
Monday, March 28, 2011

Good Monday Morning!!

I had a great weekend... worked very little and played a lot! Which by the way is one of my goals for 2011, to play more! My dear sweet husband bought me an iPad 2 for my birthday, which is next Sunday, he couldn't wait to give it to me so I've been playing my heart out on it! I cooked several meals over the weekend, something I love to do but don't seem to have enough time to do. I made a horrible avocado basil pasta, did not like it, sausage gravy and biscuits, that were heavenly and last night I made Henry's favorite meal, mexican corn dip with enchiladas... yummy! My 3 brothers took me skeet shooting this weekend too and I LOVED IT! I got a new shotgun and wanted to play with it... I did pretty good for my first time skeet shooting, not exactly easy to shoot a flying disk in the air! This is a newer hobby and love it b/c I get to spend time with my three brothers! 
Here are some pictures of my 3 younger brothers...
DJ and I
(DJ's in the middle of the 3 boys)
This is Barron and I, he's the youngest of us!
(He's my baby, 13 years younger than me.)
I just put this picture in b/c for some reason I just love it! I think b/c I'm looking at him like an older adoring sister would... just full of love!
FYI... he's single and I'm actively looking for a wonderful girl for him. ;)
This is Ryan with my Henry. Ryan is the oldest of the boys but 6 years younger than me. He's the clown of the family... always has us in tears, especially me!
Okay so there are a few of the men in my life! I love and adore them all! Which brings me to the next little bit of information I wanted to share today...

I thought I'd share with you all why and how I designed "We Are Family"!  As you all know if you are a blog follower my families mean the world to me, I'm so lucky b/c I have a HUGE family. With parents that divorced when I was very young (under a year old) they both remarried pretty quickly so all I've ever known are my parents married to other people that have been in my life... well, basically all my life! So my step-parents are parents too as I don't know any different... they've always been there. 
That's why I created "We Are Family" because we are all family, all of us and there are a lot of us! Both of my families are very close and I'm an active member in both families. It's crazy because at my dads house its all girls, on that side I have only sisters, and on my moms side only brothers. Its always a ton of fun with both families!

Here is a sweet layout that Ria, one of my DT girls created...
I love Ria's work and this paper line was perfect for her family layout!
Here is the entire collection:

I'll leave you with this thought....
There is nothing more important than the people we share our lives with and consider family. Family means many different things to everyone, but one thing for sure is I don't know what I'd do without mine! So go call a brother, sister, mom, dad, grandparent or friend and tell them what they mean to you. Then go find a picture of them, old or new, scrapbook it and tell your "family" story. 
Have a great week! -Nikki


  1. Awesome photo's Nikki!!!! Your brothers are adorable and cute!


  2. Loveeeeee the photos! Sounds like you had an amazing weekend! And you are is everything! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. WOW!!! LOVE your focus on family today!
    I have a REALLY BIG famiy, too!
    My Mom and Dad both have kids with previous marriages, then my sister and I together, and then even more kids after they divorced! LOL...I am pretty family oriented, too. There are a total of 15 sibs. all together.YES...FIFTEEN. only about 5 of those are step and not blood! LOLOL Bot loved just the same!

  4. Miranda

    Glad you had a great weekend!
    Family so important.
    Amazed that one of our bro's is single! Don't think that will be for long.Such a goodlooking family you all are!

  5. Fabulous photos and I LOVE the We Are Family line! It's fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing.

    You should advertise that dating your brother comes with a paper pack or something and you'd probably get applicants like crazy! haha. TOTALLY kidding but I had to say it! :) It would be like a brand new kind of internet dating! Dating for paper/love! haha. Okay. I have to stop.

  6. I know exactly what you mean! I have a very close extended family and it was very hard to narrow down the closest 200 for a "small" wedding, in the end my Mom set tables of 11 to add a "few" extra family members. And this was only my side, as the groom side had only 4 attending guests - his nuclear family. My husband had a hard time figuring out how everyone was related, especially the ex-spouses, until I pointed out to him that my family is the kind you marry into and you stay in. If people don't get along, we just seat them at different tables at family events. I find it wonderful to have such a broad definition of family!

  7. Great photos!

    I just bought this paper line this weekend and can't wait to scrap with it.

  8. You have very handsome men in your family.. but yet, how not to expect it since you are so beautiful! I'm happy you had a wonderful weekend doing what you love to do! Wonderful pictures and wonderful work you showed us! God bless

  9. Thanks for sharing about your family. My grandparents were divorced & remarried before I was born so I grew up with 4 grandmas & 4 grandpas & remember being surprised when 1 of my friends said that she only had 2 of each lol.

  10. It was so fun to 'meet' your brothers today!

  11. Awww, I absolutely loved this post!!! I have this favorite photo of me with my brothers that I've been dying to scrap.

    I'm totally inspired now, thank you! I think I'm going to use Something for Everybody for it.

    Congrats on your fun new hobby! What a great way to spend time together with the guys!!!

  12. Ahhh how sweet is this... Ilove it.
    Congrats on the new hobby how fun is that.
    Ha.. I just got some of this paper so you have inspired me.
