
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sneak Peeks are over! Lets get down to business...

I think it is time to show everything off! All four collection, all the papers in the collection, punch-outs and stickers too of course!  There might even be a prize at the end too! 
So lets get to it...
I created "Audrey" in memory of my grandma, LaVera Audrey, who passed away this last fall. "Audrey" is everything girlie from baby to adulthood! It will be great for Mother's Day too!
1A. Audrey's Dress 
1B. Audrey's Shower Cap
2A. Audrey's Bedroom
2B. Audrey's Handbag 
 3A. Audrey's Pictures
 3B. Audrey's Planner
 4A. Audrey's Vines
4B. Audrey's Tablecloth
5A. Audrey's Closet Cut-UPs
5B. Audrey Meets Harlo
(Audrey, my g-ma, and Harlo was my g-pa and they met at a USO dance, that's why I named the sheet music paper, "Audrey Meets Harlo"!)
 The collection kit cover
Audrey's Garden
 This is the bonus paper in the collection kit (comes only in the collection kit.)
Audrey's Punch-Outs
Coordinating Alpha Stickers
 Layout using Audrey by DT Diva Sarah Eclavea


After getting our 5th Wheel last summer, I just HAD to do a vacation collection. This isn’t just a camping line, though. “Exit Here” is perfect for everything from stay-cations to traveling abroad! You’ll love “Exit Here”!
1A. Carry On Luggage
1B. I Heart Traveling
 2A. Traveling
 2B. My Tent
 3A. Postcards
 3B. Hiking Trails
 4A. My Traveling Dress
 4B. Packing
 5A. Don't Forget Cut-Ups
 5B. Arrival Gate
 Collection Kit Cover
 The Woods
 This is the bonus paper in the collection kit (comes only in the collection kit.)
Exit Here Punch-Outs
Coordinating Alpha Stickers
 Layout using Exit Here by DT Diva Deana Boston


I’ve had a vintage typewriter in my craft room for years; this past fall, it helped inspire my new paper line, “Messages”. I fell in LOVE with this collection and I’m betting you will too! “Messages” is full of old phones, typewriters, clocks and lamps; it makes for a great “everything” collection!
 1A. Take A Message
 1B. Graph It
 2A. Office Flowers
 2B. Type To Me
3A. Log It
 3B. My Office
 4A. Organizing Files
 4B. My Day Planner
 5A. My Desktop Cut-Ups
5B. My Briefcase
Collection Kit Cover
Time Card
 This is the bonus paper in the collection kit (comes only in the collection kit.)
Messages Punch-Outs 
 Layout using Messages by DT Diva Katrina Hunt


I have two brand new little nephews this year and I’m very active in their lives. I’ve been up to my ears in inspiration for a boy line! “Noah” is named after my youngest nephew and I ADORE him! I also have three grown-up brothers and I love creating with this line for my fellas of all ages! “Noah” is also perfect for Father’s Day!!
1A. Noah's Star's
 1B. Noah's Overalls
2A. Beep Beep
 2B. Noah's Blanket
 3A. Noah's Pockets
 3B. Noah's ABC's
 4A. Daddy's Ties
 4B. Noah's Chevy
5A. Noah's Closet Cut-Ups
5B. Noah's Wallpaper
 Collection Kit Cover
 Mommy's Skirt
This is the bonus paper in the collection kit (comes only in the collection kit.)
Noah's Punch-Outs
 Coordinating Alpha Stickers
 Layout using Noah by me, Nikki Sivils
(This picture is of the "real" Noah with my brother and SIL.)

 That's it...
All four of my new CHA 2012 Releases!
I love them all but I want to know what your favorite collection and favorite paper is!
Leave me a comment telling me what your favorites are and I'll pick one random winner and will announce them on Friday's blog post. You'll win the collection you pick as your favorite!
(FYI: It will be a couple of weeks before the paper will be shipped to you as we don't have the paper "in-house" yet!) I can't wait to see your favs!
Have a great Wednesday! -Nikki



  1. They are all fabulous, but I love Audrey! Thanks for the chance!

  2. I'm torn between messages and exit here, but as an avid camper I'll go with exit here!! I absolutely love the cut-uos with this line!! So cute!

