
Friday, April 1, 2011

I have a Friday Giveaway...

Hi everyone.. TGIF! Right! I have such a busy weekend that I won't be around much, I'm hosting a baby shower for sister in law Saturday, I have my birthday party at my dad's house Saturday night and another birthday party at my mom's house Sunday night... I'm gonna be 39 on Sunday! YIKES! My last year in my thirties! I'm kinda sad about that but I don't put a lot of thought in how old I am, so for now its all good! (Well, today anyway!) ;) 
Since it's my birthday weekend I have a fun Birthday giveaway from Clip it Up and ME! 
I met Bobbi from Clip it Up at CHA and she was so sweet! We did a cross promo with her at CHA, she used my papers to clip up on her fun Clip it Ups and I had one of her Clip it Ups in my booth showing some of my design team girls projects! 
Here it is in my booth at CHA:

I've loved having this organizer in my booth but love it even more in my craft studio!
Clip it Up is giveaway the Clip it Up Wall Mount for one lucky lady!
Woo Hoo!
Wouldn't that look great in your craft space!
I'm going to giveaway some Max & Mollie paper so you'll have something to hang on it!

One of Bobbie's design team ladies, Misty Willis, got to work with some of the left over paper from the Clip it Up booth at CHA! Misty did a great job on this layout using the Max & Mollie paper line! It's such a beautiful layout! Thanks Misty! 

If you are interested in winning the Clip it Up Wall Mount and my Max & Mollie paper line then go here and become a follower of the Clip it Up blog and leave a comment on this blog post once you've checked out her blog! I'd love to here what your favorite birthday "age" was for your comment on my blog. Then I'll pick one lucky lady on Monday to win both prizes!
Good Luck and have a wonderful weekend! -Nikki

*this giveaway is now closed...thanks to all that entered*


  1. Happy EARLY Birthday Nikki!! I loveeeeeeeeeeee Clip It Up... wanna own one someday! :):):):):) And I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee Misty's lo! She is AMAZING! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Happy Birthday to you!!!! Sounds like a great celebration weekend!!!

    Clip it up....just wonderful!!! Wow what a great giveaway!!!!

    I think reaching 40 and then 50 were the best Birthdays ever!!!

    Have a FUN time celebrating!!!

  3. I thought I was already a follower at clip it up (am on facebook for sure), but I guess I wasn't so I signed up. Thanks for the opportunity to win. I love the Max and Mollie line and no one around here has it. I think my favorite age to turn was 29. I had my kids believing I was 29 for several years!

  4. Happy, Happy Birthday Nikki and enjoy. I would say 50 since my boys spoiled me to make sure I would not stress. They threw me a surprise party at a tea house. They know I love tea and invited all my friends and paid for it. Now this was all done without my knowledge and they were only 19 & 20. This was one happy single Mom. They made my 50's enjoyable and able to deal with.

  5. Happy Birthday! have a great party filled weekend!
    Would love to have a Clip it Up and I'm already a follower.

  6. I forgot to say that I am a follower of Simply Renee and I could not live without my Clip it UP.

  7. Ive been following Renee and the clip it up blog for a while now!! Such a great organizing tool :) Thanks for the chance to win the max and mollie line Ive had my eye on it for a while :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Happy Birthday!!!!! I'd have to say that turning 40 was probably my fave Bday. Why? 'Cause I was single and loving it but had met my now dh and was crazy in love! My BFF's had a really nice birthday celebration for me. It was a wonderful day!! I'd love to win your Max and Mollie line, it would be perfect for my 2 standard poodles and oh boy would that skunk work great on my LO as one of my sweet girls got sprayed, oh my, pweewwwww!!! LOL!!

  10. Have a fabulous Birthday!!
    That LO is super cute!
    Since DH has banished my supplies to cupboards since we have moved I DEFINITELY could put this Clip it up to good use!
    I am a Clip it up follower.
    My favorite BD...I think I'll say when I was ten and got my silver charm Bracelet...didn't I feel special and grown up!

