Friday, May 13, 2011

Postponed my "Creative Space" giveaway until..

until Monday.  I've had several email from some ladies that their comment won't post or can't even log in to blogger so I'll announce the winner on Monday mornings post. That should give blogger the time it needs to get fixed and for everyone to try again. I know blogger is having some major issues with its users so hopefully they can get it resolved soon. More on the giveaway below. 

However we have made a decision on the winner from the Newsletter giveaway... it was a hard choice with some awesome layouts about why they need a Cricut! 
The winner is....
Diane Iversen who entered this layout to win the Cricut:
We thought it was so funny and we agree you do need a Cricut! 

We also picked an honorable mention, Stacy Rodriguez!
Your layout was so pretty that I just had to share it! 
Thanks to everyone who entered in the contest! 
Don't forget to sign up for my newsletter for future contest!
(You can sign up at the top of this blog on the left side column.)

Also don't forget to leave a comment on Wednesday the 11th of May's post to win a copy of Creative Spaces (below) and my We Are Family paper collection! 

I couldn't leave here today without a picture of at least one of my pups... right! So here is our Bella-Blue at the ocean, we took her with us a couple of weeks ago to San Diego, CA.  We had a great time with her and she loved the ocean, as you can see...
and here are some of our vacation pictures...
Bella at the airport flying from Missouri to California.
Still at the airport, we had a long layover in Dallas.
Finally the ocean...
All the restaurants were pet-friendly so Bella sat under many tables waiting for scraps to "accidentally  fall"!
We didn't realize that the pavement got really hot even when it was only in the 70's until we noticed poor Bella scurry to any bit of shade she could find. Then I knew something was up and I felt the pavement and it was hot so back to being carried around like the princess she really is! 

What's better than a ball on the beach?
Rocks on the beach, Bella loved the rocks, I suspect it was good hunting ground! 
The hotel we stayed at had the most beautiful grounds so she got lots of playing "fetch" everyday!
There are times that its just too hard to give the ball up, even if all you want is someone to throw it...

Our last morning in Del Mar, CA we had breakfast at this little nook, hidden off a side street, it was wonderful! And there were 5 other dogs hanging out with their humans too! 
Bella still waiting for crumbs to fall.
Look at this huge really interesting tree that was on our hotel grounds.
It was really beautiful!

That's it, hope I didn't bore you with too many "vacation" pictures!
Have a great weekend! -Nikki


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

CONGRATS to the winners!! And LOVING the vacation pics... Bella's dress is ADORABLE! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

dstandard said...

Congrats -FABULOUS photos! Your dog is precious!

Kelly Massman said...

Congrats to the winners. I loved seeing the photos! :-)

Stacy said...

Congrats Diane..I totally love your layouts it was super fun!! Love all the pics of Bella, she is so cute!!!

Wendy (aka Roo) said...

Your little Bella is such a cutie!!! TFS your pictures with us. Looks like a fun time & to be able to include your little pupster, thats awesome!!!

Puppy Hugs,
Wendy, aka Roo

You can see a picture of my little guy here if you want.

Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom said...

Wow, love the pictures in San Diego and the dog is precious with you.

Lucy said...

Bella is so stinkin' adorable. Love the pix of her :)

DebC said...

Bella is adorable!! My little coco loves those little yellow kong balls she is obsessed with them and usually there is about 10 or more throughout the house and outside! I love the way you little bella looks in her little bag to go on the plane! Thanks for sharing she is so cute!
Deb C

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