
Friday, January 20, 2012

A winner and an award!

I love Friday's, even if I have to work over the weekend, I still like that its Friday! 
I get to work all weekend with my new papers on projects for my booth, so it is the really fun kind of work! 
I have a winner from Wednesday's blog post:
The random winner is...
 Erica Marshall said...

These are WONDERFUL!!! I love them all but I think my favorite is Audrey! Thanks so much Nikki and have fun at CHA!
Erica please email me your shipping address and I'll get my "Noah" paper collection out to you as soon as I get it in. (Should be mid to end of February.)

I have brand new BADGES for your blogs made with my new CHA collections! 
Exit Here
Grab a badge for your blog! You never know who might do some blog hopping and if one of these new badges is on your blog you could win that collection! 
Good Luck! 
Some fun news for me...
About 4 months ago I was contacted by CHA (Craft and Hobby Association) that the 2011 CHA Industry Awards Winners had been picked and that I was one of the winners! I was in shock and once I caught my breath I asked "What did I win and why?", LOL, I was driving on my way to a girls weekend and was all confused. So the nice lady went on to tell me it was for my Joplin Drive last summer. How cool is that! 
Here is the announcement that CHA made:
CHA’s Special Recognition Award is given to an individual or group for an extraordinary contribution in an activity that showcases the craft and hobby industry in a positive way.  This year, the Award will be presented to two groups that selflessly coordinated relief efforts through crafts, including Nikki Sivils and her craft relief efforts for the tornado victims in Joplin, Mo., and a group working under the name ‘Clara’s Calling,’ which collectively recognizes U.S. Army Master Sgt. Clara Vargas, Lisa Steele of Bella Fabrics, Rob Krieger of Checker Distributors, Laurie Harsh of Fabric Shop Network and Jan and John Bradley of Lamia Afghan Foundation, for their work in providing sewing and quilting supplies to thousands of women in Afghanistan.
Nikki Sivils coordinated craft relief efforts following the 2011 tornado in Joplin, Mo., working with dozens of companies to secure, organize and distribute $50,000 worth of donated scrapbook supplies to the victims of the tornado.  On Sunday, July 10, 2011, Sivils and her team delivered 50 tubs filled with scrapbook supplies to crafters who lost everything in the tornado.  The donated supplies also went to local schools, the Spiva Art Center in Joplin and were used for the children’s ‘Healing Through Art’ program.  Her efforts following the disaster helped return some normalcy to the local area and scrapbooking community.  Sivils selfless activity directly inspired two other craft relief efforts in Joplin where products and funds were raised for St. Mary’s Elementary School, as well as an art auction benefiting the City of Joplin.
The morning of the first day of the show I'll be attending the Industry Awards breakfast and I'll get my award at the show. I'm really excited, I've NEVER won an award before!! But I do have to get up and except the award with a little speech, which I was just told about last week. So I'm a bit nerves about the speech part, but I'll make it I'm sure!
I'll have pictures etc... of the award breakfast and will share them on my blog after CHA starts. 

Have  a wonderful weekend! 


  1. Congrats Erica and WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! That AWARD is AWESOME Nikki!!! You GO GIRL!!!! So PROUD OF YOU!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. you deserve it!!!!!!!! a huge congrats!!!!

  3. A BIG CONGRATS Erica!I can't wait to see what you create with the Noah Collection!.... and NIKKI.... so well deserved, I know crafters around the world were talking about your big fundraiser, SO deserving, soak up the moment :)! CONGRATS!!!

    (and of course LOVE the badges!)

  4. Congratulations on the award Nikki, you so deserve it! Thanks so much for picking my name out (even though I know it was random!) What a great way to end the week!!

  5. I just realized…I don't have your e-mail address!! Is it somewhere on the blog?

  6. Hi Erica :) her email is in a tab at the top of the blog :):):) Congrats again! :):):):):):):)

  7. Congrats to Erica and to Nikki!

  8. OMG Nikki, congrats on a well deserved award and can't wait to see the pictures.

  9. Congratulations Nikki! you deserve it!
    Conragtulations Erica for winning the awesome Noah collection!
    and LOVE the new badges!
    have a wonderful weekened :D

  10. whoo hooo Ericka!! And Nikki you SO DESERVE this!!!! Congratulations!!!!!! Hugs, Katrina

  11. Fabulous!! You totally deserve it and you will be great at speaking!!!

  12. Wow congrats Nikki! That's really amazing. :)
    - April W
    P.S. I added a new badge to my blog!

  13. CONGRATS, Nikki! The award couldn't have gone to a more generous & kind person! Have FUN in California!

  14. Congratulations! Recieveing an award like that is such a wionderful thing- I am sure that you did what you did out of a heart for others and to be recognized for that is such a compliment.

  15. So deserving, Nikki! Your drive made a HUGE impact on me! I wish more people, in the industry, were doing such selfless and thoughtful acts of kindness.

  16. Congratulations!!!! What an honor! You did a great thing and should be proud of yourself. For me...along with photos, I would love to see a video of your acceptance speech. :0)

  17. Congrats Erica!!! HUGE CONGRATS to you Nikki on your award!!! An amazing award for a truly amazing person :)

  18. That is SO cool! Congratulations :) My relatives were affected by that tornado and I'm so thankful there are people like you to help them out.

  19. Congrats on your award! You deserve it!

  20. Big Congrats on your award! Well deserved. :)

  21. okay this is BIG....I have tears in my eyes after reading this,what a terrific human being you are Nikki,Bravo to you !!!! Hugs!
