Sunday, December 12, 2010

December 12th.... almost half way to Christmas!

Can you believe it's half way to Christmas!  
I'm so so so not ready yet, I have like a dozen homemade gifts to get out as well as getting my new paper lines ready for CHA! Yikes I need another couple of me... but I bet we all feel that way during the Holiday's! 
Today I'm going to work like a mule hauling packs of goods up a mountain (my husband "endures" days like this)!  I drive him crazy running circles round him and the house all day long, he would prefer I relax today and chill out, but I just can't relax when I have 6 of these in my garage...
who could right! Besides I want my car in the garage this winter! And I have to admit I want to play and handle my new Spring 2011 papers too! ;) 
I also want to finish my design team packages so they'll be shipped out on Monday! I need samples and projects for my booth at CHA! 
So I plan on being a busy little bee today! (Its also a great way for me to keep off the pounds that seem to always come on during the holiday season too!)  If I've worked super hard carrying 25 lb boxes all afternoon then I don't feel guilty eating that Christmas sugar cookie or 6... hee hee!

I created a layout not too long ago about my grandma (nan is what I call her) and I getting teddy bears one Christmas when I was young.   

I used my last winter's release, North Pole Nights, to create this layout about our Teddy Bear Christmas!
My nan grew up very poor on a farm in Missouri and all she wanted as a little girl was a teddy bear but her parents just couldn't afford one for her as they had 6 kids to feed and cloth. Well by the time they could afford a teddy bear she was a young adult woman and wanted other things for Christmas, like those panty hose that had the line going all the up the back of the leg. (Apparently that was a "hot" item in the late 30's!) So a teddy bear wasn't on her Christmas list anymore. Well she told my poppa (my sweet grandpa and her husband) this sad story, so my poppa went out and found 2 teddy bears and got one for my grandma and one for me that Christmas! My nan cried her eyes out and I cried because she was so happy! After coming across these pictures one day several years ago I remembered this moment in my childhood and really wanted to to put it down on paper so that I would always remember this wonderful Teddy Bear Christmas with my grandparents! 
(My nan and I last month at my step-dads b-day party.)
My grandma is 86 years young now and still going at it strong, going to the mall everyday to walk and still able to live on her own even though my poppa has been gone for 7 years now. I love her very much and thought this would be a wonderful way to celebrate her at Christmas. 
I bought one of those shadow boxes that you can fit a 12x12 layout in and I'm giving her this layout in a box that she can hang on her wall. (I don't have to worry about her finding out because she doesn't have a computer.) 
For today's giveaway I'm going to giveaway my entire collection of "Dan the Record Man" b/c my nan and poppa loved to go dancing, they even met at a USO dance where my poppa was playing the trombone that night. They loved music, they even had a jukebox in their basement with their favorite music it in and they'd dance the night away in their basement with all their friends! (Isn't that fun!)
"Dan the Record Man"

and the stamp set too...
Leave me a comment on this post about one or both of your grandparents and I'll pick one winner to win the entire collection on Monday's blog post! 
Only 2 more days of my 14 Days of Christmas giveaway's! 

