I feel like I haven't posted anything in weeks!! I have such an awesome design team that keep posting their fabulous creations... and how about all our new DT girls aren't they just great! So happy to have them all on the team!
It's been super busy around the Nikki Sivils headquarters, we've been shipping product all over the world, we added another country to our list that's carrying my products, Austria, and that's always exciting for me. I've also been working on my Fall/Winter collections I'm really excited about what I have so far! I can't wait to share them with all of you!! Dan and I went to Boston for the Collins Show and we took my little Yokie, Bella, with us see pics below! We also took a day off to play in Boston, love that city!
Here are a few pics from our Boston trip...
Bella got to sight see too...
Bella back in the Hotel... (The dog bed came with the hotel room, although she slept with us every night!)
I turned 38 last saturday and I'm still not sure how I feel about that just yet!! I had a great day, I took the day off and played. Dan bought me 3 movies I really wanted, The Blind Side (I adore Sandra), Food Inc and New Moon. I made him watch New Moon with me and I thought he wasn't going to make it through the movie, but I kept reminding him it was my birthday! Dan also got me an iHome for my iPhone for the bathroom and I LOVE IT!! Now I can really belt it out while in the shower!! Hee Hee!
I'll be in FL teaching this Thursday, Friday and Saturday if you're in the area come by and say hi! I've linked the stores I'll be at below. I love teaching and will look forward to being in FL during the spring.
Scrapbooking in Paradise, I'll be teaching their both Thursday & Friday.
Kit'n Kaboodles, I'll be here all day Saturday but this is just for their kit club gals!
I'm taking an extra day on Sunday just for myself, by myself, to do whatever I want!! Maybe some shopping, maybe the beach, maybe I'll sleep in till 10am, maybe I'll stay in bed all day and watch movies... who knows but it will be a great day!!
Have a wonderful week!! -Nikki
HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY!!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the photos!!! and yayyyyyyyyyyyy for the new collections U are creating and for 'the blind side' and 'new moon' ..... gotta loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee our Sandra!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) And excited that U are gonna be teaching in Florida!! be safe and have fun!!! and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the photos of Miss Bella (and Dan too! LOL!) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
A HAPPY belated birthday to you!!!! (I wish I would turn only 38!! LOL) Love the photos, especially of Bella in the rucksack!! She's soooo sweet!! Hope you have a wonderful time!
Sounds like you had a FUN birthday!
I'm envious. I really need to plan a trip to Boston... we've never been there & I get asked that all the time. Go figure? ;-)
Bella is beautiful!!!!!
Glad to hear you had a great time.
I made DH watch New Moon with me too... he liked it. The only request was that I must keep my mouth shut...=) he didn't want to hear things like: "their powers don't work on Bella" or "that didn't happened in the book" hehe
I'm so happy, becase in few days, I'll be getting some of your creations in the mail!!!!!
Loving the Yorkie Pics! My family had one when I was a teenager. Enjoy your trip to Florida. I had heard you were coming to one of the stores in Cape Coral, but I guess it got canceled? I'll have to try to catch you another time!
Happy Belated Birthday Girl!!!!!! Looks like a awesome trip and Bella looks just too cute!
Oh dear, Bella is so cuuute!
I celebrated my 34th yesterday, happy belated birthday to you!
We are so excited to get to play with you here in Florida on Saturday!!! Hope you have as much fun with us as we are planning to have with you. Safe trip!
Happy belated birthday Nikki! Girl, 38 has nothing over on you! Your rockin' 38!
The photos are great. You and your hubs are an adorable couple!
the outfit looks FAB!!!
Thanks Ladies!!
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