  11. wow! Such a generous giveaway! I am a fan and a follower! I think my best birthday ever was when i turned 33 since it was the first birthday i spent truly IN LOVE :)

  12. Happy (early) Birthday!! I have to say, reaching 40 was my favorite birthday. It started w/ me celebrating at a 24 hour crop, then was surprised w/ friends at a Mexican restaurant for dinner. And my forties have been good so far - I feel like I've hit my stride, setting a good example for my daughter, knowing what's important in life . . . and being comfortable being me.

  13. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What a wonderful giveaway! I'm already a follower of clip it up!! Have a table model--would love to win this one! And, of course, who wouldn't want to win one of your cute collections! thanks for the chance!

  14. Happy Birthday! Remember Age is only a number not an attitude or feeling! I'm a follower of Renee's and you of course! Love your Max & Mollie paper line!

  15. Happy Birthday Nikki! I hope you have a great weekend! My favorite birthday was my 40th.

  16. Happy Happy Birthday Nikki!!!!!! :)

    I'd love to own a Clip it Up someday...keeping my fingers and toes crossed. LOL

    I'm 41 but don't feel it.

    O, I'm a follower of clip it up.

  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NIKKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thank you for featuring my layout!!!! I LOVE the Max and Mollie stinkin' adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. 26. I like 26. Plenty of hope and optimism. Expanding possibility and the freedom (if not the money) to pursue them. It was a very good age.

  19. A very happy birthday to you!
    I think one of my best birthdays was
    when I turned 17 and my Mother planned an 18th birthday party for me. She even bought me a charm that said Happy 18th. It was tooo funny
    when I had to tell her that I was only 17, her mouth dropped to the floor and we all had such a good laugh. Would love to win some of your adorable paper!!!! Also, have one clip it up and would love to win the wall mount version. It's all good! Have a great weekend!

  20. Hi Nikki - I am 63 and I gotta tell - life just gets better and better with age! But I do miss my 39-year-old body! Happy Happy Birthday Babeee!

  21. Hello and Happy Birthday to you. Sounds like you have a great weekend ahead.
    My best birthday number is 40, it was a great age, but now I have hit 50 and it isn't so bad either...I think it is what you make it, that makes it special....
    Enjoy your weekend.
    I will enjoy being a follower or both blogs....clip it is amazing.

  22. Happy birthday Nikki!!! I hope you have a fabulous weekend. I am already a follower of the clip it up blog. And I LOVE the Max and Mollie line!! So darling!!

    I think one (of 3) of my most memorable birthday was my 27th. I had just gotten married 10 days prior. My other two were when my girls were born. Their birthdays are close to mine.

  23. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you have a great day!! OMG!! What an AWESOME GIVEAWAY!! I would love to win and get organized!!:) When I visited Simply Renee I was so impressed with the clip it up!! Thnx for the opportunity to win!! Jennifer (

  24. That layout is super cute, love the banner!! Sounds like you are going to be the party girl this weekend. Hope you have a fabulous time with your family :)

  25. OOPS!! My favorite birthday memory was in 2005 when my husband awoke from a coma just in time for my birthday & our sons (our birthdays are one day apart)!! Jennifer (

  26. Happy (early) Birthday!! I am now a follower on the clip it up blog, already was on facebook. How awesome is that clip it up all in one system? Can't wait for that to come out this summer. OH and Max & Mollie is by far my favorite paper. Too cute! Thanks for the chance to win! I do believe so far my favorite age birthday was 20 not being a teenager anymore. I'm almost to 30 and we'll see it that is just as good.Have a great weekend!

  27. Happy Birthday to Youuuuuuuu.....! What a fun a busy weekend you will have!!!

    I'm going to say my favorite birthday was 37! We had just gotten married three days prior and I was in Hawaii. We went on a beautiful dinner cruise and it was divine!

    I think I need to scrap that!!! Renee and Bobbi are amazing and I love all of my Clip-it-up products!

  28. Hey I checked out the Clip it UP blog...even though I jump on there every once in awhile. Some fab inspiration and I love Misty...she DT's with me on anther site!. I hope you have a wonderful birthday. I think 18 was the best b-day so far. Now, I just keep getting older and birthdays aren't as fun anymore, the grays have started to appear and sign of wrinkles...ackkk! Fabulous paper your stuff!