I have yesterdays winner of "My Friend Birdie"...
Angela L. who said:
"I always get such a kick out of reading about you especially when you explain the inspiration behind your collections and their names! One of the things that I adore most about you is (from reading your blog & lucky chance at a chat w/you) is how true you've remained to yourself! Even through the hustle, bustle and busyness of your life, you stay "loyal with a full heart" to your family, your friends and to your puppy pals!! So with this being said, I want to tell you thank you... Thank you because after reading your very heartfelt posts about the bond among you and your friends, I took a leap to do something that's been on my mind for quite a bit now. You see, in 4th grade (ouch, 34 yrs ago) I was the new kid in school and Jane took me under her wing right away, not only helping me to fit in but working her way into my heart as my very best friend then. We remained "stuck like glue" until 1995, then for some crazy reason, we stopped staying in touch and although my heart missed her like crazy at times, she just never took a step to pick up the phone or to send a card, sad part is neither did I... She's been in my thoughts alot and after I read your post, I called her to wish her a "Happy Birthday" and to let her know that I was thinking about her. The kicker is that all along, I thought that she hadn't wanted to talk to me so I was very shocked when her Mom's (who had answered the phone) muffled voice before handing Jane the phone say, "you will never guess who it is!" I was a bit ashamed when I could hear the excitement over my call in her voice and then when she asked me, "how come you never contact me by facebook?" It's really sad to think that we've missed out on all these years because we were both waiting for the other to make the first move. Anyways, I've said it before but will say it again, "thank you for sharing such beautiful moments with us, your blog readers!"
Angela I cried when I read your story so not only I'm I sending you one of the entire collection but I'm going to send you 2 of the entire collection so that you can send one to your friend Jane. If she doesn't scrapbook you can tell her this is a "get started kit" for her to record your friendship as young people! 
Thanks Angela for your sweet words. You inspire me to keep going and to do what I love to do and that is to create, blog and tell our stories! Thank you! -Nikki

Hop on over to my FB page b/c I'm having a giveaway over there too! 

Don't forget to sign up for my free newsletter on the upper left side of my blog, I'll be picking a winner from that list to win my mega huge Christmas giveaway... over $100.00 of Nikki Sivils products on December 14th!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

hehehehehehe...I can just hear Dan begging you to take a break and have some water!! LOL!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that lo...and that story about your Nan is soooooooooooo touching!!! LOVE IT!!!! And that photo of the two of you is BEAUTIFUL!!! CONGRATS to Angela too! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Cecile said...

cec i What a sweet story!I love following your blog because I get inspiration in a crafty way and just daily life inspiration.Have a fab Sunday playing with all of those goodies:)

Liz said...

Congrats what a great story awesome. The holidays r magical

Me-Ma Kim said...

What a BEAUTIFUL story and your layout is GORGEOUS! It reminded me of my Grandpa, who was born on Christmas Day. I remember one summer day I was visiting them for a week and we were sitting outside under the shade tree and talking. I was maybe 9 and my Birthday was coming up, he asked what my favorite cake was, so I told him Chocolate with Chocolate Icing. He just shook his head, he did NOT like chocolate! So I asked him what his favorite cake was it was White cake with white icing and sprinkled with coconut!! YUK! To me at 9 that just didn't seem VERY GOOD! WELL, come Christmas and the usual baking and stuff, I told my Mom I had to bake Grandpa a Birthday Cake. So I made him his White cake with white icing and COVERED it in coconut!! It just didn't seem very pretty so I had some life savers and added them to make it pretty for Grandpa. He was VERY HAPPY with his cake and I made him one EVERY YEAR, until he passed away. He has been gone for 19 years and I may just have to make his cake and pass my story onto my grandkids! Thanks for the memories! Have a GREAT Day,
Me-Ma Kim

vanessa said...

My grandparents are the love of my life... I think of them every day, even though one is no longer with us. Memories hold me tight and love keeps me grounded and I love knowing that they are always here and around for me.

Heather said...

Thanks for sharing the beautiful story about your nan and poppa. My nana passed away in may of 1992, the year before I got married. I still miss her horribly. One of my favorite layouts ever is one I did of her, I have it hanging on my layout display, it is the only one I have never taken down and put in a book. I doubt I ever will!

Jean said...

Those kind of memories are so precious and should be documented. Thanks for sharing with us! I will have to see if I can find any photos of my grandmother and her wood cook stove. She loved that thing but when i visited and tried to help I always burnt everything. It is not the same as turning a know to get the correct temperature! I vividly remember how hot her kitchen was - especially in the summer. But she could cook better than almost anyone I know. Thank you for the chance to win!

arlsmom aka Lynda said...

Wonderful story and layout! I only really got to know one dad's mom... we called her Nanny and she was the wisest person I have ever met. When I think of the things she went through and saw in her lifetime it amazes me. I gave both my daughters the same middle name in rememberance of her...she showed me what true unconditional love is and was the best female role model any young girl could ask for. I miss her dearly.
Happy holidays!!!

