is a better question!! what an awesome prize! And I am new to your lines! LOVE the raining umbrellas and turtles plus your newest line!!

Alicia Raymond said...

What a great package giveaway! I have 6 kids so the ideas are limitless as to what I could create! With 4 daughters also getting into scrapping, they would LOVE using all these products!!

Tona said...

So glad to hear that Nico is doing well.
I'm already a follower & am regsitered for your newsletter. If i was to win I would make lots & lots of cards :)
Thanks for the chance.

EstherT said...

Lots of good news!!!! So happy that your dog is doing so well!

I would use a cuttlebug for adding texture to my cards - scrapbooks too, but probably mostly for things I can send to friends and family.

~ Thanks, Esther
esthert119 at yahoo dot ca

Unknown said...

glad the puppy is better AND congrats on your new adventure! A great week!! thanks for a chance to win, I almost passed out when I saw the prize package. ;-) Happy crafting! Give Nico an extra treat!!!

Marcie A. said...

I would use this prize to make some amazing cards and a scrapbook for my sister.

Kristina MacKeen said...

Wow! I can't believe what Provo sent! Awesome! I would be a card-making, scrapbooking fool with all those goodies!

Anonymous said...

I will be embossing my Spring evenings away with that Cuttlebug prize package! All those goodies look so very delicious!
theproc at frontier dot com

ellen s. said...

your nico is the sweetest! aw...i just want to give him a (gentle) squeeze. so cute.

and holy wow on the give-a-way! that is amazing!!! and that is the NEW Cricut (swoooooon). okay those lables that emboss and cut i neeeed :):):) and with those papers I see some party favors, invites, place settings, party hats and maybe even a banner!

too awesome!

The Scrapbook Speedway said...

such a sweet puppy!

holy mackinoly!!!! i couldn't beleive what i was looking at! lucky you!

Linda Beeson said...

Wow! Now I really wish I was at your house!!! That is one huge pile of goodness. Glad to hear your doggie is doing better. Isn't it fun how close he likes to stay to you.

Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom said...

I forgot to tell you in my earlier post what I would do with it and here it is:

Now onto the give away -- wow, I can't believe it all. I was trying to think what I would do with all the items and I am thinking I would like to start working on Christmas Presents by making Birthday cards for my friends. I think the Chysanthium flowers to put on the cards. I have containers that hold 6 cards and I know my friends would love them. They idolize my cards. Your paper would be perfect and the things from the cuttlebug would help.
Well, thanks for thinking of us and I am hoping to see my name on Friday.

Summer Braxton said...

Wowza! definitely a bundle of Delicious goodies. I'd make cards galore if i won bc that's what i do :)

Jennifer Moore said...

Oh my dear heavens! LOOK at all that STUFF! WOW!!! What a generous giveaway...awesome!! BTW, your fur baby looks SO MUCH like our fur baby!

Christina Hoffman said...

Oh wow Nikki, I've never had a Christmas like that, but I would love too! If I was to win I would certainly share some of my goodies with you. I would create as many gift bags as I could and several two page layouts with the collection you are giving away. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

vina Rozaqta said...

ohhh..noooooo.... if i won, i would create many scrapbook page for my wedding!! i would make cards, cards, cards.. hehe.... thanks for the chance!! love it!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh My Gosh Nikki...
Pinch me girl. I think I am dreaming. Talk about a dream come true. Oh my gosh. I am truly in heaven with this give away.

I have so wanted one of these for the longest time. Julie got me scrapbooking and card making and I could really jump cloud to cloud with this heavenly gift.

Pleeeeez enter me into this give away and I am so crossing these Country Wings of mine.

Thank you sweet girl for the wonderful sponsors and for offering it back to us followers. I am over the moon thrilled.

Many hugs and much love, Sherry

Yvette said...

First things first, I am happy that your puppy is feeling/getting better!!! Then the second is... pick me, pick me!!! As I mentally am hopping up and down!!! It is an amazing giveaway!! LOL Thanks for the chance to win, Yvette

ewokyoda at yahoo

Leanne said...