  29. Happy Birthday Nikki!! I am already a follower. I have to say I think my 40th Birthday was the best. Would love to win the clip it up!!


  30. Hope you have a great birthday!! Thanks for the chance to win this great prize! I am 39 and I think I will stay 39....I wish!

  31. I'm now a follower of Clip It Up- their products look super! :) And HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nikki! You are still so young looking... :)

  32. Maybe when I turned 30, I hated going over to 30 but the party was fun, since my birthday is on October 28 it fell on the last saturday before Halooween and we had a halloween party! oh by the way the clip it up blog was fun, i'm glad to be a follower now.

  33. Happy Birthday! I am following her blog now. I don't think I've had a favorite birthday...I try to just enjoy each one and not think about my age ;) Just happy to have another birthday and another year to enjoy my family and friends :)

  34. Happy Birthday! I'm a long-time follower of Clip it Up and I loved turning 34 this year. Just going to embrace every new birthday and be done with the angst!

  35. Happy Birthday! Hmm favorite age might have been 30. I'm going to be 39 later this year too and not sure about it - LOL :)

    I'm already a follower of Clip It Up's Blog--love their products and would love this as well.

    Thanks for the chance!

  36. Happy Birthday hope you have a great weekend. I follow & thanks for chance to win

  37. Love your blog and the giveaway. I think last year, age 33, was my favorite birthday because I had all 4 of my kiddos and my hubby and it was just a simple bday :)

  38. oww my gosh! i would love to have one of those, especially since we can't buy those over here! i love it somuch ! the other blog is fab to and have become a follower! Hope i get lucky!

  39. Happy Birthday! I became a follower of Clip it up---I have wanted one for soooo long; I'm keeping my fingers crossed! :) My favorite birthday age was 10--I can still remember being extra excited to be a whole DECADE old....if only I could channel that enthusiasm years later :)

  40. What a FABULOUS prize....a wall mount clip it up & your papers! What girl could ask for anything more!!!

  41. Happy Birthday! I am a follower on Clip-it-Up.

    I always enjoy mybirthdays - 40 was actually a lot of fun!


  42. new gorgeous paper would be so much fun.
    and birthdays are a happy occasion, the # not so much sometimes but hey we are as young as we feel!!
    I have clip it up on my blog!! I guess I should add yours too:-))

  43. Happy early birthday!!! Baby showers are a lot of work, but they are so rewarding. :)

    That clip-it-up looks great! How awesome is that! With 450 square feet total for our studio apartment, I am always looking for great storage tips. The table top ones never work because I simply don't have the space to put it, so I love this idea! Thanks for the opportunity to win it!

    I think 24 is my favorite age so far because that is the year I married the love of my life and we're still so incredibly in love and work for it everyday to be better.

    Big hugs!

  44. Happy Birthday and thank you for a great giveaway!!!

  45. Happy Birthday Nikki! I am a follower of Clip It Up and love their products! Your Max and Mollie line is soooo cute, I would love to get my hands on it. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

    40 and 50 were both great birthdays, but I really like them all!

  46. Happy Birthday... mine is on the Wed. I think my favorite birthday was my 30th me and my 5 best friends went to Las Vegas!!

    Thanks for the chance to win!!

    Have a great weekend!!

  47. Enjoy your Birthday Weekend!
    I believe, Every year is the best age to be! If you have good health and a body that can keep, you can do anything!

  48. happy birthday, turning 30 the 11th

  49. happy early birthday!!! I do have to say my faveorite age for a birthday was 21! ha ha ha..i was already legal for a while in canada...but 21 was just the funnest age, more freedom livivng on your own....celebrating your independence!! it was fun!! ha ha ha...tfs

  50. I love Clip it up. I have followed their blog for a while and love their line! I hope I can win!

  51. Happy Birthday Nikki! I became a follower for clip it up and also loved reading about the farm house and I can't wait to see the room finished. How exciting. I love the layout you have on your site...your paper ROCKS! I'm going to have to get some soon! Archiver's doesn't carry it I asked so hopefully sometime soon they may. Thanks for the chance to win. Oh and my favorite birthday was when I turned 40!! Totally awesome and it was the best birthday.. Have a super weekend.