Brenda said...

My maternal grandparents were my examples growing up. They were hard-working farmers and always lived on just enough. One thing I learned from my grandparents is that the gift of time is so much more important than anything money can buy. My Dad was very sick when I was growing up, so I would often go to my grandparents house. I was never an intrusion. If Grandpa was in the barn, I just picked up a broom and helped. If Grandma was cooking, I always helped her. She taught me a lot about substitutions that I still use today - 40 + years later! I would grocery shop with Grandma, and go on machinery errands with Grandpa. I learned so much about life from both of them. When they passed on, a definite void was left in my life. But I am so thankful that I have so many memories of them and the times we spent together!

Thanks, Nikki, for sharing your story, too!!

Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom said...

My Grandmother raised me, while my Mom went to work. I was told my Mom wanted to give me up for adoption, since she was a single parent, but Grandma said she would take care of me. She did and I really admire her. She died about 2 months after my youngest son was born and my Mom decided she would bury her on my birthday. I thought that was an honor, but my Mom was doing that because she became jealous of the bond me and Gram had. She has been gone 24 years now and I think of all the memories I had with her and I wish she would have known my sons. I must end this before I flood out the keyboard with great memories.

Anonymous said...

i don't have any living grandparents, but i do remember xmas' @ my gma's house. she used to have a big cedar chest in her room & on xmas day she would have someone push it out to the hallway and inside would be our xmas gifts. she shopped the whoe year for her 7 kids and @ the time 20 grandkids.

Jennifer Reynard said...

Love your story about the teddy bear!
I think your personal stories that
you share on your blog are so nice
to read and makes your readers want
to journal a bit more!
Love your collections!

Bonita Baksh said...

What a sweet Nan, she seems just like my grandma! She passed away in 2001 at the very young age of 59. One of the best memories I have with my grandma is making fresh homemade peanut butter with her. While I haven't a clue as to how to make it, I always remember the fresh buttery taste, nothing like it! Everytime I have peanut butter on toast it makes me think of grandma, and all the special times we shared. The holidays make me miss her even more.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful stories with us Nikki, it makes me feel like I've known you for years, lol!

Tanya said...

I loved your story, so touching! Both of my grandmothers are gone, we lost them both 2 years ago, same hospital, a couple of days from each other. My mom's mom would make teddy bears for the grand kids, 32 of us over the years! I wish I still had mine now. But I do have the afghan she made me.

April said...

What a wonderful story! Sadly, none of my grandparents are living anymore. Most of all, I miss my sweet Granny, who passed away 3 years ago. She was the kindest, sweetest, most generous person I've ever known. I consider myself very lucky to have had her in my life...
- April W

Lisa Crutchfield said...

My grandparents were my world!! I lost my grandpa 22 yes ago and it dosen't seem like it's possible that it's been that long!! I lost my grandma in May so this has been and will be a difficult Christmas for me. She is finally at peace but I sure miss her so!!

Diane Standish(crazeedi) said...

Nikki-you are an inspiration and a beautiful person inside and out-though I don't know you personally when I read your comment on the giveaway on this blog post I could see your kind heart shining. How awesome that your paper lines reflect the beauty inside you! Thanks for the inspiration you give your readers and the beautiful things you create for us to record our memories with!!

Diane Standish(crazeedi) said...

Sorry I forgot to talk about my grandparents!! I was just blown away with reading your post(see my previous entry) anyway my grandmothers were both of German stock-very hard working self-sacrificing women-I hope I live up to their ethical ways and beautiful hearts-they have been gone many years but they live on in my heart.

Nitasha said...

My GrandDaddy died when I was in ninth grade. One of my favorite memories of him is when my cousin and I would be spending the summer with our grandparents he would always call us to his room to come get his green cup and fill it with ice for him. Of course, being kids, my cousin and I would get tired of filling his cup and argue over whose turn it was to fill it. What I would'nt give to be able to fill my Grand Daddy's cup again! My cup runneth over with the love and lessons that I received from my Grand Daddy. Thank you so much for asking about grandparents today- was nice to just sit and remember for a while. Have a beautiful day- don't work too hard!

