
Monday, December 19, 2011

Ready or not, it is Week of Christmas... who is ready??

I'm ready! I spent the weekend getting my Christmas cards out, wrapping presents and getting my menu put together for Christmas Eve and Christmas day! Really all I have to do this week is go to the grocery store, cook and finish wrapping gifts this week and that's it. I wanted to get as much done as possible this weekend so I could enjoy the week of Christmas. It seems every year I'm running around trying to finish up a thousand things and don't stop to smell the peppermint! 

My Niece Ellie turned 7 this weekend so I took her to Build-A-Bear, shopping, getting hot chocolate, steak-n-shake then back to Aunt Nikki & Uncle Danny's for a Christmas movie, A Barbie Carol (which was actually good).  This is a yearly tradition for us and one of my very favorite things I get to do in December. 
Here are some pictures from our evening...
Ellie at Build-a-Bear.
Ellie getting here hair curled at the mall.
Ellie & I using my new iPhone 4s camera (it rocks)!
Hot coco at Starbucks! 
We had a wonderful evening! 
(I'm so happy that both of my sisters had little girls so I can spoil them rotten, which I plan on doing a lot!)

I wanted to end this blog post with this sweet little Christmas Organizer that my DT Diva, Deana, created with the Gingerbread Land paper collection. 
Isn't this organizer adorable! 

Don't forget if you have a gift and need a card for a holiday event I have my free printable up on the upper left corner of the blog. 

I have a winner from Friday's "Favorite Things" blog post. 
The winner is dlwidder who said....

Some of my fave things from 2011...dh and I suddenly started going out on "date night" together a couple of months ago. With 5 kids, we can't do it very often or even regularly...the goal was once every 2 weeks, but it's more like once a month. I am grateful. Meeting my best scrappy online friend, Nicolle...another blessing. My rl friends do not scrap. At all. It's nice to have a supportive bud who "gets you" and there's no need for explanation. :-D 4 out of 5 kids are in school this year. Woohoo! 4 out 5 are avid readers! Woohoo! The discovery of some really awesome manu's and Nikki Sivils and Helmar (Tracy ROCKS!), I just discovered both this year. :-D
December 16, 2011 3:45 PM
**dlwidder please email me your address and I'll get this out to you this week. 

Have a great week!! -Nikki

Don't forget our DT Call ends December 28th! 


  1. sounds like a totally awesome weekend! I too am all done and we already celebrated christmas with the in laws this weekend! the holiday season has begun!

  2. It awesome to have everything in order to be able to enjoy the x-mas season. What a darling organizer. Whoo hoo! Congrats, my bestie,Doris you rock!

  3. CONGRATS Doris!!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeee Deana's organizer ... what a GREAT idea!!! And love love love love the photos of you and Ellie!!! How FUN!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. OMGoodness what a darling! She looks like she had so much fun! :-D

    Thank you sooo much for an amazing prize! I'm so excited! :-D

  5. WOW!! Looks like y'all had a great time..thx. for sharing the great pic's!!

  6. looks like you all had a fabulous weekend-my mom and i were just at build a bear yesterday so mom could get herself Alvin lol! :)

    i'm almost ready-baking a marathon this week, finishing up my december daily before i go back to work on the 27th and picking up some last minute stocking stuffers.

    thanks for sharing!