  52. Love how sweet and girly that page is, the lacey accent is perfect!

  53. Thanks for the opportunity! Would really love a clip-it-up! Probably the year I became a mom (26) would be my favourite so far. But , judging by all the other comments here...I am sure the best is yet to come!! Happy Birthday!

  54. Birthdays are FUN!!! No matter what age. I was very apprehensive of turning 30, but then I realized that "zero" doesn't count. So I threw myself a great "3" Birthday party! So enjoy turning 39 this year, as next year you get to turn "4"!!!

    PS: I'm a Clip it Up follower now.

  55. Happy Early Birthday!! My birthday is on Monday!! April birthday's are the best :oD My favorite bday age was actually turning 30. It was a goooood party! Thanks for having such a great giveaway, I didn't know Clip it up also had a wall mount system!

  56. Happy 39th Birthday Nikki - wishing you a year filled with joy, peace, love and prosperity! Have a fun weekend celebrating baby and birthday!

    My 49th Birthday was most memorable - a very positive shift in my life!

    What great giveaways - paper and a clip it up. . . loving it!

  57. All the best people are born in April! I myself speak from
    Thanks for a chance to win.
    I am a follower and am old, old follower of clip it up and oh yea I am a little old .
    Thanks for a chance to win

  58. i have so many happy memories of turning milestone bdays...its' hard to pick just anyone. i'll go with 25!

    thnx for a great chance to win...

    lynda in calif

  59. Well, I guess my best birthday to date was in 2007 when my husband took me and my daughter to Niagara Falls for the weekend. So, it was my "32" birthday!

  60. Happy Early Birthday NikkI!! Oh my goodness... what a fantastic giveaway... I would LOVE a clip-it up... ALWAYS wanted one!!... and the max and mollie paper... is the only line my LSS didn't get, and I SO NEED some little stinkers! lol! Thanks for the giveaway!!!!

  61. Hapy Birthday! I already follow the clip it up blog :) I would say my favourite birthday age was about 28 no particular reason but I suppose you feel like a grown up (well as much as I will ever feel like a grown up!) but nowhere near starting to feel old yet either ;D Gorgeous layout by Misty :)

  62. Happy Birthday Nikki!
    I became a follower on Renee's blog & left her a comment.
    I have never minded getting older but I have to say that 50 gave me a bit of a twinge. I loved turning 55 though, (which I am now), for some reason. Maybe I'll just stay this age lol.
    Thanks for the chance at such a great giveaway. I love your M & M line.

  63. Happy Birthday!!!! hope you have a most wonderful day!!!!!

    My fave birthday age was 21.. and not for the drinking thing, but because my FAVE band was in town and they played a 3 1/2 hour long show and it was amazing!!!!!

  64. I am already a follower of clip-it up! Love the products. This is a great giveaway!!! Love the is so cute!

  65. Happy Birthday!! I'm following their blog and on facebook too. My favorite age was probably 17, not quite an adult yet.. lol :P

    It would be awesome to win a Clip it up!! Thanks

    phenis2031 at yahoo dot com

  66. Well happy birthday to you!!! I think my favorite age was definitely when I turned 22. I had just had my daughter and was happy as could be! ;)

    I'm a follower here and also at the Clip It Up blog...thanks for the chance to win!
    - April W

  67. Wonderful giveaway. I would love to try Clip It Up. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  68. I'd have to say 33 was very special for me. Double digits are magical, but "3" is especially magical for me! Can't do it again until I'm 133 or better yet 333. ; )

    Happy Birthday!

    I just got my first "clip it up" in the mail today! I love it already! Almost as much as those two adorable little skunks!

  69. Happy birthday! I follow both this blog and the Clip It blog. :)

    My favorite age thus far was 25

  70. Happy Birthday Nikki!!
    Hope you have a wonderful and blessed day!!
    Love the LO very beautiful!!

  71. Happy Birthday Nikki!! Hope your day is fabulous!!
    I would love to win the awesome prize!! WOW!! You are so generous!

    God bless.

  72. Happy Birthday Nikki!!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. I am following clip it up's blog and facebook page. I think my favorite birthday was at age 45. Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway. Love that Max and Mollie.
    debbie_craine at hot mail dot com

  73. Happy birthday! Love the Clip It Up and your super cute Max & Mollie!

    I'll be turning 39 this year too! I would have to say that my favorite age was turning 35 - my sweet little girl was unexpectedly early & born 2 days later!

