maniac |ˈmānēˌak|noun informala person exhibiting extreme symptoms of wild behavior
That would be me during the designing of my papers! But right now I'm a "workhorse", I can't stay busy enough to keep my mind off the arrival of my papers (which will be later this week). So today I'm totally re-vamping my laundry room! Going to make it much more organized and also a kinda of "mud-room" for all our coats, gloves, boots and scarfs for the winter! Once this is done then I'm moving Dan and Lanie's office from my dining room table to my formal living (who needs a formal living room anyway, no one uses it) and I want my dinning room table back!!! (They don't know this yet though.) :)
So as most people are waiting for the Holiday's I'm desperately waiting for my paper!! Wish me luck!
I totally forgot to highlight one of my favorite design team girls work on yesterday's Helmar blog hop post. Deana Boston has been with me from the very beginning, being one of my first DT Diva's! She's so talented, and very sweet as I got to meet her this last summer at Chicago Summer CHA! Here is a picture of us...
Oh and she's adorable too! Here is Deana's awesome layout using Helmar's adhesive and my paper and products! Deana is so so talented!

Love how Deana added the cotton to the nutcrackers hair, beard and boots! So Cute! Love it! Thanks Deana and I'm so sorry I didn't get this up yesterday!
Speaking of Helmar, here are the winners from yesterday's blog post (Dec 4th)... (I used the number generator) "Jonaks" is the winner of the Helmar Adhesive and "A Scrap Above" (Bonnie C) is the winner of my Happy Holly-Day's collections! Email me your address and I'll get these out to you this week! Congrats Ladies!
Today I want to highlight Susan Dupre and her Christmas Story! Oh where do I start with Ms Susan... She's my DT lead of the Domestic girls, she too has been with me from the beginning of starting this business. Susan goes to all our CHA trade-shows with us, and quite frankly I've threaten her life if she doesn't go to a CHA with me or tries to leave the design team! Hee hee... but really Susan you can't leave me! I love her, she's great about making me laugh when I'm stressed at CHA and gives me "pep talks" too, but mostly she give me a hard time and harasses me terribly! (Which secretly I kinda like and probably need!) ;) I love you Susan and thanks for being on my team and leading the domestic gals!
Here is a picture of Susan and I at last years Winter CHA in LA:
This is Susan and her family...
and Susan's Christmas story...
My favorite part of Christmas used to be the hoards of family around. However, since we had Hayden nothing makes me happier than the excitement that he experiences from the holiday. Everything he sees on t.v. (minus the girlie stuff) he says he wants. I swear I see him drooling over the possibility that he just might get it. Each year he gets more and more excited, and now that he is six, he has a full understanding of Santa. My favorite part of Christmas? It is definitely "seeing it through my child's eyes".For today's giveaway I'm going to give away one each of my Corduroy Brads! I love these brads and use them all the time!
Leave me a comment about what in your house needs a "makeover" and I'll pick one winner and post it on my blog post for tomorrow.
Off to go re-vamp my laundry room now! Have a great day! -Nikki
Don't forget to sign up for my free news letter to the left of this blog to win the "Santa Bag" of Nikki Sivils products valued at over $100.00!! That winner will be picked on the 14th of December!
Good for you for cleaning up your warehouse ;). My garage needs some deep cleaning too, but it's not going to happen this month.
hehehehehe...I have seen you operate and know that Dan and Lanie must stay away while you! Of course, they might know about their "new offices" now... lol!!! loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Deana's lo and LOVING Susan's story!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Nikki, you have been busy!!
How exciting for all that you are getting accomplished!!
I work like that sometimes too!!
Hope the mud room project goes well!!
Love these brads they are so pretty!
Just love the colors!!
Have a Blessed day!!
Good for you for cleaning up your warehouse ;). My garage needs some deep cleaning too, but it's not going to happen this month.
omg, my entire house needs a makeover! but the worse room? my extra bedroom (aka junk room) that is stacked to the ceiling with things that have no home & probably need to be thrown out. i hope i'm not the only one with this kind of embarrassing room, lol. :)
Oh Nikki, very exiting: new papers!! I am very curious to.
Good for you for cleaning the garage and make some space for all the new papers..
hugs Lea
Doesn't it feel good to get that done? I purge items every year when we move and it's liberating.
Love the layout tied at the top with a bow, and the cottony nutcracker!
What needs making over in my house is the kids art area! Right now it's in my kitchen (easier to clean up after) but I'd really like to have my kitchen back!!
Love the cord brads, so cute!
I have an entire wall, almost through the whole middle of the house, without electricity! Electricians are baffled what to do...would love to fix that!
I'm now singing Maniac from Flashdance! LOL
You are the best, Nikki! Can't wait until the new papers are in!
i think my garage would be the very 1st place to start. then i would do the bedrooms.
need energy and an army
lynda in calif
My backyard needs a serious makeover!! We have lived here for 9 years and haven't really done a thing back there! I would love to have a beautiful garden in the back.
I love those corduroy brads - they are awesome on projects - would love to win them!