  3. Loveeeeeeeeee it all Nikki!! Best collections to date! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. It's so hard to pick! I'll say Exit Here is my fav. Love the colours!

  5. Love these! I am loving the camping one since we do a lot of camping, but I am going to say my favorite is the Messages. Just love the bright yellows mixed with the vintage feel.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I like all of the lines but the one I love the most is Audrey- I especially love the vines paper. My second favorite is messages and that cute phone.
    rlovew1976 at

  8. I love them all! Great releases again!

  9. Exit Here is my favorite, I THINK. I had to go back over and over to decide. I love the Audrey and the phone one (can't remember the name), too!!

  10. I love, love all of them!!! Great collections Nikki!

  11. I had to do eeny meeny miny moe between Audrey and Exit Here and Audrey won.

  12. I love the Audrey meets Harlo. What a wonderful way to honor her.

  13. What a cute collection! I have a boy so I focused on the boy line. I love the alphas, and pattern paper: Noah's ABC side A. Noah's Stars side A is very cute too! I can see myself cutting out those stars as embellishments.

  14. WOW!!! I love them all although.. having a 4 yr old lil guy.. NOAH would be my FAV!!


  15. WOW Nikki... Gorgeous paper's.. ALL of them are soo BEAUTIFUL!!.. but I can NOT keep my eyes off "Audrey".. love everything about it.


  16. I love all of the new collections, but Audrey is my favorite of ALL of your collections to date!! CA-UTE!

  17. Noah! Especially love Noah's Chevy and Noah's Closet Cut-Ups!
    Bev Gardner

  18. My favorite is Messages and my favorite paper is Take A Message

  19. Oh, my gracious! Pick a favorite?! I LOVE them all! Uh... I'll pick Exit Here as my top, though. LOVE the distressed and woodgrain papers. Plus, the colors are absolutely delish! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  20. They're all fabulous!!! SO creative. :) If I have to pick a favorite, it would have to be Audrey. The colors and patterns of that one are calling to me! ;)
    - April W

  21. they are all awesome but my 2 faves (and it is a tie) are noah and messages!!!love love love them!

  22. OMGosh, I am totally drooling over all of them! But I gotta say Noah is my favorite. I have 3 girls, and one little boy who is (of course) the little prince so I'm a little partial :)

  23. Oh Nikki.. I just love all of them.. amazing colours and designs.. but the "Messages" collection has me at Hello!! haha
    better be making that wish list!!
    have fun at CHA!!

  24. I love both Audrey and Noah. But, if I had to choose just one, it would be Noah. I have so much girly paper and need more for my little boy. Thanks for the opportunity to win :)

  25. These are all awesome but like you we have a 5th wheel and I LOVE the "Exit Here" line! perfect for all those camping LO's!
    Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win....fingers crossed I dont own any of your paper line and would LOVE to give it a try!!
    Have fun at CHA!!!

  26. So hard to pick a favorite. I am drawn to Noah. I love all the colors
    in this collection.

  27. ohhhh all of those are great fun lines!!!! super WOW!!! I love the Messages and the colors in it... the Exit is super fun too!!! great job!!!!

  28. Now you have me SUPER excited about designing for you! OH MY GOODNESS!!! Love all the collections!!!!

  29. Oh WOW!!!!!!!!!
    I´m speachless. I think this is the best collections ever Nikki! Congratulations!!!

  30. LOVE them, Nikki!!! I adore the line inspired by your grandmother just b/c of the story line behind your inspiration. It's awesome. And I also love the new boy line and love how you created the different patters! I have to say love the names of each different pattern. But since I have to choose just ONE, it would be Message. That one I just really love everything about it - the colors and the patterns are just classic!!!! Thanks for the chance to win and great new lines!!! Hope to be able to stop by & say Hi at CHA! :D

  31. My favorite one is Message!!!! Love it!!!!

  32. Nikk, I would have to pick "Messages". I have a story for liking it since I teach typing (computers), but I learned on one of those machines and I think that would make a perfect paper background for my retirement book which is coming this year after 32 years.
    The second favorite is "Noah" for the 2 men in my lives and the younger pictures I need to scrap.
    Great job this year and can't wait to find them in the store.

