These two photos explain a lot about my life, about which I will explain later. Nikki is sick with Strep throat, but I bet you knew that; what you may not know is that she despises being sick and refuses to admit or accept that she is until she is near collapse (once before we were married she slept for 17 straight hours after a week of claiming she was "not going to be sick!"). That is where I come in. I took away her computer and sent her to bed after I found her pale, shaky and with a fever on our family room floor making "cupcakes" out of her paper for CHA. I send a plea to all of you out there, if you catch her blogging or uploading in the next 24 hours tell her to go lay down and rest!!! Now the photos and how they explain my life. I find myself frequenlty looking at Nikki wondering just what she is doing and what I am to do (1st pic). But then I always accept her and love her exactly the way she is (2nd pic). This might have been Easter, but honestly she will put on a costume for almost any reason. Never, never a dull momment. Good night. -Dan
So now is Dan going to start making the cupcakes? :)
Hope she feels better...and we will tell her to get off the computer and rest. I hope that's not what I'm getting...throat has been hurting all day.
Great post Dan!
LOL LOL LOL!!!!! Got the orders Dan and will "yell" at her to get her bootie back in bed if I catch her on the net!!!!!! Those photos are CUTE!!!!!! And I agree with Lexi....U gonna make the cupcakes now??? LOL! :):):):):):):):):):)
Poor Nikki! Rest girl!!! You have a great hubby! He is right (well, they are once in a while...) you need to rest! It will all be there when you get better! HUGS!
I want pics of that!!!!!! Get well soon Nikki...if you need help...LET ME KNOW!
Be tough on her Dan! We'll tell her to go back to bed when we see her anywhere.....
Take care,
Sending her speedy recovery vibes!
What a sweetheart he is!
Listen to Dan! Get some rest Nikki!
You are too sweet Dan!
You are so right, she need to take care of herself!
Oh my goodness! First the funny one liners on the back of the packaging and now this funny and thoughtful blog post! I will do my part to make sure that Nikki rests up this weekend! Scouts honor!
Hee,hee I fussed at her yesterday for making cupcakes! Glad someone has taken control over that girl!! I'm a big tattle tale. If she even pokes her head in the thread or I get an email, I'll be tellin! :P
Ok, Nikki... no bunny ears or crafty stuff 'til next week! :-)
LOL! You should really listen to your husband.
Sending you a big Getwell-hug!
next time I want to see Dan in that bunny outfit!
Dan, you are just too cool!! So sorry you are so sick Nikki. Get lots of rest!!! {{HUGS}}
Nikki...you don't know me...but I am a MO native (Fort Leonard Wood area). And a mom to 5...and this momma says...please rest. We can't enjoy your blogging and projects if you are too sick to "play". And the dh is a keeper.
Nikki you have the sweetest husband!
Hope you feel better soon!
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