  74. Happy Birthday Nikki. I left a comment on Clip It up. What a great giveaway. The clip it ups look great and I love your paper.
    Don't have a favorite birthday as long as I have a birthday. I was 69 this year and it was probably my most un-favorite. I was sick all day so didn't celebrate on that day but did the following weekend.

  75. Happy birthday!! My best birthday years were the ones that I shared with my grandpa. 1-11years were the best celebrations. I have two tables and they are FULL!! So a wall mount would be awesome!!!

  76. Happy Birthday!!!!! Wow would I ever like to win your paper line and the clip it up! I love both!!!! My fav birthday was probably my 28th...I was almost thru my first year of marriage and almost due with my first child. It was an awesome feeling. :)
    sweetheartcopper at msn dot com

  77. Happy Birthday! Thanks for the chance to win some awesome prizes! I just stopped over at the Clip it Up blog and became a follower!


  78. Happy Birthday! Sounds like a fun weekend! I follow clip it up now, and I have a feeling I'll be getting organized ;) I don't have a favorite birthday yet, but I think they get better every year.

  79. That line is so stinking cute....
    Happy birthday to you...

  80. Happy Birthday mine is today...
    Enjoy it's the last of the 40's for me boo.
    Thanks for the chance to win your fabulous product

  81. Forgot to say that 50 will be my best birthday I always wanted to go to Hawaii and well My best friends and family are gonna make it possible and we are all going.
    This year not so much.

  82. For me it's Birthday 21
    The clip it up is really cute
    I am a follower of their blog and facebook already
    YOur Max and Mollie is the cutest
    Happy birthday to you only as old as you feel time flies enjoy it.

  83. Happy Birthday - sounds like you get lots of cake! I am now following the Clip-it-Up blog (I thought I already was, but that was on FB). My favourite b'day age was 30 ... I started saying I was 30 when I was 29 because no one believes you when you say that you're 29! LOL

    ~ Thanks, Esther
    esthert119 at yahoo dot ca

  84. Happy Birthday! I am a faithful follower of both blogs and thankful for a chance to win such a wonderful prize. My favorite birthday age, believe it or not, was 9. Hope your birthday weekend is great!
    craftychick99 at yahoo dot com

  85. Happy Birthday Nikki... I am now following clip it up loooooooove their products would love any of them and max and mollie ADORABLE love the LO as well ... My fave B/D would have to be when I tuned 6 my Dear Grandmother gave me a pocketbook full of real makeup, a little girls dream I will always remember and I am now about to be 47 lol. Thanks for the fabulous giveaway...

  86. Just a very Happy Birthday greeting to you!!! Hoping yours is the bestest birthday ever! Clip it up is my all time favorite ...thanks for the opportunity to it.

  87. Happy birthday, Nikki! I'm on my way over to Clip It Up and will leave some love there. But first, I wanted to leave some LOVE for YOU!!! I'm a new Nikki Sivils paper devotee as you may know. I find your designs very inspirational. So thank you for them ... (more on that later)....

    For my favorite birthday, hmmmm. When I turned 40, I was newly divorced and in a fab relationship with the love (John) who'd become my 2nd (AND LAST) hubby. He threw me a "FIRST" birthday, as it was a whole new life for me that year. Guests were asked to bring birthday gifts appropriate to a 1-year old -- baby things that I donated to the local Woman's Shelter, symbolic of my fresh start and release from an old abusive relationship. I wasn't "over the hill" -- I just found a whole new hill to climb.

    Then on my 50th birthday, John took us and my 3 closest, long-time friends and their hubbies out to my favorite fanciest restaurants. It was wonderful being surrounded by such good friends in a warm lovely setting. I am truly blessed!!

    OK, now as promised, here's more about YOUR birthday. I made you a special card. It's going out in the mail to you tomorrow, as I just put the finishing touches on it. I'm going to post it first on my blog with your birthday wishes, so TOMORROW (Sunday), on your special day, please be sure to stop by my blog to get your first peek at your card. Soon it will be in your hands (sorry it's late to you!)...