I have a gazillion thank you cards to create for all the wonderful people that have been supportive during our battle with our daughters cancer so this would be perfect and make my job soooo much easier.
I cannot believe how much stuff they have sent you. I think I would have wet myself had all of this turned up at my door step lol.
I will re post this on my blog and hopefully other people will see this and your amazing papers.
xxx Leanne xxx

Dale Tiernan said...

Your postal worker must have had to make a special trip to your house to haul it to you. Amazzzzing.

I imagine this prize would be involved in any and all projects I will make for the next, oh, 10 years.

Kelly Massman said...

What a fantastic prize package. I think I would create a card for every occassion that I could think of (like, birthday, thank you, sympathy, get well, etc.) I would also have to do a couple of scrapbook pages. If ever I was to win on your blog, this would be the prize I would love to win!!!
Glad your puppy is doing well. Our family could use some good news, too. My blog has one bad thing that happened to us and the other is related to my mom being in the hospital but I can't talk about it much until my brother knows about it (he's in the Navy on tour)!

Laura C said...

Wow - that is such a great blog candy giveaway! Nico is such a sweetie. I can see where you time goes. I've been a follower for a while now

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

WOOOOOWZA! This is one amazing giveaway! I LOOOOOOVE it:) It would totally be like Christmas! I would make some tags with those dies--I have been wanting those tags FOREVER! And I would try and make some LOs--I'm a bit behind...so this would give me a fresh start with new product to work with:) THANKS so much for sharing! sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com

Carole Stirrat said...

Bow, Wow, Wowzers!! That is huge! I can't imaganie all I could make with that stash! Your new line is so cute with all those cupcakes, a million things come to mind, but I'd probably do something for my daughter's Bday coming up soon =)

erin yamabe said...

ohmygosh how so very exciting is that?!! big hugs and congratulations!

Angie said...

wow you got some awsome stuff. thats awsome that you are sharing .:) I have so many birthday pics. My hubbys b-day pics from last year i just developed and his b-day just passed again. so now i have double the pics. that paper wopuld be perfect. I could make b-day cards and other projects.
thnaks for the chance to win.

Rachel said...

How exciting! Thank you for the awesome giveaway. I am now a follower of your blog and I signed up for the newsletter. I would scrap pictures of my daughter's birthday coming up in May, and I would make cute little notes for her lunchbox. I already own a Cricut Expression so I'd put that Cuttlebug to good use making my diecuts pop with embossed texture. Love your new paper lines. Good luck everyone!

Kapoor's said...

wow that is sooooo cool! I would love to be making yummy cards and layouts with that paper and cuttlebug selection you rock so much!

Scrapamum said...

Sooo glad your pup is doing better. Gotta take care of those special guys : )
I would soooooo love to win that prize. I think I might be the only person in the scrapbooking world that does not have an embossing machine. I have wanted one for so long. I would be making some super adorable layouts using the awesome Nikki Sivils papers and embossing them and layering them on the layouts. Lots of great ideas. I would probably also do some altered art.

Friederike said...

What a great give-away! Thanks so much! I would probably make some happy cards.

Abby Beard said...

I'm so glad Nico is doing well, he'll be chasing those backyard squirrels again before you know it ;) Wow @ all those cricut goodies! My ears perked right up at those pics (canine lover here, too lol). I'd love to win and make some birthday layouts and cards, maybe a mini-album. LOVE Cuttlebug & "It's Your Day"!! Thanks so much!

Well wishes to Nico,

Abby L
and Cooper, too (my beagle/basset rescue pup)

Jocelyn said...

WOW that is just like Christmas...How exciting!!!

This is an amazing giveaway!!!! I have been so stuck in a rut...looking for that MOJO and yet nothing...I know if I had these fabulous papers and that wonderful machine...I could walk into my room and create some awesome LO's and cards!!

Thank you!!!! Please pick me...please!!!!! :-)

TeenaBugg38 said...

EEEEK!!!! I would kill for a cuddlebugg!! Well, maybe not Kill, but seriouwsly mow someone deown standing in my way....lol. I would use if for everything!!! Layouts, cards, home decor, paper weight.....lol. This is on my wish list for sure :) So glad Nico is doing well!! Poor baby!!! He looks so sad in puppy prison!! Big hugs to you both!

~amy~ said...