  33. They are awesome but my favorite is exit here!!!!
    Great job :)

    jennykingham at att dot net

  34. Love all the lines, but my favorite one is Message!! It reminds me of my mother and her time working for the railroad, her old vintage typewriter and chair. It's perfect to use on her pictures. Can hardly wait for it to become available!!!!!

  35. Love all the lines, but my favorite one is Message!! It reminds me of my mother and her time working for the railroad, her old vintage typewriter and chair. It's perfect to use on her pictures. Can hardly wait for it to become available!!!!!

  36. Love them all, but Noah is my hands down favorite!


  37. They are all great but my favorite one is Noah and then my second favorite is Audrey! So cute! I love the colors in both of those.

  38. As usual they are all lovely but as the mother of a young boy, I found Noah irresistible!

  39. They are all fantastic, but since I scrap mostly for my son, I'd have to choose Noah! Love great boy lines and this is sure to be a hit! Thanks for the chance to win!

  40. Hearing the stories behind each of your collections make me like them even more! I especially love the Exit Here collection just because it fits my style but after hearing more about Audrey and seeing all those patterns, it's a tie. Beautiful collections!!!

  41. Oh and Messages. It's a three way tie.

  42. So hard to pick a fave - they are all yummy! I have to do rock, paper, scissors & pick, "Exit here" (Audrey as a very close second).

  43. Exit Here would have to be my favorite, but Audry is a close second!!! Love them all!

  44. Oh I love Messages! Congrats on 4 great new collections and thanks for the chance to win!

  45. Fabulous lines!!!!!

    I think my fav is "Noah" but they are all awesome!! :-)

  46. I love Messages! All of the collections are amazing!

    emt85_04@hotmail dotcom

  47. audrey and messages are certainly my favorite-they actually both remind me of my grandparents and i just adored them.
    thanks for sharing them and for a chance to win! have a great day!

  48. Oh Nikki I love them all - your products are hard to get in New Zealand too but I fell in love with your unique style when i receved a design team pack with full of your gorgeous papers. My favourite (and its real hard to pick just one) is Message :)

  49. Lots of great stuff! Good job. I look forward to using some.

  50. OMGoodness I love them all!! It's so very hard to pick just one fave, but I'll say Audrey. (followed closely by all the others!!) Great release Nikki :)

  51. Nikki you have done it once again! I love all four line! and now you want me to pick a favorite?! My mom is named Audrey so I do like this line - but as a high school student she attend Pullman Tech where she was trained to be a secretary so I think MESSAGES is my favorite! I can scrap her high school pictures!

  52. I love the Exit Here line! I have so many great pictures waiting for this paper!

    barb :)

  53. I absolutely ADORE Noah! Wonderful collections this Winter!

  54. OMG, they are all gorgeous!! But because I have 2 little boys, my favorite is definitely 'Noah' and my favorite paper in that collection is 'Noah's Blanket' - I'm a sucker for stripes! Thanks for the chance to win this amazing little boy collection!!


  55. I love both Audrey and Noah. Great colors and generic prints that could really be used for almost anything!

  56. Wow great stuff! I think my fav is 'Noah'! I find theres tons of 'girl stuff and theres not alot of 'boys' stuff so its great seeing all the new stuff out.

  57. love them all Nikki, but Audrey won me over because of that cute little deer!

  58. Nikki your new lines are really fabulous!! Love love love the Messages one!

  59. I love these collections they are gorgeous I really love the messages collection.

    Janie Boots

  60. Yummy goodness! I love the messages line of paper. That telephone is fabulous. :)

  61. All of the new releases look amazing! I think my favorite is 'Exit Here'! 'My Tent' is one of my favs of the collection! Thanks so much for the fantastic sneak peeks!

  62. They are all sweet! With two boys I think I would have to pick Noah as my favourite however Messages is a close second!

  63. All of them are awesome!! Great job! My favorite (if I have to choose one..) is Noah. Noah's overalls and stars are just too cute!!!

  64. These are, IMHO, your best collections yet! My two favorites are Audrey and Noah's. If I win, I will have to narrow it down, but I really love these two the most!!!! TFS!

  65. I LOVE Noah!!! My favorite papers would be Mommy's skirt and Noah's Blanket! I can't pick just one. I'm a sucker for dots and stripes!!!

    blue.tacs at yahoo dot com

  66. AUDREY is my fave collection, with Audrey's Bedroom my fave paper! Would love to craft with it. THanks for offering candy!

