
Friday, December 17, 2010


I've never needed a Friday to be here so much before in my life! It has been a crazy week! Work has picked up so much that we are having Lanie come in tomorrow and work with us! So I guess I'm not too sure why I need Friday to be here so badly! LOL! However, Dan and Lanie don't know this yet but I'm out of here at 12:30 because its my niece Ellie's birthday tomorrow and her Aunt Nikki is picking her up from school today and we are going to go to Build a Bear and and then for some birthday treats and hot chocolate! I always kinda feel bad for the kids that have birthdays so close to Christmas, so I want to do something special for her! I might take her shopping for a new birthday dress too! Why not? You're only 7 once! And she is the sweetest little thing ever!

Speaking of kids... 
I have the funniest website for you to check out! Really its great.. who doesn't love to ask kids the same questions and hear all their great responses!! Well, wait until you watch these videos, they're great!!  

Holiday Kidscam Series!

Holiday Song Special:
How Santa can tell whether they've been naughty or nice:
and favorite traditions through the eyes of a child:

Are those not great! I love the hear their great answers! I think my favorite video is the naughty or nice video, I love how the kids tell that their sibling is the naughty one! Cute! 
I did a little crafting awhile back and wanted to share this with you. (And it doesn't have any Nikki Sivils products on it, sometimes it's great to play with other stuff!)
How about this adorable wreath that Leah, one of my DT Divas, made!
Is it not the cutest ever! I want one for my house! 
I can't remember if I've showed this layout or not? But I love it! 
Ria, one of my international DT ladies, created this 2 page layout that 
I just adore! 

Whatever your weekend plans are, have fun and be safe! 
I'll be back Monday!! -Nikki


  1. Love the Bella Blue layout. Love them dogs!!!!

  2. Have fun with your niece!! loveeeeeeeeeee the lo's!!!!! GORGEOUS!!! Off to check out those links! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. We have two kids with birthdays this weekend so I so understand the birthdays close to Christmas deal. Have fun on that little "day out"!

  4. WOW awesome work! Such art! We have one close to Christmas too!

  5. LOVE that wreath! and that layout is just too cool!!!!
