Sunday, April 3, 2011

SURPRISE!! It's Nikki's BIRTHDAY! Come on in and wish her a Happy Birthday! :)

Hi everyone!

Julie TW with you here today... and today is NIKKI'S BIRTHDAY!!!! :)

Happy BIRTHDAY Nikki! :)

Me and some of the other DT girls wanted to make sure you had a VERY SPECIAL day and made you some birthday cards to celebrate! :)

From Rae:

From Michelle:

From Linda:

From Carina:

From Monika: 

From Deana:

From Lea:

From Sarah: 

From Leah:

From Karen:

From Ria:

From Mette:

From Mimi:

From Liz:

From Anna:

From Wendela:

From Jen:

From Jennifer:

From Jill:

From Katrina:

From Delaina:

And from Me:

And what's a BIRTHDAY without presents?!?!?!  To celebrate Nikki's birthday...I am having FIVE (YES! FIVE!) giveaways to celebrate her BIG DAY! :)
(International is welcome to enter the giveaway!)

The entire Sugar Cookie line!

The entire Willow Bee line!

And my last giveaway is 2 of Nikki's mini albums and all three of Nikki's Pocket of Treats Stickers!

So... leave Nikki a Happy Birthday message and tell me your FAVE Birthday present ever, and I will draw FIVE winners on Tuesday the 5th of April! :)

Thanks for stopping by! :)
~~Julie TW~~ :)

*this giveaway is now closed - I will announcing the winners soon! Thanks everyone for wishing Nikki a Happy Birthday!* 


Laurel said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! My fav birthday present is when hubby took my 2 girls for the day and I had a day of scrapping!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIKKI!!! Hugs to you!!! You are the BEST!!!

Tammy said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!! Hope it's the best one yet!! My favorite birthday present ever was from my dad. He left it in a brown paper sack in the front seat of my car. He was just thinking about me and didn't really want everyone to see that HE remembered my birthday and got me something. Just that he was thoughtful and sneaky!! I don't even remember what it was but it was the feelings and kindness that went with it. It was my 30th birthday and I had just gotten a divorce so I was a single mom and turning the big 30. I think I will call my dad tomorrow.

Pamk said...

happy birthday. My favorite present was a diamond ring from my dad and stepmom when I was 16.
scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! I had a lot of time without seeing my brother because he was studying abroad, seeing my brother again on my birthday was the best gift! :)

Melissa said...

Woohoo! Happy Birthday to you Nikki!
My favorite birthday present? It wasn't so much the presents but the gesture. My closest of friends threw me a surprise birthday party for my 28th. (So long ago!) It was better than any present!

Maureen Reiss said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!!!! My fave present was my remote car starter!!! I LOVE it!! No more getting into a cold or hot car!! Thanks for the chance to win.
reissfam10 at aol dot com

Melissa said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Nikki!!! my fave birhtday present ever my camera and my laptop for my 30th bday last year from my dearest hubby. i wish many many more wonderful birthday to come. hope you had a great day!

Michelle H. said...

Happy Birthday day Nikki!!
Hope you had a fabulous & blessed day!!
Love all the DT cards!!
My favorite Birthday present was an album dh made me of our daughter from photoshop!

Joanna said...

Happy birthday wishes to a fabulous lady! My favorite birthday was when I turned 9 and I got my very own pink bike! It was the best day ever! :)

Court said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIKKI!!! My favorite birthday present would have to be... something that came in a little blue box from my husband! I was totally surprised and loved it! :)

Thank you so much for the chance to win! :) I would LOVE to have the willow bee line! :)

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Happy Birthday! Hope your day is great! My favorite birthday was my little girls making me a candy bar tree! It was so sweet!

Lea said...

Happy birthday Nikki!!!
Hope you have a fabulous day!
Hugs, Lea

Nati Tristan said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! May God bless you with many many healthy and wonderful years! My favorite birthday present was when my husband got me my first little doggie Maxx from the pound!

Monique Liedtke said...

A very very happy birthday Nikki!!! Hope you will be spoiled rotten!!! My best birthday gift ever was my daughter! She was born the day after my birthday!!
Big hug,

Friederike said...

Happy birthday, Nikki. Hope you have a awesome year.
My favorite gift was a package of 18 cupcakes my parents send me for my 18th birthday. I wasn't at home, but my mom still wanted me to have a cake - so sweet.

domestic goddess said...

happy birthday Nikki, have a fab day
anna x

Arianne said...

Happy birthday, Nikki!
My best b-day present ever was the new bike I got for my 8th birthday: it was blue, had an 8 on it.... So cool!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!!! You and my daughter have the same birthday she is 27 today!!!! Hope you have had wonderful celebrations with your family. My favorite birthday memory was the one my husband surprised me with tickets to see Eric Clapton who was in town on my birthday.

Amy K said...