It would be definitely Christmas to whoever wins that fabbie prize pkg!!!! Such an amazing and generous give-a-way! I'd whip out so many cards:)

@JoyceCasaldi said...

Wow, that is like Christmas!
I would create tons and tons of stuff, cards, altered items, pages and anything else I can run throught that little machine!

Crafty Math Chick said...

WOW! Christmas DID arrive early for you - congratulations! What fun! Thanks for sharing your good fortune with us. If I won, I would create a TON of thank you cards to all my online crafting peeps who have been SO good to me while I am recovering from spinal fusion surgery.

beta_beauty said...

OMG.... I have soooooo been wanting a Cuttlebug!!! What an awesome prize and how awesome of you to give away such a great prize!! I have started to create an 8x8 album for each of my kids for each of their birthdays, how fabulous would one of my albums be with your It's Your Day paper and some embossing!! Thank you for the chance to win such a great prize!!!

Frances said...

WOW! What a haul of stuff! I can't wait to see what you DT does with the Cricut stuff! I am also glad to hear that Nico is feeling better! :)

I am a follower and I signed up for the newsletter...thanks for the chance to win!

Sarah said...

Wowza! That is such great packages to receive in the mail! I would love to win a cuttlebug, I have been wanting one so bad but cant justify spending the money right now! Thanks for the chance to win!

Samantha said...

Oh my gosh! What an awesome prize! I'd love it! I would use it to document my birthday(which was yesterday) It was absolutely fabulous! I came home to a birthday tea... cupcakes too ;)Mom and Dad had been very busy and Mom had even taken photos of Dad icing the cupcakes! Definitely a birthday to remember. I felt like a little girl again <3
Thanks for the chance to win

Nicole Martel said...

Seriously... I can dream though :) I would be in HEAVEN!!

Tammy said...

I have been a follower of your blog for a long time!! I love all of the updates and all of you girls I have met!! You all are super talented and even more sweet!!
I love to make cards but since using your papers have been dabbling a little in scrapbooking. So, that's what I would do with your paper and all of the new product. And I don't have a embosser and have been wanting one forever!! Would love to win!!

Lisa P said...

What a fabulous giveway. Totally generous. I have loved the paper line you are giving away since I first saw it. And the Cuttlebug? I love, love the look of embossing and all that can be done with that awesome machine. I saw a tutorial the other day on inking the embossing folders before running it through the machine and it was an awesome effect. That is the first thing I would try. Hoping for a chance!

Nancy L. said...

I can imagine all the fun you had creating with those goodies. I would love to win to make ton of cards! Thank for the chance to win!

Khristen said...

Yay Nico, but what a sad face, him in the kennel! Glad to hear he's doing better. Amazing giveaway, I'd start in creating some summery home decor and cards for birthdays throughout the year (and maybe a fancy gift box or two!) Thanks for the amazing chance to win!

AsilisA MaM said...

ooo, so many, so cute, so fun - no words indead. this kind of machine is really my dream.
thanks for a chance - I would make birthady set for my friend's son. this paper kit is the best for the idea!
good luck to all of you!

Teresa said...

Wow, I'll be crazy receiving all that!!!

I think I saw some lables for Cuttlebug, love to have.

Thanks for the chance to win.

sandra said...

Poor pup. Hope he's better soon.

Cuttlebug!! I'd use it to add texture to my cards. I always feel like they're flat and boring and dull.

Jingle said...

These papers and dies would be perfect for creating a super fun banner in my studio!

Zarah said...

Oh look! That's my MIL's birthday gift, right there! A personalized calendar/photo album. Can you see it?! Pretty, huh?! ;D

Thanks for the chance!!

Ashley Newell said...

How fun is that? I'd love to make some fun party favors.

Angela L. said...

How awesome of you to spread the love! I don't currently own any diecut machines so I'm quite sure that I'd go wild playing with this new toy and wouldn't go out of the house for days... For creative projects, it would be perfect especially with your beautiful collection to make invitations to my Mom's upcoming Retirement/65th Birthday combination party for April!

Thanks again for the giveaway and for all of the inspiration that I always gain from your blog and products!

Tracey Jean said...

