Monday, March 31, 2008

Saying goodbye...

Well, as most of you can see from some of the pictures, we had three dogs, Willie-B, Bella, and Savannah. However, we had to put Willie-B to sleep a couple of weeks ago. (Willie-B had a failing heart, and enlarged liver.) And I just couldn't bring myself to download pictures or write about it. I guess I thought if I didn't write about it then it didn't happen! This is the last picture of the three of us, just a few days before he died. I had him before I married my husband, he was my sweet pea, my heart and soul. I will forever miss him and love him. I still cry and have to work at getting back to a normal life. I hope he is healthy, running, and playing in heaven!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

OK I'm still trying to figure all this blogging stuff out. I wanted to show pictures of my craft room, but had trouble figuring out how to load just a few pictures at once. So this is the best I can do for now! Happy bunny day to all!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The French doors to my craft room...

Well, it's my 2nd day of my own blog, so I thought I would show you my craft room. We just moved in last month to our new home and we love it. But the best part is my own personal space. THE CRAFT ROOM! I do share it with my hubby and step-son, when they're home and want to use the computer that is. So here are a few more pic's of my room....

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

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