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Nikki!
The best gift(s) I've gotten are all the handmade gifts/cards from my kiddos...they're simply the best!

crazyaboutcricut said...

Haaaaaaappy Birthday Nikki! My favorite bday present ever was Cricut supplies!!

Melissa said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nikki! What beautiful cards all of your friends have made in your honor! I hope you have a fantabulous day!!!

My favorite birthday present EVER was my very first Cricut!


Lindy said...

Happy Happy Birthday Nikki!!!! Hope it's the best day ever! My fav birthday present was my sizzix big shot express my DH got me on my 40th.

Rhonda Van Ginkel said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!!! My favorite birthday present ever was a bike! My then bf had his friend custom make it, then snuck it into my house as a surprise!

Hoping your special day is just fantastic!!!

Rachael Funnell said...

Hey Hey Nikki!! A BIG MASSIVE HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you... hope you enjoy your DAY...
Hip Hip Horray!!!

Unknown said...

Happy happy birthday Nikki =) Hope your day turns out wonderful. Hmmm my greatest present so far was when i got my Nikon camera. Had been planning to get it when my taxreturn came, but mine came late and so my wonderful fiance bought me the camera for my birthday. And i was all smiles all day =)

Hugs from Lilli =)
l.a.nikolaisen at gmail dot com

~amy~ said...

**happy birthday Nikki**

Such a post full of eye candy!!!!

I love any present that my kidlets make for me..

María Castillo said...

Happy birthday Nikk!! Hope you have the best B-day, full of health, love, blessings and (of course= gifts!! My favorite B-day present was my son, my birhday is October 11th and th born on October 12th!

LisaVeronica said...

happy happy!!! =) have a great day! my best present is my family and friends!

Jocelyn said...

Happy Birthday Nikki...hope you have the best day ever!!!!!

Wow....those cards are beyond awesome....Some Talented Ladies there!!!

My favorite Birthday Pandora has brought me so much joy...each charm represents something special in my life!!!

Maquel said...

Happy Birthday, Nikki!! My favorite birthday present ever was the water bed that I got for my 13th birthday!! :) Enjoy your day, Nikki!! :)

Sylvia Blum said...

Happy Happy Birthday, Nikki! I hope you are having a great day and lots of presents :)

my favorite birthday presents always are the pictures my little sons are creating for me every year.. it's always so sweet when they come to give me their selfmade drawings, full of pride and happy (you could think it is their birthday not mine *giggle*) ... just too cute.. always melting my heart and filling it with pure joy! :)

sorry for all the babble *lol*


Sylvia xx

Sewe said...

Happy birthday Nikki! My favorite birthday present was a synthesizer I got when I was a kid, I wanted it more than anything and was so happy when i got it, however I didnt turn out to be a musical person and now my biggest hobby are made of paper but Im glad i tried it :D

Khristen said...

Happy birthday!!!!!! Hope you are treated as the queen you are. I think the best gift I ever got was from hubby, who got me a Karen Foster tote for my supplies, filled with little scrap goodies he tucked in the pockets. He is such a sweetie, he went to the LSS by himself, (the lady there knows me very well) and picked stuff out with her advice. He's a keeper!

Deana said...

You're the BEST, Nikki! Hope it's a great day!

artfuldelight said...

YAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIKKI!!! Actually dinner out with the family is probably the BEST present ever. With our crazy busy schedules and tight budget, getting out together like that really only happens on birthdays so it is EXTRA special.

Have a great day Nikki!!!

Tina McDonald said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!! I hope you have a very super special day!!
My favorite bday gift? It is ALWAYS having time with loved ones... that is all I ever want... and it's what makes me happiest! :)

Summer Braxton said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!!! Hope it's full of memory-making moments.
My best birthday gift was an apron with my blog title and logo embroider on it. It was such a thoughtful and unexpected gift, I cried.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Nikki!!! I hope you have a fabulous day!!!! Hmmm... my favorite birthday present? My 30th birthday, my sisters and mom took me out for a trip to the spa, and shopping. Fun, fun!!

Debbie said...

Happy Birthday Nikkie! Hope you day is filled with fun!!! My fav birthday present was a scrapbook album, which was all about me, given to me by my (then) husband and two kids!!! I thought it was the most beautiful present I had ever been given. Actually the album is what inspired me to start scrapbooking!!!
Enjoy your day!!

Tanya said...

Happy happy birthday Nikki! Beautiful cards ladies! One of my favorite gifts was when I was 7, my dad built me a playhouse! I knew I was getting it because it took a couple of weeks to build, but I loved it so much. It had 2 windows with flower boxes on the outside, curtains, a table and chairs, and my sized appliances,a refrigerator (with ice maker, plastic ice), washer, and dryer. Unlike the newer plastic ones these days mine were metal with very sharp corners, ouch, lol!

Naomi said...

Happy Birthday Nikki, may you have many blessings and be blessed throught the rest of the year!