  67. Love all collections, but Audrey is my favorite.

  68. My favourite is the Noah line (because I too have a little Noah), however, I do so adore the exit here line. Perfect for our camping/travelling adventures!. SO looking forward to having these papers to play with.

  69. These are WONDERFUL!!! I love them all but I think my favorite is Audrey! Thanks so much Nikki and have fun at CHA!

  70. OH! BEEP BEEP!! I LOVE NOAH!! I must have it for my Grandsons. All the New Collections are just AWESOME!! Thanks BUNCHES for the chance. Have a GREAT Day,
    Me-Ma Kim
    kimnsammy at gmail dot com

  71. Messages is calling my name!!! Just love this and could put it to good use!

  72. They are all wonderful!! Hard to pick just one, but if I had to it would be EXIT HERE. Love the theme and the colors.

  73. wow! They're all so fun and pretty! My favorite is Audrey - love where you got your inspiration for this collection! So heartfelt :)

  74. My favourite is Messages. Oh the paper has to be Graph-It with the subtle ledger pattern in parts of the paper

  75. Fantastic New releases! I'm not too familiar with your paper line so I might have to get the Messages collection or the Noah both stunning combinations. Thanks for sharing I hope to see more of your stuff!

  76. Kathleen Norris RimerJanuary 18, 2012 at 7:41 PM

    This is a tough choice...I really like them all, but....I guess if I have to choose I go with Audry first and Messages next.

  77. I'm all about Audrey! Although I'd be happy with all of them! Just awesome! Can't wait to see these in real life!!!

  78. If I have to pick only one as my favorite, I'll pick Messages. However, I can definitely see many projects in my future using your papers. Wowee!

  79. Boy, choosing a favorite from all of those gorgeous collections is *very* hard! I really want them all! My scrapbooking subjects are my own two nephews (I don't have kids of my own), so I think I would have to choose "Noah" with all of the fun images and colors!

  80. It is so hard to pick! I guess Messages would be m favorite but I want them all! Can't wait till the're available.

  81. My favorite is Messages and my favorite paper is Day Planner!!

  82. Great collections all but I will pick Noah as my favorite line and Daddy's ties as my favorite paper.

  83. They are all great!! Awesome work! My favorite is probably Audrey, although I really like Noah and I usually scrap about my son. My favorite paper is Audrey's dress, also love Noah's stars!

  84. They are all beautiful and different, but I really like the memo cards from Messages.

  85. Nikki, you have outdone yourself! My favorite collection is Audrey, and fave paper is Audrey's bedroom. Swoon!

  86. wow my favorites...the list will be really long...I love Noah's Star's, The Exit Here Punch Outs, Don't forget Cut-Ups, I Heart Traveling, know what I think it is all fabulous...I totally love it...

  87. Love all of the new collections!!
    My favorite is the messages!!
    Looking foward to seeing the new DT creations with all of the new collections!!

  88. Oh my do you pick just one as a favorite? Impossible!! They are all fabulous. I do love "messages" since I love browns, but I also love "noah" since I have a little nephew with that name.

  89. Ok I will have to pick Noah I simple fell in love with the stars paper. I really am looking forward to finding these papers at my local scrapbook store. Sandy from Missouri

  90. I'd have to say messages. I learnt to type on a click clack typewriter. Thank goodness for keyboards hey.
    Congrats on the wonderful new collections.

  91. I love them all, but my favourite would have to be exit here - I have a stack of travel photos that would look divine with this cheerfully, bright, fun range.

  92. Oh its so hard to just pick one favorite. Its a toss up between Noah and Messages. But I will go with Noah, it will be perfect for my little boy's album pages.

  93. Wow, they are all so great!!! I love Audrey's collection, especially Audrey's dress!!!

  94. Hard to choose only one, Audrey & Messages are just great. If I choose only one, I would say Messages.

  95. Audrey has got to be my "favorite" new release! I can't wait to scrap my baby girl with those papers! Absolutely adorable!

  96. I think Noah is pretty darn adorable!! I'm just thinking of all the layouts I could do with this collection!

  97. I love the Noah and the paper with the pockets is just so darling. All the new lines are awesome !!

  98. My favorite is Messages because of the telephone but I like that shade of green with the burnt yellow. And the log perfect for journaling. I am sure all of your new collections will end in my stash...I just love how you put the collections together and the names on all the sheets of paper.

