
Thursday, December 16, 2010

December's Guest Designer LG Belarmino!

We are so excited to have LG as our guest designer this month!  For me personally, she is one of those artists that just "wows" me every time I see her work.  I wish I had just a smidgen of her talent!  Please check out her blog Scrappin World if you would like to be inspired by her beautiful work.

Here's what LG had to say:

My name is LG Belarmino and I am very happy to have been given this opportunity to be a Guest Designer for Nikki Sivils this month!

I live in Manila, Philippines and have been married to Regie for 3 years. I am blessed to have a family who is very supportive of my craft to the point that they too, dabble with scrapbooking. We currently have one gorgeous 2 year old daughter Hannah, who serves as my model for most of my pages. I have a Bachelors Degree in Fine Arts and I Majored in Advertising Design.I currently work from home as a full-time Training Manager.
I started scrapbooking on December 2008, just a few months after my daughter was born. I was searching for the right hobby that incorporates my family and my passion for arts. It took me a few months of researching and reading about this hobby before I decided to give it a try. My first works were definitely a far cry from my current ones. It was the challenge of making a better layout that kept me going on. There was no looking back since then. I was hooked and I don't intend to stop. I have already created more than 400 layouts to date and it will continue to grow. 

I started this hobby to preserve memories in an artistic way. It was not for fame or recognition, but simply for the joy and fulfillment that the craft brings. Being accepted in design teams, winning prizes, and being published are only additional perks. What I am really passionate about is telling MY FAMILY'S STORY in the best way I know how, and that is through scrapbooking.
Now let's see a couple of layouts that LG has made for us.

On the above layout LG has used papers from Nikki's Will He B the 1.  LG mentioned her daughter as her model.  Isn't she just the cutest?

On this layout LG used one of my favorite lines Willow Bee.  See what I mean about LG's talent?  I love how she layers on her layouts!

Well, I wish we had more to look at, but sadly that's it.  I hope you enjoyed our December guest designer.  Thank you so much LG!  It was an honor having you design for us this month.

Until next time, happy crafting everyone,
Susan Dupre


  1. Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee LG's lo's!! They are GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Love Love Love Love LOVE these layouts. Such eye catchers.

  3. It is such an honor to be guest designing for Nikki Sivils. Thank you so much for the opportunity and for trusting me :) I enjoyed making these layouts so much

  4. Lady Grace, you know how much I admire you and your art, I am one of the lucky ones that has watched you since day one........even then your layouts rocked :) xxxx

  5. Such wonderful, beautiful layouts!

  6. LG these are wonderful!! I love the layout you did with the paper line "Will He B the 1", your daughter is a cutie!! Thanks for joining us this month, a gift for all of us!

  7. LOVE all of LG'S projects! These two pages are absolutely awesome girl!!!

  8. Fabulous and she SOOOOO is the perfect little model.

  9. \nikki, you did good inviting belarmino as a guest designer. Very fresh beautiful layouts.

  10. Yay LG, definitley one of my favourite scrappers!! I just love what she has done with the Nikki Sivils products! :)

  11. Gorgeous LG!!! Love what you did with Niki's papers!
