Monday, January 30, 2012

Awards Breakfast and Day of CHA!

I have no words for what I felt today! So honored that CHA choose me for their "Service to Humanity" award. It as much bigger than I ever thought, 500 people in this banquet room that I had to walk in front of the get my award and to speak too! I was a bit of a mess, I thought it was going to be a small little breakfast of about 20 some people! Boy was I shocked when I walked in this huge room! I think I went straight to panic mode! After my wonderful husband talked me off the roof I was able to get through the entire event. Thank goodness I had no idea that the presidents, CEO's and vice presidents of Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Arichers, and Ben Franklin where there for this event! Not sure I would've made it through had I known everyone that was there!! Here are some pictures of me from the awards breakfast. 
This picture was actually taken after the breakfast back in my booth. 
Okay so I know this is a VERY blurry picture but it is the ONLY picture I have of me speaking. 
(Hubby was having camera issues.)
This was the stage, and on each side of the stage was a huge big screen that you
while you are talking the camera is projecting it up on the big screens. 
(A bit intimidating.)
After the awards breakfast for pictures...
These are all the other wonderful people that received awards for various things. 
(You can read their stories etc. Here.)

I'm so tired today so I'm going to just show one little picture of my booth! 
(But its one of my favorites!)
This was my grandma's night stand for most of her life, so I LOVED having it with me! 

Many more pictures to come, promise! 
Have a great Monday! 


~amy~ said...

super ginormous congrats!!!!!!! How wonderful!

Mary Pat Siehl said...

congratulations--you deserve it!!!

the booth looks wonderful!! wish i could see it in person!

Kathleen (Kath) B. Hernandez said...


Rebecca W said...

Congratulations again and I am glad you were able to enjoy it- think of not knowing until then this way you didn't have to worry about it before the ceremony.

*Paula* said...

Congrats Nikki on your well deserved award!

Me-Ma Kim said...

CONGRATULATIONS, Nikki! Such a wonderful Honor. Have fun at CHA!
Me-Ma Kim

moms1of3joys said...

Nikki you so deserve this award. The tornado that went through Joplin was tragic and you stepped up and help a community that really need their spirits lifted and that is what kids and crafts can do! Congrats! to you!

Laurel said...

Congrats to you! Well deserved for sure!

Naomi Edwards said...

Wow Nikki, it must be all so overwhelming but yet so exhilerating!!! Congradulations on your award! It is so nice you got to be in the same room as the top dogs!!!! Wow!!!! You are soooo awesome!! I can almost feel your emotion... nah, I really can't but I can imagine!!!
Looks good on you girl.

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Sooooooo proud of you Nikki! You so deserve this award! :):):):):):):)

Sandy said...

Congratulations Nikki! Wow 500 onlookers while you spoke and the screen did it!!!!! SCT sent me to give you some love "mwhaw", you deserve it girl!!!

Bente Fagerberg said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you.It is so well deserved! Take care and good luck at CHA!

Scrapbook Generation said...

Just can't say congratulations enough times. You looked beautiful, by the way! The gals here at Scrapbook Generation saw first-hand how enormous the task you undertook was. So deserving of the award! -- Debbie

Deana said...

YAY, Nikki! CONGRATS, girl! You deserve the recognition! said...

congratulations!! well deserved!

jill said...

wowzers.....a huge congratulations, Nikki. No surprise though -- you're AMAZING and a true genuine at heart. So great that those around you recognize that. The night stand is so dear. Can't wait to see more photos.

Naomi said...

Congratulations Nikki! What and honor and no one in the crafting world more deserving!

Unknown said...

congrats nikki!!! you do good and it comes back to you :)
i adore your grandma's's just beautiful. i need to paint some of my furniture that color!

Betty Anne said...

Congratulations Nikki, what an honor.

Jennifer Matott (Sigmagirl) said...

You have a huge heart Nikki! I know you deserved that award! You do so much for so many! Congrats!!! Your booth looks gorgeous!

Dorina said...

Congratulations on your award.

Unknown said...

Congratulations.....The bit of your booth that I see looks super!!Good-luck with all you do this year!!

Jona Panesa said...

congrats again!!!

Doris P. said...

awesome to be recognized and given a special award! NOW here is a page to SCRAP BOOK about!

Unknown said...

Congrats! Love the pics, especially that lovely night stand. Gorgeous! ;o)

Melanie said...

Congrats, Nikki! What a wonderful experience :)

The nightstand looks SO awesome!

Vicki and Don said...

Congrats Nikki! What a wonderful achievement!

Joni Parker said...

Congrats on the award!! You really deserve it!! Love your g'mas night stand... what a precious keepsake!! -- I love the new Noah line..!! I added the badge to the top of my sidebar!! (hint hint!)...LOL!!!

Michelle H. said...

Huge congrats to you!!
So well deserved!!
Love your granmothers night stand!!

Groovy Deborah said...

WTG Nikki! You rock :) Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love your grandmother's cabinet soooo much :)

Monique Liedtke said...

Huge congrats! You deserve it!! I'm so happy for you!!

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