  99. Glad I found you! Been looking for a little boy collection and I think I found it!

  100. Okay, okay, okay--this is sooo hard to choose just one!!! Overall collection, hmmmm torn between Audrey and Noah! LOL Now, my FAVORITE sheet of paper is actually My traveling dress from Exits! So how's that for an answer!? ROFL Beautiful stuff!

  101. I love all of the new collections! Each collection has design elements that I love and I can see myself scrapping with them all. I have a soft spot for the "Messages" collection. The colors, the prints and the vintage images are all fabulous. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  102. So hard to pick a fave! Noah really spoke to me though!

  103. I love the Noah collection. I also love that name :). Thanks for the chance to win.

  104. They are all wonderful. It is hard to choose one since Audrey and Noah are my favorites, but I have to go with Noah, as I have three nephews and it is so sweet.

  105. I adore Audrey!!! it's all gorgeous!

  106. I love the Noah collection and the Audrey collection holds a dear place in my heart so I know I will have to get my hands on it. My husband's sweet grandmother's name was also Audrey and she just passed away last Friday. When I saw this new collection, it reminded me that she is keeping a careful watch over us. Thank you Niki Sivils.

  107. great collections Nikki!!! I would go for Audrey!

  108. i love all of them but Noah is my favorite! so darling!

  109. Messages is just my style!!! Your news collections are amazing. Can't wait to see them in person!

  110. All of the collections are fabulous! I especially love Audrey. Just beautiful and fun!

  111. I love them all but as I'm due with my first child a little boy this coming march I am totally in love with Noah!


  112. my favoruite is Noah. My favortie paper is Noah;s blanket

  113. I can't decide, I love them all!!! I would use them all, so I would have to say ALL are my favorite! Great job!!!

  114. Great new collections Nikki! My favorite is Messages; love the vintage look.

  115. Delightful lines - all of them. Each line has some element that screams to me, but my favorite is Audrey and the Audrey's Dress paper. Love those deer!

  116. I love all of them and the fact that they all have some sort of special meaning to you. I'm gonna say "Exit Here" has my vote. We love a good weekend trip away in our camper. It's almost like taking a mini vacation. I also love that this line doesn't necessarily have to be used for camping it can be used for a variety of different events. Great job, Nikki! Thanks for sharing and the opportunity to win.

  117. I love them all!! But if I would have to pick it's a toss up between Audrey and Messages!! So cute!! But like I said I love them all!! :)

  118. These are beautiful lines and it's very difficult to choose just one. I think that Noah is my favourite since it's perfect for boy layouts without being just for baby boys.

    ~Thanks, Esther

  119. Love "exit here". So cute. I really love all your lines. Think I have all of them!!

  120. Great collections, Exit Here is my fav, with Traveling Dress being my favorite piece. Such great designs and colors in that collection.

  121. I LOVE the Noah paper. I have a little grandson, Brandon, who is an adorable almost 3 year old. We have so much fun doing all the kid activities that we can find. Also, we seem to cuddle quite a bit! So I am going to have to say Noah is my favorite!

    holly martin

  122. Wow! So hard to choose. Love them all. But, might have to go with Audrey and Audrey's Vines. But there are so many really close behind.

  123. Oh my, they all look gorgeous Nikki!!!! I loved the Messsages most...:) XX

  124. These are all so beautiful! I am in absolute love with the Audrey collection. How precious! So perfect for a little girl. <3 Thanks for the chance to win!

  125. All of your papers make me smile, but I especially love "Messages", can't wait to get some.

  126. Oh my gosh, I am sitting here with tears in my eyes over Audrey. Aren't grandparents the best gift from God? They love you so unconditionally and support all of your hopes and dreams. I am so sorry for your grandmother's passing. I know she would have loved this line that you dedicated to her.



  127. I love them all but my most favorite one would be messages. Yep, messages it is!

  128. OMG Noah! LOL adorable! What a great paper line! Thank you so much! This made my day.

  129. What great new lines and a special tribute to your grandmother! Beautiful. I love them all but I really like that Noah's stars paper! I am definitely going to have to get that Noah line for my little guy!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
