
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It's Challenge Time Again!

Oh my GOODNESS!!!!  Everyone that played along with the challenge did an AMAZING job.  I loved every single layout that I saw and not one of them looked like the others.  THAT right there is the best thing about scrapbooking, all the talent and inspiration that is out just blows me away.

Well, I guess you are probably waiting on me to announce the winner for last month's challenge, Scrap Black and White Pictures.

So our winner for the challenge is.....drumroll please................

And here is her layout, I just LOVED the little touches that she did with the embossing powder!

So, Corlann, please email me at with your shipping address and your choice of the collection kit you would like.  We will get your prize out to you this week!!

So that brings us to the next challenge that I gave the design team, which you can play along with this month!!!

 Scrap Those Cell Phone Photos

Let's see just what everyone did with those pictures that we snap with the only camera we might have handy at the moment!

First up is Sarah Eclavea, with this adorable two page layout using My Lil Monster!

Next up, Nikki played along with us this time!  (confession, she was the FIRST one to turn something in!) She used the My Lil Monster collection along with You're a Hoot also.

Next up is Linda Beeson, I love it when she does layouts!!  She used My Lil' Monster too.  (I am seeing a trend so far!)

Now here is a layout using the Get Well Soon collection from Julie Tucker Wolek.  Most of you probably know that Brookie has to have surgery for her Port Wine stains frequently.  She is a brave little trooper and Julie used the words from a song for this layout about how beautiful she is!

And then we have Deana Boston's layout using Gingerbread Land!  I love this picture of her daughter peeking from the tree!!

And I jumped in this month and played also.  I used Gingerbread Land for my layout to document last Christmas morning.  The snow was beautiful that fell overnight.

So your  challenge for this month is to get those photos off of your cell phones and get 
them scrapped!  Sometimes it is the only camera available to capture that moment, so let's get those moments on paper! 

Card girls, if you are not comfortable making layouts  and you want to play...make a card using some of the stickers and cut ups/punch outs that come with the collections....if you have Nikki Sivils stamps you can use those also....old or new...doesn't matter. 

Just make a layout following the guidelines above for "Scrap Those Cell Phone Photos" and use at least 75% Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker products.  It does not matter if it is an older or newer collection, we just want to see them!

Leave a link to your blog post or gallery with a picture of your completed challenge entry on this post by December 31.  We will pick one winner and announce them on January 4th, 2012 (did I just type 2012?!) I am going to give you a little extra time with all the holiday festivities going on.  We will not have a challenge in December, so you will have plenty of time to work on this one!  

Have a Scrappy Kinda Day!!~~Katrina


  1. Congrats Corlann!!! Your lo is AWESOME!!!! :):):):):)

    Loving what EVERYONE created!!!! GORGEOUS!! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Oh my golly what fun!!! I have so many pictures on my phone that I always forget about! I start going through my photos on my phone now!!!!

  3. Fabulous layouts everyone! Dang... I used my Cell phone photo to do the Black & White layout, tee hee. Now off to take some more!

  4. Congrats, Corlann... cute page!

    CUTE cell phone photo pages, too! :-)

  5. Fabulous los everyone! Im so going to get in on this one :)!


  6. Again, wow! I just love seeing ideas I would want to use and congrats to the winner!

  7. WOW!!! I'm so thrilled!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! This was so much fun and I can't wait to do it again! I even have the picture already to go! Just have to wait for my prize to get here so I have the paper to put it on!!! Thanks for the opportunity, the challenge and the inspiration!

  8. Congrats Corlann...lovely layout! Tks Nikki for another chance to play...Id join for sure the mobile pictures!!! I love to use my Iphone ones with instagram...gotta print and scrap :) Love

  9. Great work here ladies! You all are so creative! And I was the first?? Well we know that will be the first and last time... probably ever!
    Congrats Caorlann!!

  10. Here is my take on this challenge. I do want to say that I didnt take this picture with a camera phone, but I did with my ipad. So if it doesnt count thats ok with me, cause I still had fun making this layout with an adorable collection.

  11. It's been such fun doing another layout! Especially when I received my package with all the great paper from "School is Cool"! Thanks again! So my favorite all-time photo from my cell phone goes well with this paper line! You can see it here:
    Thanks again for the inspiration and the chance to play with you all in this challenge!

  12. what a great challenge! i used a fun picture of my youngest son using the summer collection! thanks for another awesome challenge!

  13. here is my take-
    thank you for the inspiration. Happy New Year!

  14. I know it is shocking, but I don;t have a camera on my cell phone, so I created a little get well card! I didn't make the deadline, but still wanted to share in the fun!

  15. A link would probably be helpful! ;)

  16. Any sign of a winner and / or a new challenge for January?
