Hey there everyone I have some fun stuff to share!! I'm in Cleveland Ohio taping a show for
Scrapbook Memories. I have some pictures from today. Here I am with
Julie McGuffee (the Host) getting ready to start taping my first segment!! I was so nervous... really, my hands were shaking! But the crew was great and gave me such good instructions that by the time we started I was doing a bit better.

This is Beth Madland (the other host) for the 2nd segment. Both ladies were super sweet and so good at what they do!! These shows will air sometime after June.

Dan and I in the "green room" waiting to go on the set! We had a great day and ended it at PF Changs!!

I have a few links I wanted to share with you... The first is
Eclectic Paperie posted the nicest video from CHA of my booth. Here is the
Noell Hyman also stopped by for a visit, here is that
Amy Coon came by with her crew, and it was so nice to meet her in real life. This is her
CHA video of my booth. Christine from
Scraptime came by to see me, we first met at the Summer CHA, here is her
video. Thanks to all of you who took time out of your day to come visit my booth! I enjoyed meeting all of you and seeing some of you again!!
One more link for you... this is a lady,
Linda, that can rock out a card and recently she bought and used my papers to make a card. I was so excited to see her using my 6x6 mini pad of papers for her card. Take some time to look around her blog its full of great inspiration!!
Don't forget about our HUGE BLOG CRAWL.....

Have a great night!! -