My favorite gift ever is when my husband, then boyfriend, gave me a diamond necklace to match the earrings I had received for my HS graduation and made me a candlelight dinner! He's a keeper!

Liz said...

Happy birthday Nikki may it be as special as you are.
I feel so honored as to have meet you in real life wh at a sweet individual.
My best birthday present was dd having me a surprise birthday dinner she had so much planning involved. We were in another state not many friends were new she made a cake signs balloon and made dibber at her best friebds and a cake it was from her heart no present but it was so special becuz I had never had a surprise till then
Ill always remember the fun of it and how proud she was. I love that kid

Jodi said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIKKI!!!!! I hope you have a fabulous day!!! The years only get better!!!

My greatest birthday gift was being born on my grandmothers birthday! When I turned 12, we started a new tradition by just the two of us going out for birthday dinner and continued that tradition for over 20 years!

BrendaB said...

Happy birthday, Nikki! Hope you have a wonderful day!

My favorite birthday gift was the one I received on my 12th birthday - a Polaroid Swinger camera. I just thought that was the coolest camera ever! That started my love of photography, which eventually led me to scrapbooking, which led to stamping and cardmaking.....well, you get the picture!

Tracey said...

Happy birthday Nikki!! I hope you have an amazing day!!

My fave birthday present ever was my 30th birthday when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter!

mommyof5kidz said...

wow!!!! What a fantastic team!!! Beautiful cards! Have a fabulous birthday!!!!!!!!

Heather said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! I think my best birthday present was my Cricut. I wasn't really sure I wanted one, but I am really glad I have it now!

scrappermimi said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Nikki! Live it up and hope it is the best birthday ever!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Nikki! Hope the day is as bright with you as it is over here (Netherlands..the springsun is shining so sweet).
My best birthdaypresent ever? The first time my friend's kids sung "happy birthday" for me. They were 5 and 6 year old and soooo sweet. My heart melted. They also made me a drawing, which I'll never throw away :)

Have a great day with lots of love around you!

Hugs from Monica

Melissa said...

Happy, Happy Birthday to you:) My favorite birthday was when my Mom helped my children make a red velvet cake for me and they were so proud of it:) It was so much fun and was yummy to boot!!!

craftymom205 said...

Happy Birthday Nikki. Hope it is a great one. My favorite present was the ruby and diamond ring my mom gave me for my 16th birthday.

craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

Katrina Hunt said...

Happy Birthday chickie!!! We will celebrate next weekend!!! hugs, Katrina

wendela said...

happy birthday dear Nikki!!!


Jennifer Yates said...

Thank you for all you do! Happy Birthday!!! Have a GREAT day!!!

Erica Marshall said...

A HUGE Happy Birthday to you Nikki! I hope you get to enjoy a day of spoiling!!

My favorite and best birthday present came on my 30th…a baby! My first daughter was born on my birthday only 40 min. after I was born! It was quite an experience and it certainly took my mind off of turning 30!!

Jamie Lane Designs said...

Happy birthday Nikki!

My favorite birthday gift was a box full of Fruity Pebbles cereal favorite cereal! :)

I so love all of the birthday cards, they are just terrific!

Aimee Kidd said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!! Hope you are surrounded by loving family which to me is the best present anyone could get!!

Kelly Massman said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! April babies are special!
the Cricut Expression was my favorite B.d. gift!

Emily said...

Happy Birthday Nikki - you got some amazing cards - Hope your day is filled with Sunshine :)

Sarabeth aka Sarita said...

happy birthday to you! happy birthday to you! happy birthday dear nikki the very talented and creative designer of we can't wait to see some more paper lines....happy birthday to you!

hope you have nothing but a wonderful day!

my favy present of all time had to be when i got bumble lion (the disney character from the wuzzles show) doll for my 6th birthday-i nearly piddled myself lol-now as an adult my favy gift of all was my canon camera-it was a total surprise!


Stacy said...

Happy birhtday Nikki....what a fabulous way to start out your day with all of these wonderful cards!!! :) My favorite birthday gift was when hubby and my daughter got me a Chicago Bears jersey since i'm a huge Bears fan it was perfect :)

Ellen Jarvis said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NIKKI!! I left you a birthday card that I made specially for YOU on my blog ... In fact, my whole post today is how much I love your papers!!! So be sure to check it out.

My favorite birthday present had to be when my then-boyfriend got on one knee and proposed, with a beautiful diamond engagement ring. It certainly is the most memorable present!!


Ellen ♥ CardMonkey

Yvette Moore said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! I love all the cards they are so bright and cheerful!

The Scrapbooking Queen said...

Happy Birthday and Royal Wishes Nikki I hope it an awesome one for you... My Favorite birthday I sure is goning to be the one this Friday hee hee I having a big event with all my friends it going to be The Scrapbooking Queen's Royal Birthday Ball
The Scrapbooking Queen

Nikki said...

