Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lots & Lots of Fun Stuff Here...

Warning: I have a lot to blog about today! 
Most of you know about grab one of my new a badges for your blog & several of us here at Nikki Sivils will be picking blogs randomly to give a prize too if they have one of the new badges posted! (Same thing with Facebook, use it as your profile picture and we'll be picking winners randomly.) We'll be picking winners until I leave for CHA! I'll email you through your blog or leave you a message on FB! I've picked 6 ladies so far and mailed their packages to them last week! So keep a watch out for me... 
Here are the badges again...

Yesterday was "Nikki Sivils Day" at my local scrapbook store, Scrapbook Generation, they host this event twice a year before CHA and this is where I debut two of my paper lines that will be released after CHA! I host 4 mini classes where anyone can come by take the mini class and play with my 2 new paper lines! We have so much fun and its all free! I had Heather (my graphic bee) along with Katrina Hunt and Karen Taylor, my local DT gals, with me all day helping out with the mini classes!
Here are the complete collections of the 2 papers that debuted yesterday...
Max & Mollie 
It's Raining, It's Pouring

Here are some pictures of our fun day yesterday...

This sweet cutie-pie was my youngest crafter ever! Her grandma helped her with her card but she picked out all the goodies to put on it!
Playing with my paper....
We had a dessert buffet that ran all day long! 
Heather and I
Heather, Katrina and I
Karen and I
My LSS is the home of Allison Davis sketch books! (This is the only picture I had of the big sign for her sketches.)
They also moved into a huge new store just days before hosting my day.
Its such an awesome store, if you are ever in Springfield Mo you have to make this one of your "must see" stops! 

I'm teaching at a store in LA, Pages of the Heart, a couple of days before CHA, all the information is below. If you live in the area I'd love to have you in my class! I'll be using my brand new paper line
Its Raining, It's Pouring for the class project, a 2 page layout and a card. 
The layout was designed by Liz Qualman one of my DT Diva's! 

That's it for today! 
I'm off now to work on CHA goodies! 
Have a great Sunday! -Nikki


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Woooooo hoooooo! What an awesome post nikki! I loveeeeee all the pics...and how stinkin' cute is that little girl and her card?!?!?! Loveeeeeee it :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Monique Liedtke said...

LOVE these new lines!!! they are sooooo cute! Can't wait to get my hands on them!!!!!

How I wish I lived closer to LA! I would surely come! and that photo of that little girl is so cute!

Of course I have your badge on my blog!!


Kim Sonksen said...

Seeing Max and Mollie in their full cuteness makes me shriek in delight. I am so gonna get myself this collection. They are wicked!

And It's raining It's Pouring would naturally be a perfect line for me, seeing that I live in rainy UK...he he

Gine said...

Love your new products and the badges are cuuuuute(mine is posted)
Looks like you girls had a great time =)

Sandie said...

My friends dogs are called Max and Molly! I am going to have to buy her that line! Love the new lines so far! And of course the badge is on my blog!!!

A Sarasota said...

love the skunkies!!

Jessica said...

These are collections are too cute and just my style! TFS

Kristen said...

It took me a minute to find out how to add badges to my blog, but I finally figured it out!

Diane Standish(crazeedi) said...

I don't know how to put the badge on my blog so it is now my profile picture on FB!! thanks for the chance for some of your beautiful products!!

Ilene said...

Nikki, these collections are soooo cute!! I love them! Wish I was in the area so I could meet you and join in all the fun :) And I really really can't wait to see the new collection with the cute houses, I think I'm in love already, just based on the little sneak peek!

The Scrapbook Speedway said...

i'm so jealous right now! those brownies look amazing....ummm....i mean because you're going to CHA, of course! love thenew stuff!

KerrynF said...

Both of those lines are just divine!! Hope they make their way to Australia.

Emily D. said...

Badge on blog... of course!

We got our car in Springfield, MO... I'm going to have to go back to check out that LSS!!!

Anonymous said...

So glad you mentioned your upcoming class at Pages from the Heart. We didn't even have that store on our radar yet! We have now added them to our list / map of California scrapbook stores!

Unknown said...

Love your lines. I've worn your badge as a FB pic for a little while, I just recently started a blog so now your badge resides there too. Love every thing you do and you are so funny when telling your news and adventures.
Have a wonderful week.

*Katia* said...

I love the sweetness of these collezoni again!
the line that makes me mad is Max and Mollie, but I think that the kit summer will be wonderful .
I look forward to working with these cards!
What a wonderful opportunity you offer.
Hugs Katia

PS.I have the badge on my blog I will add on facebook!

April said...

Great pics!

I've gpot that adorable turtle on my blog. ;)
- April W

Tanya said...

Love the new stuff! Wish I could be there.

Bumbles and Fairy-Tales said...

SOOO ca-ute!!! I cannot wait to get some new stuffs to play with!
It seems like you all had a wonderful class! and that lil cutie really knows her stuff :) Love her card!
I can't wait to hear more about CHA! Happy packing :)
hugs, margie

Just Me said...

Oh how I love your stuff!! I am dying to find it locally too! I added a badge to my blog and will be using it as my FB pic too
Thanks for sharing your creations too!

Linda Beeson said...

Nothing like LOTS of sugar to keep you crafting away. It is hard to beat that adorable "It's Raining" collection.

Helen F. said...

Fun look fabulous in all the photos and love all the new cute!
Posted your badge on my blog side bar and think I want to keep adding them cause they are all adorable.

Ann Cicilie said...

The blinkie is on my blog, andf I've posted your two new WONDERFUL lines a my scrapbooking forum, :)

Scrappin with the bug said...

I love the new paper line. I want ( I mean HAVE)It's Raining/ It's Pouring. That Tubby Turle is so cute.. Love Good luck at CHA.

Hanneke said...

love the pics, looks a great day!!! And that paper is sooooo cute!!!

Naomi Ockeman said...

I love it all!!!
and have added you to my blog & FB :D
thanks so much for the inspiration.

babbalalla said...

Wow, wonderful och lovely stuff everywhere! I have add a badge in my blog! My english isnt so good, but I´m try! :)

Have a great time!!

Gabby said...

Just added your badge to my blog! Awesome work!

Cassie said...

How cute is Max & Mollie??? I can't wait to get my hands on this line!! I made my FB profile pic one of your badges. Hope you stumble upon me!!! =)!/profile.php?id=1070438011

Angélique said...

wow! These lines are awesome! Posted a badge on my it! :)
Enjoy the CHA!

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