Very nice. I'm mostly a cardmaker, so I guess I'd be making up a few sets of cards to give away as gifts. I may even try a scrapbook page or two...

Mieke said...

I'm so glad handsome Nico is doing great. What a wonderful give away this is. I just bought me a Cricut and having so much fun with it. Can't imagine to have lived without it. Lol!

Unknown said...

Awww... poor Nico - I'm glad he's doing better! I'm following you now! With all that??? Wow!! I would create some really fun mini-books I think!!! Thank you so much for the chance to win!!

Yvette Moore said...

I'm glad Nico is recuperating well.
I have always wanted a cuttlebug! I would create a scrapbook for my little granddaughter and her new baby brother or sister. My DIL is 6 weeks pregnant and we're so excited!!!

Jean said...

Wow - that would be Christmas! So glad to hear Nico is feeling better. I would put these products to good use and yes, part of my work would be of our Golden Retriever, Bandit. I am already a follower!

Jean said...

I already signed up for the newsletter.

fong33 said...

Wow, it really was like Christmas. Thanks so much for sharing the goodies. I love making cards, so the the cuttlebug goodies and your fabulous papers would be perfect.

Kathy Neary said...

What a fabulous giveaway. I just signed up for your newsletter, and I am now a follower.
Every June we have a huge family get together at our house and this would be wonderful to create my invites.
Thanks for the opportunity.

Manders said...

First of all I would jump up and down good thing I'm on the bottom floor my neighbors would not appreciate that...
Nico I went back a few post poor Nico but he is doing good and glad that the surgery is successful. OUR dogs are a big part of our family!!!
With that birthday line I would just use every shredd of paper with layouts.. The cuttlebug would be a perfect thing...

This is fun a licious give away as my mama would say...
Thanks for your generousity this totally rocks.. I will also be waiting to see what the fabulous DT does with this.. How fun.

Anonymous said...

oh wow you are soooo kind to give away such a great prize.... I would so make some cards for OWH... and some journals for cancer patients with the paper.... I am a new follower....

dlhfks said...

Oh My!! I want to celebrate Christmas at your house. Thanks for the chance to win such an amazing prize.

momtotucknlexi said...

WOW!! That is a very generous prize you are sharing with us. I would love to win the Cuttlebug...I have many dies but use them in another machine. All our local stores have not carried the Cuttlebug in a long while. I really like your Bday paper line- the cupcake paper is soooo cute and perfect for the cupcake fever that is all around. The next several months are bday months in our family so I would make layouts and cards with this awesome gift.
Thanks for sharing...
Michelle C Bittner

Jodi said...

Wowzers!!!!! That is definately that jackpot!!!! I can' wait to see what you and the dt will dream up next!!! So many fun cartridges to go along with all your new cute lines!
My grandmothers 86th bithday is just around the corner. I would love to use those papers to make her a birthday banner and mini book of her birthday party!

cherrie said...

Thanks for all your great ideas. I'm starting my daughters scrapbook this weekend and all the goodies that you are giving away would come in really .

Lea said...

Oh wow! What an awesome giveaway! Hmmm... what would I creat. Some LO's of course, I can think of the perfect birthday pics already. And I don't have any sort of emobossing machine of any kind ...yet. I was just telling a friend I need to make that purchase soon. Oh and I'm also a follower!!!

cherrie said...

I would love to win your giveaway. I'm starting my daughters scrapbook next week and I could really use the suplies. Thannks alot.

jacque4u2c said...

So glad your puppy is doing better!!!!!

That giveaway ROCKS!!!! i would use it to scrapbook pics of my dear daughter - she seems to all steal the limelight - umph! wonder why????

Donna said...

Oh my I would be so excited just like Christmas! I would love to win some papers or anything I am just getting started had my expression for a month!

Leslie said...

Wow!! I got a rush just seeing your pictures of the goodies in those boxes, I can't imagaine what it was like opening them! I have recently started making my own cards for gifts and occasions. I would LOVE to have the Cuttlebug and other products to do this! I also love your papers to scrapbook spring pics of my daughter. Hoping and wishing for a win! Thanks so much for the chance!!!

Lynnae said...

WOW that is so awesome i would just scrapbook a ton with all that fun stuff!!!!