Um, my scrap room, although I guess just a good cleaning would do! LOL LOVE those brads, my fav brads of all time!! AND, I bought tickets for me, DH, and DD to go to the ballet...the Nutcracker! How perfect is that :)
I know what you mean, sometimes it's just great to be a work horse! I like that too, sometimes I kick my whole family out of the house and then I get down and dirty with our mess :D
I have a room that I've been using for a while for painting projects (like, painting all the doors in the house, plus painting some of our furniture), I really need to clean it up soon so we can use it for storage. Because, until that happens, we have to keep some of the mess meant for that room, in other rooms, and I just want to get some big shelves up in the "painting room", get some decorative boxes and get it organized!
Don't you just love the feeling of accomplishment!!??
What needs a makeover here... Dh and i's bedroom. It's where everything extra gets shoved... it's over full and a huge mess!!
Love your brads! Thank you for a chance to win them!
Wow, you certainly got alot of work accomplished! Good job! For my house, the kitchen is sorely needing some love and attention! The cabinets are worn and scratched up, the floor's beaten up pretty bad, and the appliances are old and tired! But you know what strikes me funny, no one else seems to notice or care. Whenever anyone's visiting, we always end up in the kitchen and everybody's eating, laughing, and talking too much to care what it looks like! :)
Wow, you did really good. I would love to have the energy to deep clean every room and do a major purge! Our kitchen could use a make-over. New cabinets and counter tops mainly. Some nice crafty stenciling would be nice too. Thanks for the opportunity to win your yummy brads!
I redid our laundry room last year when I broke my foot and was working from home for a couple of weeks. My husband flipped! He said it was so low on his priority list that he could not believe I spent money on it!
We just had our pool redone last month (his high priority), so I guess we are not planning anymore projects for a while... but the old carpet and half pained ceiling in our stairwell really bother me, so I might need to do something about that if I start spending too much time at home...
Gee, do you want to come over to my house? Love your brads - sweet colors!
What needs a makeover in my house - the hall bathroom. Dated back to 1993 it has a rose colored toilet and bathtub! Elegant at the time it was put in, but now so outdated!
I think it's my kitchen that needs a makeover although by looking around my craftroom, maybe that's the place that needs it the most.
I think the thing in my house that would need a makeover would have to be my son's bedroom!!
oh how fun!!!!!! and loved your post today.. what needs a makeover??I would say our great room floor.. I'd love to get some laminate in there, that pretty darker cherry wood kind!!!! and then redo the cabinets in the kitchen in distressed black!!!
our TV area needs a makeover - we finally got the new TV up but there are cords and cables multiplying everywhere
My kitchen needs a makeover! It is sooo small, and I really need some more room.
again a great post! great photos
I have to say my whole house needs a makeover!
Hi Nikki, what really needs a makeover in my house is the bathroom. It's ancient, prehistoric LOL!! Greetz, Frea
Sounds like a lot of work, you got done. I'm tired just reading it. I think the thing most in my house in need of a makeover is my bathroom!
I need to re-do laundry room too... Need to reorg all those shelves over the washer/dryer that I can't really reach anyway...I wonder what's up there??? LOVE your buttons!!
My laundry needs a makeover BAD!!! We're hoping to put in a half bath one of these days.
Can you come do mine to..
Thats awesome can't wait to see them
My pantry needs a facelift and so does my closet! What to do first.
every room in my house could use a make over..but that isn't going to happen anytime soon. The first thing I will redo is my bedroom. I am tired of the paint color!
Would you mind coming and helping me get organized - lol! Actually, my garage is what is in the worst shape, and it's just too cold to worry about it right now!
My scrap room needs revamping. It is supposed to be the formal living room but is not used that way.
my studio needs to be re-organized but im procrastinating until after the holidays
How refreshing to see cord buttons! After a full weekend and day of funeral. . . memorial preps and activity, this color combo gave quite a boost. Against anything snowy, those cord buttons will be a total color plus.
Keep Looking Up!
Right now my sewing room needs a makeover since there are piles of fabric everywhere and nothing in
it's right place. They say the sign of a genius (ha ha) is a mess--if so I am more than a genius.
You are quite the busy bee! My computer room closet needs to be totally cleaned out, most of it tossed or given away and made into a more useful storage space where we could actually find something when it's needed!
My house needs a "makeover" in my bedroom. For years I have wanted to do it BUT no such thing.
I thought I was busy cleaning for 9 hours yesterday. You rock!!
created2bunique at ymail dot com
great page!
This is my first visit here thanks to happy face my friend Julie :=))) I am so happy I am here and can't wait to go through you blog.
Will definitely sign up for your newsletter and will be a blog follower.
Happy Holidays and just to add to your sweet comments, Deana is a blessing to many!!
Need to organize my craft space. :-/ papers, ribbons, brad, buttons, eyelets, oh my!
Everything! My entire house has been taken over by crafts. I started my own online embroidery digitizing website and now I have fabric, machines, thread plus all my scrapbooking, cardmaking, you name it everywhere! It's a wreck - LOL!!
My kitchen needs a makeover, while I love my cabinets, my countertop has seen better days, and my vinyl floor looks like it has been through a war. I love the brads, thanks for a chance to win
Good for you getting back your dining room table. I actually have a sparse house and when I buy something for Nate or myself I donate something, this is the only way to stay on top of the continuing problem that is clutter. Hope your paper comes soon. Melxx
love your LO and brads!!!
LOVE these brads -- haven't seen these at my LSS. Would love to try them!
I would love to win those brads! Good job cleaning...
It would be nice to have my attic finished. It is the best place to house decorations. :D
My closet definitely needs a major re-org!
Making room for new stuff is always good!
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