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, new friend.

    Ellen ♥ CardMonkey

  88. Happy early birthday!! Hope you have a fabulous day--Celebrate YOU!! Psalm 118:24

    I would love love love to own a Clip It Up!! Thanks for the chance to win!

    I think my fav birthday was 29...I finally had a chance to celebrate (my family never made a big deal about bdays). Enjoyed it!! Can't wait for 30:)

  89. happy belated bday. My favorite birthday was my 16th lol and my 41st.
    Hope all your birthday wishes come true.

  90. Hi Nikki! I'm here from Clip-it-up... wanted to drop by and say what a beautiful collection this is! My fellow DT member Misty did such an adorable job with it! :)
    Don't enter me in the draw... as I'm on the Clip-it-up DT... but I wanted to take the change to drop by! :)

  91. Happy birthday to you..May you be surrounded around loved lod ones bust weekend for you.
    I have to say thagt I have a family that has a ton of birthdays in feb so they kinda merge and I just don't nake it a deal. I have to say it was just having a niece and nephew born so close to my birthdat a nephew 3 days before and nice day after. I love my nieces and nephew more than anything I have no kids of my own so they are what makes birthday special their birth

  92. You have such wonderful products - I would be so happy to win any of them! Thanks for always giving your blog readers - plenty of chances for winning.

  93. I signed up and am a follower now. Gonna have to go back and check out the blog a little more! Clip-it-up's are so cool!

    Loving the layout that Misty made!! It's so pretty and I love the pictures! The Max and Mollie papers are just adorable!!

  94. Happy Birthday!! I would love a Clip it up!! Thanks for the chance to win one!!

  95. Wow! Thanks for this opportunity to win I am a follower over at Clip it up.

    My favorite birthday age had to be 31...random right?! I was about to become a momma for the first time so it was a great day!!

  96. These organizers look super and Misty's layout is wonderful - love the colours in this collections. I love celebrating my birthday and couldnt say which is the best... I've only had 47, so there's lots more to go! I've just become a follower over at Clip It Up.

  97. Hope you are really enjoying your birthday weekend. I think 40 was a good birthday age for me. That was 9 years's to hoping the next big number is a good one, too!

  98. Clip it up is awesome!! I guess 16 was my best birthday- getting to finally drive!! Happy birthday!!

  99. Cute, love this...happy birthday

  100. Happy Birthday! I think my favorite birthday was...all of them! I figure it beats the alternative, and I get cake, ice cream and presents - what's not to like? Love your stuff and Clip it Up! Thanks for the chance to win. Hope you have the best year ever!

  101. My favorite birthday was when I was 10 yrs old. My mom gave me a "dress-up" party where my friends dressed in their mom's clothes and then we had a fashion show. I still have the movie of it!!!

  102. HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYY!!!! and many many moreeeeeee....sounds like a fun weekend =) have fun!!!
    I just got back from clip it up...great products .
    My best I think is now my 30's I have everything i want =)

  103. I hope you have a fabulous birthday weekend! I don't really have a favorite birthday age, but I do have a favorite celebration, actually two! My birthday is in the summer, so we are often on vacation on my big day. I have celebrated in Disneyland many times and in NYC. Those were the best!!!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  104. Happy Birthday! Didn't think I'd like 50 but it wasn't bad!

  105. what a great system! LOVE it and NEED it! I'm a scrappin mess. lol. THANKS for a chance to win. My favorite age...30. I became a wife and a year later a mother. I'm so blessed.

  106. Happy Birthday Nikki! I'm a new follower of Renee's thanks to you and I so would love to win the Clip it Up! What an awesome organizational tool!

    I can't say I've had a best birthday yet because they just keep getting better and better each year :)

  107. Happy birthday Nikki!!! I am now a followerof Clip it Up and would love to win the prize package....Max and Mollie makes me drool!! lol My favorite age to turn was 35 but my favorite birthday was a couple of years ago when I got to take my grandsons to Disney WDW on my birthday. Hope yours was just as memorable.

  108. Not sure if you picked the winner yet. I follow Clip it up. My fave birthday was probably # 23. I spent it in CA for the 1st time.