Mary Jean said...

What a wonderful layout on your grandma! My favorite memory of one of my grandmothers was when i was about 12 years old. Grandma had 32 grandkids and not much money. In the first half there are 6 granddaughters and one year she bought us all rose silkie nighties with a chiffon printed robe to go over it! Now we lived in Indiana,,,another 2 in Maryland and 2 in Missouri while she lived in kansas. Summer comes and we are home for a family reunion...that night all 6 of us gals gather for a sleep over and we all have the exact same nities!!! For years we had all competed for grandmas attention and love....that day we all learned that all 6 of us were "my girls" as she would call us.

Thebug415 said...

My grandma is sadly gone from us. I just loved her like crazy too. We used to spend every Thanksgiving and Christmas with her. She passed away when my oldest was 9 months old. I still charish the photo of them together! I actually names my 2nd daughter after my grandma. She really did have a special place in my live and my heart.

ShoppingTamii said...

I love that story about your grandparents! I lost mine early in my life, my grandma on my dad's side was the last to go, when I was a senior in high school. She had lived with us for a while, and at the time was living at my uncle's, 3 miles away, so we did get to spend a lot of time with her. My memory of her is that she would tell the same stories over and over (family stories). A lot of the grandkids would visit with her, but usually when she got started with the stories, they would figure a way to sneak out (not that story again). But I wouldn't, not only because my grandma enjoyed just the company of somebody in her room, but because after hearing the stories over and over, I have a pretty good memory of my family's history, and I think that's pretty cool ;)

Chris Dring said...

What an absolutely beautiful and touching story about your grandparents! I have to admit it brought a few tears to my eyes! When I was a kid, my Grandma used to be Santa's helper (a.k.a. my Uncle Lenny, who used to always take a "nap" every time Santa visited our parties!) My Grandma would help pass out the presents to all the kids. It was such a huge highlight to our family Christmas parties!!

Noreen Johnson said...

When I was little, my Mom and us kids would take Busha and JaJa grocery shopping. JaJa would put extra items in the cart and Busha would get mad and threaten him with her cane. He would laugh it off. He was a great old guy who would love to sing and dance. He would always give my brother and I fifty cents but tell us not to tell Busha. He was quite the little rebel. He has been gone many years but thanks to your post, I thought of what a dear man both him and my grandmother were. Thanks you. This record man paper also brought back memories of my girlfriends and I playing 45s and dancing in the basement! How perfect to scrap some old photos of us girls.

floridagirl said...

I love today's post it is very bittersweet and sentimental to me. I did not know any of my grandparents, I think I met my only living Grandparent when I was 4yrs old...but I don't remember her. I always felt robbed of this opportunity - to know the joy of a grandparent. But I am a grandmother of 3 beautiful kids and I am extremely involved in their lives. I spoil them every chance I get - not with gifts that I usually can't afford - but with Time and Love. And now I am a foster parent to my youngest grandson - age 18 months - he is such a joy. I never expected to be raising a baby at this age, especially alone, and he is a LOT of work - it is never easy. but it is such a rewarding job, my heart grows bigger every day that I spend with this little boy - I am so truly blessed!!

Tona said...

What a wonderful story & how great that you captured it in a layout.
My grandfather died when I was 13. He made his living as an artist and my best memories are when we would go to visit & he would let me have the run of his art studio! Nothing was out of bounds & creativity was highly encouraged.

cindy said...

I am a lucky lady to still have both of my grandma's and live within thirty minutes of each. I cannnot say I love one more than the other because each of have been amazingly giving in their own way to me. My Papa's mother taught me how to cook pure mexican dishes, which can win enybody over. I have scored a many compliments and requests because of her teachings. As for my Mama's mama she taught me everything there is to know about money. I was writing checks at the age of 8 and had a savings account collecting my change. She also made sure I had no need of wants. If I ever needed anything she provided me with it and still does. Both of my grandma's are complete opposites but are the reason I can handle any situation. I love my grandma's!