Awe.... You girls had me in tears on my birthday!! I can't tell you all how much this means to me!! I just love all my DT girls! Wish we all lived closer so we could all celebrate together!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! My cup runth over..... -Nikki

Tamara said...

Happy Birthday!!! My fav bday present is always $$$!!! Then I can treat myself to crafty stuff and pick out what I want! :)
sweetheartcopper at msn dot com

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Nikki. My favorite birthday present will be if I win some of your gorgeous stuff because I can't buy it where I live and I loooove your paper.
Darlene G.

Christa Allgood said...

Happy Birthday!! All the cards are beautiful!!!!
My favorite birthday present ever was getting my braces was my 37th birthday. I celebrated with a caramel apple!

Debbie Garcia said...

Today is ny brothers birthday I thank god for today
Happy birthday to you
The best birthday present is the one ill get next year for the big 50 a trip to hawaii with my wonderful husbamd and friends

Connie Mercer said...

I don't have a card but happy thoughts for you on your BD!!! Have a good one~all of the cards are lovely!!! sweet ~

Scrapenabler said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! My fav birthday present came this year when I got a new laptop so I could enjoy all of my favorite scrappy blogs!

Carol W. said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! My fav birthday gift is my daughter! Yep she was born on my 25th birthday!

mse006 said...

happy birthday nikki!!!

ShoppingTamii said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!!!
my favorite gift was 5 gift certificates to 5 different scrappy places :)

Linda Beeson said...

May your birthday WEEKEND be full of good things! Celebrate and then celebrate again.

Irini said...

Happy Birthday Nikki, best wishes for a fabulous day and I hope you get the royal treatment!!!
What is my fave birthday present to date?/ hmmm...
When my son was old enough to say happy Birthday mummy and give me a big sloppy smooch (kiss) and hug!!!
best memory ever!!!!!!!

Mette said...

Happy Birthday to you Nikki! You are the best and I wish your day are just as special as you are!
Big hugs from me to you!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Nikki. Hope you are enjoying your day. My favorite birthday came 2 days early the birth of my daughter. Sandy from Springfield MO

Chris said...

Happy Birthday, Nikki!

I'm thinking that one of my favorite birthday gifts was the kayak I got as a kid. It gave me a lot of time in solitude on the pond in our backyard, and I just loved the time I spent in it.

Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Nikki, and many fabulous years more!!!!
I would say my favorite present was a bouquet of purple carnations presented to me at a Surprise Tea House Party that my sons had planned to make 50 very, very special.

Merri Lynn said...

Happy Hapy Birthday Nikki!!Have a wonderful celebration with your family. My favorite birthday present was for my 40th when my family drove from Alabama and surprised me. My 2 year old nephew was the only one to remember to wish me happy birthday when they got there.

Jessica Goodpaster said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!! Hope your day is wonderful! My favorite Birthday present is my engagement ring. My hubby proposed on my B-day 3 years ago, so that was a pretty memorable present for me.

Barbara said...

Happy Bithday to You!! My 16th so many friends with best party ever:)

LesleyfromWI said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! I love all the cards. Beautiful. My best gift was when I received my Kindle. I love to read and this was perfect!

katemeri said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! All these birthday cards are fabulous! My favorite birthday gift was the last one my Dad gave me before he passed away - a Sony reader. Have a great day!

Suzy said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!!!! What a wonderful bunch of cards and DTs you have :) My favorite present was on my 25th bday my hubby (then fiance) got me a puppy! Thanks for the chance to win!

Tona said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!
Love all of the birthday cards.
My favorite birthday present is always just being with the people that I love.

Patchi said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! I wish you all the best today and always!

My favorite birthday present is always a party - even if I have to throw one myself! One time my parents and friends threw me a surprise party it was so much fun! but I wasn't dressed up as my dad told me they were taking me to a steak house instead of a fancy restaurant. My mom couldn't believe he did that!

A Sarasota said...

Happy happy Birthday to ya, Nikki!
Thanks for all the wonderful papers and inspiration... hope your birthday week is the BEST!
My fave present ever was a playdoh sculpture (candy dish, maybe?) made by my two toddlers... oh, those were the years, and they went by so fast!
Again, happiest bday to you,
alecia in sunny FL

Amanda Johnson said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!!! Hope you have a fantastic day!! The best present I ever had was a scrapbook page that my husband and two young daughters put together for me. I loved it and was very impressed that he did that with a 3 and 1 year old!

Diana Fisher said...

You don't have to enter me into the drawing, just wanted to say Happy Birthday to Nikki!!!! Great cards from everyone, too!

Ann said...

A very happy birthday, Nikki! And many many more!
My fave birthday gift. A few years ago we were camping and my birthday fell in the middle of the holiday. A cake and big celebration looked like it wouldn't happen. But hubs went to the camp store and came back with a lemon meringue pie, which beats a cake hands down for me anyway, creating a very memorable birthday moment. He's the best!