Dorymar Perez said...

OMG I love a lot of this goodies!!!! My little girl five birthday is in the next month and i would like to create all the birthday decoration; invitations, birthday toppers, the banner, hats, candy bags,gifts and a amazing scrap!!!!!

Thank for chance to win and good luck for everyone and blessing from Puerto Rico!!!!!

Kathleen D said...

WOWzeers! It is Christmas and I am SO thankful you are sharing it with us. I am looking to expand my selection of Cricut! I am glad Nico is doing better...

Anonymous said...

Wow, cant believe you want to share with us. We are truly grateful and an amazing gift package to be the recipient of.

I will finish my daughters album and the cookbook that I have been creating of all my Mum's recipes.

Thanks for all you do

Elizabeth said...

What a great giveaway! I love to scrapbook and make cards! What an unbelievable amount of stuff they sent you. Glad Nico is doing better.

vanessa said...

My goodness... where to start? Can I say how many times I have been eyeing the items in your giveaway? So excited... so, what to create?? I still have so much to scrap...including my little ones birthday and to texture things... be still my heart!

LesleyfromWI said...

Oh my gosh this is awesome. I would love to use these goodies on cards & LOs. Oh all the things that I could make!! I am new to your blog. Thanks for the wonderful chance to win!
lfuchs1 at wi. rr. com

Kristen Smith said...

The possibilities are endless!!! Definitely a lot of scrapbooking and some cardmaking thrown in too!

NinaN said...

Well.....Your papers I would use for scrapbooking my 3 little monkeys and the cuttlebug would be used for card making! Awesome giveaway:)

SpantastiKreations said...

HOLY COW! You've got more PC product there than JoAnn's. How awesome of them and you to share. If I were to win I'd make birthday decorations and invitations for my sons 4th bday.


MelaniePT said...

What a generous giveaway!!! I'd make => a scrapbooking club in our neighbourhood!! I know another Mom who just bought a cricut and we were talking about "baby steps" to acquiring other products... I'd love to win and invite her (and others) over, to emboss our new creations - probably birthday cards and invitations to start, as many of us have kids with summer birthdays... :)

Karen's Cards n Stamps said...

I hear ya on the "3 posts" a week. I try and try and on the first of every Month I say I will share to my blog 3 times a week and at the end of the month I have maybe 5-8 in total :( well It is the first of the month again and again I will try!

OMG!! Opening those boxes from PC would have been soooo exciting, What a great prize pack you are sharing!!

Glad to hear Nico is doing better!! here is to a speedy recovery

Anonymous said...

Oh wow what a wonderful give away.

I would most defiantly be making cards. With so many Birthdays and holidays coming up this would make short work of my task.

With your paper I would be scrap booking my grandsons trip to the park this last fall. I would create a mini album to show of our adventure and the story. Your papers are so perfect for these mini's I make of him every year. Thanks for the chance to enter.

Unknown said...

I jut ordered picture from my daughters past birthdays. Winning the papers and cuttlebug goodies would be ust what I need to get those pictures scrapped!
Loved seeing all the goodies that Provocrfat sent! I would be beyond ecstatic!

Jane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ashley said...

i absolutely LOVE this paper pack! i have been looking for a great line to use to make my birthday cards and i love cuttlebug but always have to borrow my friends. id love to have one of my own to create awesome accents and tags for my scrapbook pages and cards. thank you for this awesome opportunity and how awesome is it that you have partnerd up with provo craft.. i bet youe excited about that

Ladybug photography. said...

Thank you for the chance to win! What a great give a way. Thank you.

mse006 said...

OH WOW!! That is a great giveaway! The paper line would be great for some cards! I really want to start making some cards along with my regular scrapbooking, and this line's name says it all!! It's YOUR day! What a good title for a card! Hmmmm my wheels are turning now! So glad your puppy is doing well!! Following you to see what you come up with next!!

Ladybug photography. said...

signed up for your news letter also. Thank you again.

Jane said...

It is just as hard on us as on them when our furry friends don't feel so well. Glad he is doing better. Provo Craft picked a great partner when they picked you. Oh the fun we could have with this stuff. I work in a special education class. We use lots of printed paper because some of our kids can't color. We also use texture paper so the couple of kids we have that are blind can feel the texture and participate too. Most of it is at our expense due to the budget cut. Thank You for sharing. Good Luck to you all.

