
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March Challenge "Are You Feeling Lucky?

Well some of design team divas sure are feeling lucky.  Seeing that we celebrated St. Patty's day this month, it just seemed appropriate to scrap about the things "lucky" in our lives.  We also have an extra twist this month by using a fabulous sketch by design team diva Anna Bowkis.

Before I share the projects by the girls, I think I should announce last month's "Do You Love Me?" challenge winner.  Our winner is Jodi aka Dancing in the Rain. I love the corrogated cardboard heat, the gesso (or painting) and that wonderful stitching.  Here is Jodi's creative card:

Jodi, please email me at to let me know your choice of Nikki Sivils papers along with your address.  Congrats Jodi!

Now, let's post the amazing sketch by Anna that the girls used for their projects.

Ok, let's see who's feeling lucky!


First up is a layout by Nikki herself using It's Raining It's Pouring. Who wouldn't feel lucky about having a little darling like that in their lives.  There is a hint on Nikki's layout about things to come as well.  Stay tuned because very soon we will be doing a cross promotion with Provo Craft.  See the sweet little playing block that Nikki made using her new Cricut.

by Mimi Leinbach using It's Raining It's Pouring.

by Deana Boston using It's Raining It's Pouring.

by Julie Tucker-Wolek using It's Raining It's Pouring.

by Leah Farquharson using We Are Family.

by Jen Matott using Summer.

by Hilde Janbroers using Beatrice.

by Julie Howard using Summer.

by Anna Bowkis using Summer.

by me (Susan Dupre) using Summer.


by Andrea Budjack using It's Raining It's Pouring.

If you would like to play along for your chance to win some of Nikki's fabulous papers, just do a layout or card about something you feel lucky about and using the above sketch.  Be sure to post your work to this thread.  Good luck!

Happy Crafting,
Susan Dupre


  1. CONGRATS Jodi!! And loveeeeeeeeeee what everyone did with the sketch from Anna!! GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Woo Hooo - Congratulations to Jodi!!! I totally LOVE your pretty card!

    Love the sketch, can't wait to play along!

  3. These are all such wonderful projects! Congrats to the winner!

  4. WOOHOO!! Congrats Jodi!! LOVE what you are are feeling lucky for ladies! Such cute creations :)

  5. Wow Congrats to Jodi that is one caaaaute card.
    Love the sketch and I am definetly gonna play along...
    I have to think which paper hmmmm

  6. Congrats Jodi!

    I have a quick card using Core and NS.

  7. Greaat job Jodi! I luv everyones take on the sketch!

  8. Yay!!!! Thank You!! Thank You!! I really appreciate the wonderful comments left here and on my blog!!!

    Fantastic sketch!! Love each of the Design team members interpretations!!!

  9. Such cute projects! Just loving all of the new paper lines. Great sketch, I will have to give it a try.

  10. Congrats, Jodi!!
    Love your card!!
    Love all the gorgeous projects from the DT team!!

  11. Nothing like a post like that to make you feel lucky!

  12. love seeing all the takes on the sketch, tahnks for playing along :)

  13. Great sketch and the DT work is fantastic =)

  14. Happy Birthday Nikki !! Would love to win a "present". Thanks.

  15. Here's my layout done with some of Nikki's "Summer" line. My sister is very lucky to have her horse, and that is what the layout is about.

  16. great challenge and an awesome sketch! thanks for another great inspiration and here is my take-

  17. Love all the lucky layouts! Here is mine:

  18. Hey Nikki been waiting for he best picture of our LUCKY dog and I got it with a heartfelt title. I love how the paper went together with the sketch. Hope you enjoy it.

  19. The end of month is coming fast I'm glad I have a couple more days to finish my entry...

  20. I am halfway there whew. Can't wait I hope by 2morrow nite but coul dne psuhing Friday nothing like last minute huh