Lisa P said...

Happy Birthday!! Hope your day is fabulous. It's hard to choose a favorite. I remember my first bike though. My brother and dad had fixed up an old bike from a friend to be perfect for a little girl. It was such a great gift.

Manders said...

Happy birthday looks like a fun filled weekend for a present for my birthday
I guess I have to say camera so I can always treasure my memories

DebC said...

OOOOHHH These are some great gifts to win!! Happy Birthday Nikki!! Your products are the best!!! My favorite birthday present was a puppy from my hubby a year an a half ago. Her name is coco and she is a lhasa apso and the cutest little thing. She is a tom boy though so even though I put a cute little pink bow in her hair she is rough and rowdy!!
Have a great birthday!

Crystal said...

Happy birthday Nikki! ONLY 21? WOW! Amazing!!!! My favorite birthday gift was our first house we bought a week before my 27th birthday.

Becky Dunham said...

Happy birthday Nikki! I hope you have a fabulous day - you deserve it :)

I have had a lot of birthdays - kind of hard to think of a favorite present :) probably one of them though was when my hubby sent me on an oil painting workshop for my birthday - definitely a lovely present!

rebeccadunham at hotmail dot com

anne g-i said...

have a wonderful birthday!

for my 6th birthday i got my first real bike - banana seat and all! it was very exciting and a real step for independence.

Nicole said...

Happy birthday, Nikki! Enjoy your special day! My fav birthday gift would have to be my Cricut Expression that my daycare parents helped get me! They are awesome!

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! I hope you are truly blessed by your DT's cards! My favorite bday present (so far) would have to be my Gypsy!

Jenny said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! My fav birthday present was my hubs taking me to spend the day with him at a winery.

Create It Simply said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Nikki!! I think my best birthday present ever was an emerald ring from my dad!!

Kelli Armanini said...

Happy Birthday! Your blog never ceases to amaze me - and it did again for your birthday! Love all the cards!

Julie H said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! Hope it was fantabulous!
My favorite birthday present was a weekend in Monterey, CA!

Reymie VS said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! One of my favorites gifts was/is my PINK office chair that my hubby gave me for my crafting area!

Reymie VS said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!
One of my favorite gifts that my hubby gave me was my PINK office chair for my crafting area!

Elle V. said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! ...wishing you all the best on your special day :)
My favourite birthday present ever was when I was 16, I went to see one of my favourite bands and they sang me happy birthday on stage! I also got to meet the band and all my CD's signed! Nothing has topped that yet!

pmtowner said...

Happy Birthday, my best present was my little chihuahua

Kris Barnes said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! My favorite birthday gift us the hand drawn cards from 3 kids and seeing how different they are each year

ChuckT said...

Happy Birthday, Nikki - I hope you had a great week-end!!!

My favourite birthday present was this year - my husband and my mother-in-law got together and bought me a Kobo!!! Now I go nowhere without a whole bunch of books. :)

~Thanks, Esther
esthert119 at yahoo dot ca

Darla said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! My favorite birthday present was a gift certificate to buy scrapbook supplies. :)

pennykitz said...

Hope your day was the most wonderful day of the year!!!
My favorite birhtday gift was not a planned gift.lolol I met the love of my life on my 18th birthday...he was the best thing that has ever happened...then I also have to include my CRICUT too, it was a nice surprised gift.

Regina said...

Happy Birthday Nikki. My favorite birthday ever was when my husband proposed to me 51 years ago. Never had one to top that one.

Lynnda said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!..My best gift is... when mr hubby surprise me with my 2 fave bags ever!!... hugs..xoxo

Kris said...

Happy Birthday!!! My favorite gift was when my husband planned a nice day outside, but it rained. He ended up setting up a new lounge chair with pad in out living room with a tropical drink,flowers and fun.

Julie Giles said...

Oh my gosh those are some awesome cards!! Happy Birthday Nikki!

Cyndee K. said...

Happy birthday Nikki!
My favorite present was when my now 3 year old daughter was born - 2 days after my birthday! :>)

Deena said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!!!! My birthday was on the 1st!! I would have to say that each year my children make me a special card and every year I decide that it is the best gift I have ever been given!!

Beejay said...

Happy Birthday, Nikki!!

My most recent favorite gift is my iPad! Love it! Hope you get your most favorite gift ever!

Scrappymama Elaine said...

Happy birthday Nikki! What an awesome dt you have! My favorite giwasps my new iPad! My husband threw a surprise party for my 50Th and my friends and family gave towards the purchase of my iPad! I am indeed blessed. Hope your birthday is great!
Esigmon at cox dot net

Hannah's Stampin' Nana said...

Happy Birthday Nikki.. hope your day was filled with fun :-) My fav birthday gift .. was my purple expression :-)

lostnwa98 at

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Best wishes on a new year!
My best bday gift was my hubby surprising me with a party for my 25th! I'll never forget it

hipljp at yahoo dot com

Sarah said...

