
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I've got my "Santa Bag" winner!!

I'm thrilled to announce that Becky Moore from Pennsylvania is my winner for the Santa Bag of Products!! 
Becky will receive over $100.00 of Nikki Sivils product! Papers, mini pads of paper, mini albums, stamp sets, brads, burlap buttons and stickers! Becky you are going to be one busy girl playing with all the goodies! 
Here is a little info about Becky:
 My name is Becky Moore, but around the on-line scrap community, I’m known as alwayscharlie. I’ve been scrapping for 10 years (and I’m still not caught up. LOL!). I have totally enjoyed the first 14 days of December looking at all the fun things on your blog. You and the DT have such great projects and I love reading about your wonderful family and friends and seeing the great photos. I’m so excited to be the winner of your ‘Santa Bag’! Now not only will I have all the fabulous ideas and inspirations you give but new goodies to play with and share! Come the first of January I may lock myself in my scraproom and not come out for a month!
Here is a picture of Becky and what she calls her "Scrapbook Family"!
(Nothing like good scrappy buddies!) 
This was on day 2 of a scrapping weekend so we may not look too terrific but we sure were having fun! (I’m second from the left)
After reading Becky's email, I have to say she sounds like a hoot and I'd love to be able to scrapbook with her and Scrapbook Family!! 
Becky your Santa Bag of goodies is shipping out today! So you might even have it by the weekend! 
Enjoy! -Nikki

Last night Dan and I went our niece Taylor's Christmas Pageant! Taylor will be 3 years old next month and she is the apple of our eye! If you've not had the opportunity to go to a "preschool aged" Christmas pageant, well it's a treat and someone always screams the words to the songs, someone always yells "Hi Mommy" from the stage and someone always jumps away from the group and gets their groove on! So if you are ever invited GO!! (You won't regret it!)
Here are my pictures from last night....
The STAR of the night, Taylor! 
(Dan and I bought her this dress for Christmas and we loved it on her!)
My nephew, Cade
My dad, Ron, with 2 of his 3 grand-daughters!
(Taylor & Ellie)
The Twins... Max & Mollie
My dad, step-mom and Tay Tay!
Cade checking out the Christmas books!
I know this is a funny picture to show, but
hey its life with the Twins!

Max loved the trees!
Just trying to keep up with all the kiddos!
Poppa and Max, being held against his will!
Mollie's first drink of chocolate milk, she wasn't impressed!
Max and his momma, my sister Emily!
and the Star of the pageant, Taylor with her mommy (my other sister, Kelly) and daddy!
We had quite a night! I love being with all the kids and babies, I love all of them so very much!
Have a great Wednesday! -Nikki


  1. CONGRATS Becky!! Funny! That is my bosses name (Becky Moore! lol!)... I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the photos!!! Brookie has her pre-school Christmas program this Friday! I can't wait! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Congrats Becky on the fantastic prize and enjoy playing.
    Love your pictures and the kids are so cute to watch.

  3. Aren't grandchildren just the most wonderful gift!!! I spent time with both families cutting down trees this year. What a great experience. Getting ready to scrap those precious moments.

  4. congrats to the lucky lady becky....

    and nikki your family looks so loving:)

  5. What a big wonderful family you the photos!

  6. How fun
    and Glad Becky won she sounds like an amazing gal herself.

  7. congrats, Becky!!!
    cute photos....
    I'm digging out the Santa and elf hats tonight to take some of my kids!
    happy holidays!

  8. Congratulations, Becky!!!! You will have a BLAST scrappin' with your "family" with all your new NS products. Don't take your eyes off them or they'll disappear fast around your friends {lol}.
    Love all your family memories that you're sharing, Nikki!!! We have very large extended families and we celebrate them every day. We don't take the time we have with them for granted -- we LOVE spending time together. I have 2 sisters as well -- lots of cousins the same age as my kids in our families!!!! What a hoot this holiday will be......again!!!

  9. Congrats Becky, what a great way to start Christmas!!!
    Love all the photo's!!!

  10. Congrats Becky.

    Just love the photos of the twins! How fun to go to such a concert. Has been a long time since I enjoyed such a show.

  11. Congrats Becky! Would love to hear the story behind the name you're known by. :-D I'm in PA too, so feel free to stop on by w/your new goodies and share. lol Seriously though, WTG. Hope you have a blast w/your loot!

  12. Congratulations Becky, you lucky dog! I'm so envious of you right now! :) Have fun with all those great goodies!

    Nikki, I love the pictures! And you are so right about the preschool pagents. I'll never forget my son's preschool Christmas play. He was Dasher, one of Santa's reindeers. He and the others were pulling "Santa" (another child dressed as Santa) down the aisle in a "sleigh" (a blinged out little red wagon). Well, some of the reindeer got a little overzealous while others got a bit distracted by the audience. Next thing you know, one of the front reindeer fell down and others just kept on "mushing" through and ended up running over the poor little guy with the "sleigh." Luckily, the little guy wasn't hurt, and after finding that out, well, then it just became funny!