Simply AJ said...

What a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing with us. My Granny Mary has passed away but I can remember spending summers with her back when I was in grade school. She would teach us how to quilt and craft. Her favorite was to play UNO cards with all of her grandkids. Such sweet memories!! AJ - aj_822 at yahoo dot com.

Brooke Showalter said...

What a beautiful story about your grandparents, thanks so much for sharing! My grandfather Art passed away 12 years ago when I was 15. I was his "little buddy"...I love thinking about how we had candlelight dinners of spaghetti-o's or hot matter what we ate we had our special candle that we ate by. It breaks my heart that he never got to meet my daughter, because I know she would have been his "little buddy" too.

kathy said...

my grandfather used to tickle each of us girls with his whiskers.....i remember so fondly giggling for hours at his antics!
thanks for this opportunity!

Erica Marshall said...

What a sweet story about your grandmother. I lost my grandfather when I was 18 and my grandmother when I was 23. However I was able to live with my grandmother for a year before she came out of remission and fell ill with the returned Cancer. That year spent with her was amazing. She taught me so much about gardening, writing and her passion of painting. But most of all it was just wonderful to wake up everyday and be with her in the small ways. I miss her terribly and will always treasure the time we got to spend together.

Thanks Nikki, for sharing your story and for reading mine.

Dee said...

Great story about your "nan".

I have one grandparent left. My Grandma is 94. She still lives in her own apartment but her mind is rapidly deteriorating so we don't know how long that will be possible.

She hates snow so as a tease I've called her for years when we have our first snowfall and sing "Let It Snow". This year, she laughed and knew who I was but 5 min. later in our conversation she asked me if we'd had any snow yet. So sad to see her failing but I'm so blessed to have had so many years with my wonderful Grandma. I'm so glad she was able to meet her first great-great granddaugter 3 years ago, my granddaughter. What a sight to see her holding my grandbaby in her arms.

Wanda said...

I LOVE yor story about your grandma!!! My grandparents are gone but I remenber one thing about my grandma. When I was a little girl she always greet me with a bowl of vanilla ice cream and maraschino cherries. Alwayss remember her!!!
best regards,

wendipooh13 said...

what a great post today... well I grew up only knowing one set of grandparents and they were the BEST in every way!!! no doubt... My grandpa just passed away last July and I still don't know how to deal with it. They have always been there for everything, birthdays, sports, church activites and anything I ever needed them to be... they were sooo in love with each other and it was always sooo sweet and cute, I want to be like them. My grandma is amazing, sooo loveable, sweet and always says the right them, she means everything to be.. I still can't imagine how lucky I've been to have them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story. It amazes me open you are with your personal moments. You've inspired me to tell more than the basics. :-) My parents imigrated to this country before my brother and I were born. They lived out the American dream. From nothing, and knowing little English, they went from working as a seamstress (my mother) and a big-rig mechanice (my father) to successful business owners and have since retired. Due to language barrier issues and the two of them always being so busy trying to provide for me and my brother, I know very little about my grandparents. My father's father was a war hero in Korea and died before my father was born. Widowed and left with 6 children, my grandmother did the best she could for them and he was raised in poverty. She died before I was born. My mother's father, though I don't know what his occupation had been, knew at least 6 languages fluently and I got to meet him once on a visit to Korea. My mother's mother (I don't know if she ever worked?) was at one point a classical dancer. There were also 6 children in my mother's family. :-) When my parents first found out I was going to marry a "white" man, they were very upset and disowned me. Then my mother called her own mother to try and break the news to her. My grandmother, God bless her, said who cares? What's it matter what race he is as long as they love one another. This woman whom I'd only met once in my lifetime made it possible for my parents to get over what they felt was a major embarassment and welcomed my husband into the family. My grandmother, who was my only living grandparent at the time, flew to the US for the first time ever to be at my wedding. I will never forget what she did for me.

Scrapinkats said...