Happy birthday Nikki!!!! I hope your day is great you! You
deserve it!

Me-Ma Kim said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Nikki! I hope you have the BEST DAY EVAH!! My fave Birthday was when I turned 40 and my kids hung balloons, streamers and signs in the front yard to let EVERYONE know it was my Birthday! LOL! GREAT FUN to hear everyone who went by honking and yelling Happy Birthday!! Thanks for the chance! Have a GREAT Day,
Me-Ma Kim

Becky said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!! My favorite birthday gift was when my hubby took me to San Francisco on a bay cruise and he proposed.

Cheryl Schuessler said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! Hope your day is memorable. My favorite birthday was spent at Disneyland. It's a fabulous place to celebrate a special day.

Unknown said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIKKI :) My favorite birthday was when a soldier I had written to called me from Afghanistan! I meant so much to me for him to think of me on my birthday and to call me! That is something I will NEVER forget! Thanks for the chance to win.

Ashly Margritz said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope you get to take a great long walk in the beautiful sunshine with the puppy! :) My best birthday gift was just this last month (for my 29th again ;)) My mother in law took the girls to New York!!! Hope you have a great 29th too.

♥Silvana♥ said...

Happy Brirthday!!!!!!!! NIkki and many many more
My fav bday was a surprise b-day party that my hs friends did for me =)

wendipooh13 said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!!!have you have a SUPER FAB day!!!!!
my fave bday present was a getaway just hubby and me for my 30th bday!! it was sooo fun

Marie said...

Happy Birthday, Nikki!!! My favorite birthday present ever was when I was 7. My new baby brother came home from the hospital. To this day (he will be 50 this year) I still call him my favorite birthday present.

Marie said...

Happy Birthday, Nikki! My favorite birthday present is my little brother who came home from the hospital on my 7th BD.

Victoria H said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!!!!!
When my son was little, he got my mother to take him to buy me a ice cream cake for my birthday, that was the best gift. He was so excited that he surprised me!

Natalie said...

Happy Birthday to my absolute favorite paper designer!!!

My favorite present was being in Disneyland on my 33rd birthday and being wished happy birthday from every character and cast member who I saw that day.

Thanks for the great prizes!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! I would love to win the Bee line! I can't find it anywhere! I don't know what my favorite birthday present ever is - hmmmm good question.

Liz said...

My favorite birthday present ? So hard to tell just one, but I have always treasured anything my sons gave me - even the wilty dandelions !

Anonymous said...

Happy Scrappy Birthday, Nikki!! I love your blog! I hope you have had a blessed birthday! As far as my favorite birthday present, my husband offered to pamper me with a massage and some relaxation time. Something I desperately needed!

{Jennie} said...

Have a fabulous birthday Nikki!

{Jennie} said...

Forgot my favorite present! In 2007 my baby girl was born just after my birthday. Can't top that!
Happy birthday!

sharon g said...

I hope that you have a really great birthday! Full of cake and ice cream!! My top 5 presents: A recipe book of International foods, a bunch of gift cards for International restaurants, a bunch of craft products, a Tiffany Vespa charm and necklace (silver and enamel), Apple computer.

Aphra Bolyer said...

Happy Birthday, Nikki!!! My best birthday ever was my 40th when some friends from work kidnapped me and took me out for dinner. They all made handmade cards even thought they aren't scrappers. It was sooo much fun. :)

Dicki said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! My favorite birthday present was an antique fur coat that my husband bought for me.

Dawn, RI said...

Happy Birthday Nikki,
My favorite present was the year my
mom threw a surprize birthday party for me...It trully was a surprize. DawnRI

Lee-Anne said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! Hope you are having an awesome day! My favorite birthday present was a lens for my camera.

mlc_15 said...

Happy Birthday Nikki, Hope you have had a fabulous day! My ultimate favorite birthday present was last year when my husband and I went to Las Vegas with some friends...lotsa fun! Thanks for the chance to win!

luvmysilhouette said...

My fave B/D present was a purse full of real makeup on my 6th b/d
given to me by my Dear Grandmother...

Marcie said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! Thanks for all the inspiration. My favorite adult birthday present was either the Cuttlebug from my husband or the fleece Spurs blanket from my Mother-in-law. As a teen, it was definitely the "free phone time" from my parents when I was sixteen.

Jean said...

My favorite present was when my DH surprised me with a trip for my 50th. We had moved the year before so we went back to visit our old friends.

Tanya said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIKKI!! :) Hope it was a great day for you!!

My favorite present was my Cricut expression from my hubby!

phenis2031 at yahoo dot com

Becky Moore said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!! How nice for you to recieve so many cards from your design team and how nice for us that we get to be inspired by them!! Favorite birthday present, a six week old puppy from our animal shelter!

