
Monday, January 23, 2012

6 days and counting....

until CHA!! I can't believe it! I spent the entire weekend making projects for the booth and well being sick too! Yep, I have got the nasty winter head cold. No fun! So it looks like I don't have much to say or show, sorry about that. I promise to make up for it the rest of the week! I'll take pictures of my projects I made this weekend for my booth and will upload them to my blog! So until then scroll down and take a look at my new collections that I'm releasing in 6 DAYS! Yikes!
Have a great Monday! Will be back tomorrow with some fun stuff! - Nikki

PS: I told my husband I was in bed "resting", which is true but I have my iPad with me too! So if you are on FB don't tell him about me blogging! Hee Hee!


  1. Mums the word!! LOL!!!! I won't tell! :):):):):):):):):):)

  2. hope you are feeling better! sending good thoughts!

  3. Get better because it is going to be 79 on Thursday.

  4. hope you feel better soon :) Can't wait to see your projects :)

  5. Get well soon! We can wait for the pics!