What a sweet story! My story is not so exciting but my daughter is enjoying my MIL Christmas decorations this year! She passed away a few years ago and she left her Dept 56 Village to Granddaughters, My daughter moved into her house in April, what a site it was to come home from work last week to see the house all lit up just like her and Grandpa did it previous years - so the holidays continue ... Merry Christmas

Tish - GaMtnScrap said...

I loved your teddy bear layout and, most of all, your story about your grandmother. That's one reason I love visiting your blog, you share yourself so freely and openly. Your stories always touch me. My grandparents are all gone now, but I miss most my grandmother, my mom's mom, who I called "Memmaw." I stayed with her every day after school and then during the summer. She's the one who taught me how to be crafty, especially with things you have already on hand, "making something out of nothing" as she used to say. She taught me to crochet, to sew, to bake, to live life. We used old cotton flour sacks to make dolls and doll dresses and used yarn for their hair. She always made me my favorite cakes, and let me help. And she was so full of life right up until her stroke at age 86. My favorite memory of her is when she was in her late 70's. Every summer, we'd go spend a week with her sister, my great aunt. And at some point during the week they'd always have me referee a foot race around the house to see who was going to have to wash the dishes after supper. My great aunt would usually win, but this one year, my grandmother waited until my great aunt had disappeared around the corner of the house, then she doubled back to the start/finish line as if she had passed her sister, and I was sworn to secrecy! I know my great aunt never believed the story, but she let us by with it! Well, after we all had a doubled over belly laugh about it! Yeah...I sure miss my Memmaw!

Suzy said...

I love this collection! Wow, I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off those boxes either ;)

Suzy said...

Forgot to mention my grandma also goes by Nan - or Nanny to the great grandchildren. We are very close and have many Christmas Eve memories at her house :)

Michelle H. said...

What special memories with your grandmother that year for the Teddy bears!!
Your LO is so gorgeous and love the pictures!!
This brought tears to my eye I have a grandmother who was very dear to me she passed away 6 years ago a couple months before her 91st bday!
Every year at Christmas before I moved away at 18 we would make sugar cookie and decorate them together!
Today I have passed that on to our soon to be 6 year old daughter and she loves it just as much as I did!
This precious grandmother loved me more than my own parents sad to say but its the truth. She always told me she loved me!! My dad has only said that once and I have never heard my mom say that and she is 64!
My grandmother had a diffucult life her husband died in the war when dad was 5 and his sister was 3.
She never learned how to drive and they were poor often they had to eat gizzards, bread and gravy.
She made it and she was a strong person who cared about everyone.
She is missed but I cherish all the special memories we had!!
Thanks for sharing your special moments with all of us!!

Marla said...

I love your layout about Grandparents. I have no grandparents living anymore and sometimes when I look at the photos of them and memories that it does make me sad and I do miss them at the holiday times.

Linda Beeson said...

I just love that layout, those papers are perfect!

mistyls said...

i miss my mommaw so much! she's been gone for 7 years now, but it seems like just yesterday. she practically raised me when i was a child. i went everywhere with her, even to her "women's club" meetings where i got in trouble for telling some "racy" stories about my parents, lol! i was just a little kid & had no idea what i was saying. my mommaw taught me to craft & paint ceramics. she had me helping her on each & every project she did, whether it be actually crafting or helping pick up the supplies/stuff afterwards. she was always there for me & always believed in me. she never once put me down or doubted me. she never judged me & always just loved me for who i was. this time of year is especially hard, because we always went to her house for thanksgiving & Christmas...i can still hear her voice & i still recognize her handwriting. i will always cherish, treasure, love & remember my mommaw! she was the best!

Dorothy said...

grandma julita, my maternal grandmother, just celebrated her 88th birthday last saturday. it was a simple birthday celebration, but what made it special were the personal testimonials of her children and grandchildren. she was widowed early in life, with 10 young children to raise. my youngest aunt was only a year old when my grandfather died of a stroke. yet because of my grandma's determination, love and hard work, she was able to raise all her children who all graduated in the premiere university in the country, and are now successful in their chosen fields. we love our grandma julita very much, because of her love, all of us 26 grandchildren are living a good life now. thanks. :)

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