Melissa D. said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! Hope you had a wonderful day! My fave gift ever was a surprise party for my 29th thrown by my hubby!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday girl! What great cards!!! I love love love your paper lines, just ordered a bunch and can't wait for it to arrive! I hope you had a great day. Oh.. favorite present... my hubby got me an Easy Bake oven when I turned 30 because he knew I never got one as a kid. isn't that the sweetest ever???

Melinda Spinks said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIKKI!!! What a wonderful surprise from your team and I'm sure they are going to make your day extra special. Hope you have a fabulous day with a giant slice of cake! :)
Five years ago I was blessed with the sweetest birthday a mum could ever wish for... the birth of my son, only a matter of hours before my birthday began. Now, every year we get to celebrate two birthdays in two days so we make the most of it. :)

Charity said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! Hope you've had a great day.

I can't recall a specific birthday gift that's been my favorite. Birthday's are really low key in our house, but this past year my family made sure we went out to eat and hang out. That was wonderful.

Liane said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Nikki! Your DT made some amazing cards. What a wonderful surprise :) I hope you've been treated like a queen today.

I'd have to say my favorite birthday gift has been my Expression. A totally frivilous gift for a totally sensible gal. I NEVER would have spent that money on myself but my DH knew that I would LOVE it and I do!

Sandi said...

A very, very happy birthday Nikki...I hope it is one you will always remember. My favorite birthday gift was in 2009 when we took my 2 grandsons (age 7 & 3 to the Magic Kingdom here in Florida and they bought me a rubber duckie for my collection. It was Donald Duck in a pirate outfit and I will always cherish it.

Tameca B-Lyons said...

My favorite birthday memory was when I was 10 (I think) and my mom planned a " day of fun". I woke up to a b-day card & my favorite candy waiting for me in the kitchen, my dad made my favorite b-fast & then we spent the day w/my aunt & cousins at a local carnival; ended the night w/homemade banana shakes (yummo) and my dad made a strawberry cake. Great day; I'm in my 30's now & even though I'm foggy on the year, I'll never forget that day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday Dear Nikki!!!!
Happy Birthday to You!

My favorite birthday present was a trip my husband bought for us to Africa. It was amazing.

Betty R said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! Hope you had a wonderful day! Best gift ever - toss up between my laptop and my gypsy!

quilt4fun2 said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! Hope your special day is full of surprises. You have a lot of very special friends. My favorite Birthday surprise was when I got my Cricut Expression.
quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

Dawn Young Cunningham said...

Hey! It's my birthday today too! Happy Birthday Birthday Twin!

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

HAPPY HAPPY birthday, Nikki! My fav bday present was given to me 2 years ago by my husband...he paid off my entire college loan! So excited when he did that! THANKS for the chance to win:)

Enjoy your day- Nikki!
sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com

Esther said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!!!!

My favorite birthday present was when my daughters and my hubby threw me an everything"red" party for my 50th! Red is my favorite color and they made sure everyone wore red, the decor was red, even the food had a red theme (such as beet salad). It was sooo much fun, I'll always treasure the memory of that party.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! Hope you had an awesome day - your DT sure made some gorgeous cards!
My favourite present was the sapphire earrings my parents gave me for my 16th birthday. They were tiny but they were real and I felt like a Princess!!

eunice said...

Happy birthday!! Lots of good presents to be thankful for. But, this year was particularly great - a Kindle from my husband to take when I'm travelling and a Cricut for myself. :)

SHartl said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! Have a wonderful day!!
As for my fave birthday gift, it would be the spa vacation that my hubby gave me 2 years ago, the first year we were married!

Karenladd said...

I am sure that you had a super duper Birthday Nikki! May your life be one of surprises and happiness!!
My favorite birthday present was the digital camera that my husband got me 5 years ago...even though I said that I would probably never use it and didn't need it! What was I thinking?!!

Janet said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!!! My favorite birthday present ever was my dog Zoe!

ShersL84bed said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! Hope you had a special day. Love all the cards the ladies made for you. My favorite birthday memory is going camping with my husband and two sons. It was a fun time playing charades and having family time together.

Smiles Sher

Angie said...

Happy BIRTHDAY Nikki! My favorite birthday gift has got to be when I was 5 or 6 and my parents gave me my very first bicycle! It was a light purple with pretty flowers all over it!

labsuper said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! My favorite birthday present was... I just can't choose!

onia said...

Wishing you the best BIRTHDAY ever!!!

TanyaW said...

Happy birthday Nikki!! Many celebrations to you!! I think the best gift I ever received for my b'day was a keyboard when I was 10!!! Might not Have been the best for everyone around, but it rocked my world!!!

Jingle said...

Happy Birthday, Nikki! My favorite birthday gifts have been cameras - My Hubbums has bought me three and they just get better and better!

Joanne Mehlhaff said...