Melissa said...

Oh my gosh how awesome is THIS??? Hmmm.. I would make lots of pretty flowers and cards with those papers. I'd do some fussy cutting and embossing up a frenzy too!

Connie Mercer said...

The papers are so cute and they 'scream" grandkids to me!!! I became a follower and keeping my fingers crossed!!!

Suzy Nurmainy said...

Wow amazing goodies from PC! you surely gonna have lots of fun playing with them! Thanks for sharing with us! I'm a follower and a subscriber!
I'm gonna make a project for my dd class at school they gonna have a play soon! :D

Sammi said...

whoo hoo!! Go Nikki Sivils!
Every since you sponsored Oh, Alice and we got to use your goodies I've loved your Scrapping bits an pieces.. so If I were to win I would scrap a whole album with them .. the last couple of years of my life! LOL!

Jodi said...

WOW!!!! That is such an amazing give away. I love making cards, everyone gets a handmade card for their birthday (That I made with them in mind), and since my boyfriend works away I make him random I love you, I miss you, etc cards and hide them in his work stuff. With that amazing package I'll be able to make cards using dry embossing since I don't own any of those supplies. The paper and embellishments will make wonderful, cheery cards for my classmates and teachers as a good bye from college!
Thanks for giving away such wonderful things, good luck everyone!

Unknown said...

What a nice surprise with all of the goody's. I would create a new album of my cruise that I just got back from. I went with 10 ladies and I would love to give each of them a nice little momento of our trip.

Allison said...

What wonderful goodies! My daughter's birthday is coming up and all of the tools and especially the paper would make her pages super special. So glad that your Nico is on the mend!

Amanda Sevall said...

WOW! What a giveaway! I would probably make cards and scrapbook layouts -- super cute paper!! I'm already a follower :)

Ying said...

LOL What wouldn't I create? Lots of thanks.

Melissa Tousse said...

Wowzers! What a prize! Let's see ... if I won, I would make a baby book for my friend that just found out she is pregnant! Thanks soooooo much for sharing the love with a chance to win these goodies! I also joined your newsletter and am hoping the Cricut genie is on my side! Glad your Nico is doing well.


nursechris said...

Holy toledo! I would make Mother's Day cards, Easter cards, Father's day cards, birthday card for brother in April and son birthday card for April, daughter birthday card for May, and LOTS of scrapbook pages! Thanks Nikki!

Cindy said...

If I win I would make some brag book pages of my son. For when he's older and his kid is just as bad as he was. So he will know exactly where his children got it from :)
Thanks for the chance!

Vickie said...

Glad to Nico is better. OMG what a great gift from PC and what a great giveaway for us. I would use them to make cards for my nephews that have BD coming up they would be just the ticket.

Samantha said...

Oh my goodness! It's more than Christmas! Glad that your pups doing well. If I won your candy I would make tons of cards and my 3yr old would be in heaven being mommys little helper. All my cards would be donated to OWH

BethW said...

He is so beautiful!If I won I would make cards for OWH and residents of nursing homes.

Sarah said...

What an amazing prize! I think I would just have to make some amazing cards. Thanks for the chance!

pj_emmick said...

I AM ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE....how lucky are you to get to try out all that!! if i won, i don't think i could sleep for days! i would have to try it all out, i have 8 kids who all love their "stories" aka scrapbooks...when i make one layout for one book, the others are mad, so i have to make a layout for each one or keep it a secret until i get one finished for each book!! i am going next weekend for a scrapbook weekend with my girlfriends (once a year opportunity), i would love to take the prize and show it off...super excited ;)

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

WOW! You are so lucky! I love my cricut too! I love making mini albums, banners, goodies bags and tag art! I hope I win! How cool would that be? I added my self to your follower list and news letter. Crossing my fingers..... :)

CrizzyJ said...

Wow! Great give away, thanks for sharing! I have noticed that our PTA doesn't give the teachers anything for their birthdays, so this would be used to get me started making some cards and little gifts for them.
Good luck everyone!

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