
Monday, November 28, 2011

November, where did you go?

Seriously where do you go? I thought you'd never get here and now you are almost gone. I'm not ready for December to be here yet... really I'm not! 
I have my Christmas trees up, they go up the Saturday before Thanksgiving and I have all my Christmas decorations up too but I have little to no shopping done. I've tried to make a few commitments this year for Christmas...
1. Shop at small and local businesses as much as I can.
2. Make as many handmade gifts as I can. 
3. Give as much as I can this holiday season. 
 We'll see how I do and I'll keep you updated with the progress. 
I do have a sweet little flip chart mini album that I made for my mom that will have all of my grandma's special recipes in it. And I've made some cards to give as a "set" for a few friends. Really that's not much... I need to get to work! 

I was asked this past year to teach some scrapbooking classes using my products on a cruise to the Caribbean. I couldn't say no, right!?! I taught the first week in October and I just got all my pictures on my Mac and wanted to share some of them with you. 
Dan was my "assistant", not really but he says that was why he was there with me! Silly boy! 
We cruised away on Carnivals newest ship, The Dream. 
(It was so huge and beautiful.)
Here is the "The Dream"...
I think it's so fun that when you enter your room for the first time the TV is on and has "Welcome Aboard" then our names.
Dan on our room deck before we take off to sea.

This is the center of the ship or the main entrance when you first step on the ship. It was so huge and pretty. 

I think the ship was made of all glass!
Can't go on a cruise and not get a couple of yummy
food pictures....

This is Susan, who is the owner of Croptopia Getaways.
Of all the four of our stops, Roatan was my most favorite. 
Loved this little bit of paradise.
Everything was so colorful...
they call it the "Mahogany" island because that's where all so much
of our mahogany comes from. 
Loved these pens, I had to have one! 

If you get the chance to go to this island one day, please do! 
You'll fall in love just like I did.
Okay so I know most of us aren't big fans of spiders, especially huge, furry,  creepy spiders but I had to share this story with you. Dan and I were walking on a trail in Roatan, it was so beautiful, kind of like a rainforest, any way i just happen to look down because these wooden steps were really uneven and difficult to climb. That's when I saw this big fella running out from under my lifted foot to his hole. I bet the sole of my shoe was touching his back that's how close I was to stepping on him. I snapped a picture and went on but I was freaking out the rest of the hike.
Look how big he is... I so glad I didn't step on him!
I had to get a couple of "towel" creature pictures too.
Loved this lobster! 
Dan and I on the ship after dinner one night watching the sunset. 

This was our room. 
This was our little deck off our room. We sat out here everyday 
and drank our coffee.

I love this cute picture of my hubby in Costa Maya. 
Our HUGE ship...
Dan at the ship casino, he won $900.00!!
He was ecstatic! (I was too!)
Here are the ladies that were in our group and one man, actually a few are missing but this is most of the group. 
Everyone was so lovely, such a sweet group of ladies!
Our last towel on the last night... 
Saying goodbye!

If you ever get a chance go on one of Susan's trips through Croptopia Getaways then jump at the chance! Susan is a wonderful hostess and plans a very nice trip for everyone! 
Thanks Susan for everything! 


  1. That trip looks sooooooooooooooo AMAZING!!! And YAY for Dan winning $900! That is AWESOME!!! And that spider... yeahhhhhhhhhh.. that would FREAK me out! lol!! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Wow, I so would have wanted to be there! It all looks amazing! Can't believe how beautiful your room was. SOOOOOO jealous!