Happy Birthday you have a beautiful , inspirational sight and my favorite gift ever was a pillow I call "Hunk a berry" and I got him the day I was born and still have him. He's not much of a pillow anymore but he's a nice cuddler. Joanne Mehlhaff

Joanne Mehlhaff said...

Happy Birthday , you have a beautiful and inspirational sight , hope your day is great. My favorite birthday gift was a pillow I got the day I was born. I named him "Hunkaberry" and yes I still have him not much of a pillow anymore but a good cuddler. Joanne Mehlhaff htt://

Heather Doolittle said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NIKKI!!!!!! You're still looking young as ever... :) My favorite birthday gift I have received would have to be my Cuttlebug. I LOVE it. :)

Maureen Chandler said...

A very happy birthday Nikki! My favorite recent birthday gift was a new charm for my Pandora bracelet from my very best friend!!

Creanijn said...

Happy Birthday Nikki from the other side of the world!

The best birthday present ever was a pet rabbit which I got from my former boyfriend (my husband for 10 years now) which was the start of my bunny family of 6 members now!

barbp said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!! Have a wonderful day. Wow! What a way to celebrate. Fav present just has to be my Cricut Expression. :)

Joni Parker said...

Happy Birthday!!! My brother's birthday is April 3rd too!!! It was a good day!!!

Melanie said...

Happy Birthday, Nikki! Your products are totally unique and stand out in the industry :)

My fav birthday gift--my new piano!

BethW said...

Wow I never thought to check the blog on a Sunday.So sorry I'm late-but hoping you had a super Happy Birthday!

Janice said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! I had to have life saving surgery on my 30th b-day so that has to be my most precious gift.

linda161 said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! My favorite birthday gift is having my family together to help celebrate.

doloko said...

Happy Birthday, Nikki! As a 5 year breast cancer survivor, my fav birthday gift is received every year - the precious Gift of Life! Enjoy your special day and be sure and take time to celebrate You!

Auntie Ang said...

Happy Birthday you have quite a lot going on.
Birthdays I try not to celebrate anymore because it's after the 39 part you know but you are only as old as you feel.
I guess I would have to say it's the scrapbook that my scrappity sister made me of all the nieces and nephews it was a lot of work and I still have it to this day.
She is so much more advanced but it's all the fun notes she took the time to have them write to me etc.
Gotta love scrap

Maggi said...

Happy birthday to you!! Favorite bday present? Hmmm, probably a trip to FL to see my BFF that dh gave me a few yrs ago!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! I have had many great brithdays but my last one was one of the best - 36. I got the camera of my dreams and a new scrapbooking room! Doesn't get much better than that!

CarrieB said...

Happy Birthday!!! Best gift I got was a surprise b-day party and an engraved chain from my volleyball team when I turned 16 (a million years ago)!

mow180 said...

Happy Birthday Nikki. Three years ago my Dad gave me a check for $100. Now this may not seem like such a big thing but my Dad was 93 years old. I could hardly read his writing, his poor old hands were so shaky. He had put it in an envelope with a sticky note on it that simply said "All my love, Dad" My address was misspelled and he had scotch taped a used stamp on the envelope. I guess he was unable to get out to buy a stamp. I was so happy the Post Office delivered it.That was the last gift I got from Dad, I wish I had saved the check but I did save the sticky note.
I hope you get at least one present in your life that will evoke such memories for you.
Happy Days....

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Hope you had a great birthday. Not sure what my fave birthday gift was. We usually go away every year for my b-day. So it's family vacay time.

Jean said...

Wishing you the most wonderful day!

fong33 said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! My best bday present was a pandora bracelet and charms that DH and DS picked out for me.

Scrapamum said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!!! The best birthday present I ever received was from my husband. A trip to Vancouver Island (before we moved here). We had so much fun and loved it so much we decided to move there.

Monique Ouellette, Alberta Canada said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! Life is just beginning at age 39! On another note, my favorite birthday present was when my hubby surprised me with a trip to the big city and a rented hotel room with a Roman theme (round bed, pillars, jacuzzi with roman statues pouring out the water). It was just me and him, no kids, and we enjoyed a lovely meal, luxiourious accommodations, and topped off our short vacation with doing Karaoke. Of course this was a couple of decades ago, when Karaoke was the 'new' hip thing. I was so in love with it, that I bought my own equipment & became a karaoke D.J.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!!! I hope it was wonderful and all you wanted it to be (what I read from the next post, it sounded great)!!!!

My favorite birthday was when my two sons (then 9 & 14) made me breakfast in bed (not really tasty) but I ate every single bite... and they even picked flowers & put them in a Spiderman cup for me!!! Then they gave me the best jammies EVER! They are so warm & cuddly... I wear them whenever possible, if I could I would wear them all the time, lol!

Thanks for sharing your special day with us!

Happy Birthday Nikki!

okj83 at live dot com

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