
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Our small but sweet Thanksgiving!

I have two families to share Thanksgiving with my mom's family and dad's family, usually I can fit both in on one day but this year they both decided to have their dinners at noon. Its always a tough spot to be in, one side of the family has my two sisters and their 5 kiddo's and the other side I have my 3 brothers and their 3 kiddos! How can you pick??  This year the deciding factor was my youngest brother (13 yrs. younger), Barron, had to leave to go back to L.A. at 8:30 p.m. Thanksgiving night and I wanted to spend some time with him. 
This is Barron (in the black jacket), me (as a cat for halloween) and my other brother, DJ.
So I'm cooking and baking Thanksgiving morning watching the Macy's Day Parade and my phone rings and its Barron, he looked at his ticket wrong and he leaves at 12:30 p.m. not 8:30 p.m.! It was 9:30 a.m. when he called  so I dressed very quickly, grabbed my pots and pans and finished cooking over at my moms house.  I only got about 40 minutes with him before he left for the airport which was kind of sad for all of us. But better to have a little time then no time at all. 
My other brother, Dj and his family were at his in-laws so it was just my mom and step-dad, my brother Ryan his wife, their son, Noah, Dan and I. Very small group this year and sad without my grandma and other two brothers. 
Here are some pictures from our sweet little Thanksgiving...
This is our newest edition to the family, Noah.
The table....

We ate from my grandma's china, in her memory. 
This is a little picture of my grandma & grandpa with a rose bud on a little chair from my old doll house furniture with a glass cover. Its an empty chair for them not being with us. This will always be at our family dinner table. Always.

I hope you all who celebrate Thanksgiving had a wonderful day! 
We sure did! -Nikki

P.S. I have a FREE gift for all my followers for December! Tune in on Friday to get yours! 


  1. Looks like an amazing Thanksgiving!! I loveeeeeeeee the photos!! Thanks for sharing your day with us!! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. sounds like a wonderful day! thanks for the photos! love the beautiful china and place card.

    oh my i can't wait till friday!

  3. Such a memory to share at Thanksgiving and an honor to use her dishes. Have a wonderful Holiday season.
