
Friday, December 16, 2011

A few of My Favorite Things.... 2011

It is that time again for my favorite things blog post! 
I hope some of these are your favorite things too or hopefully you might be introduced to something new!
Every year I list my favorite products, favorite events or even my favorite food or candy!  
Just a mix of all things good! 
So lets get started.

My Favorites of 2012 are....

#1 Pintrest I'm not sure what I would do without this fun little creative outlet! I've gotten so many great ideas from Pintrest! If you haven't gotten hooked yet then go get started!  
#2 iPad 2. Need I say more.
#3 Helmar Adhesive! This was on my favs last year too but when its good you just got to "stick" with it!
#4 My New Website  We put hours and hours along with a few tears an tantrums in this new website but it turned out great! I debuted it this summer.
#5 Elf on a Shelf... is great, even their website is amazing! This was on my list last year too. But it’s so sweet and such a great idea.
#6 Bikram Yoga- This hot yoga has saved my life. Seriously it keeps me sane. I'd do it everyday if my body and my schedule would let me.  I love it!
#7 Hallmark Recorder Books I only wish I would have had my grandma read one of these books for me so I'd have it forever. Buy one, record the story and give it as a gift. Best gift EVER!
#8 Anything But Perfect blog. I love this blog! I go to it weekly for inspiration and she has the BEST free printables.
#9  My Joplin Drive I had this summer, I feel I can never say thank you enough to the manufacturers and crafters that helped me deliver over $50,000 worth of craft supplies to 50 scrapbookers that lost their homes, a few schools and a couple of daycare faculties too.
#10 Modern Family- My favorite TV show, oh and I'm married to Phil.
That's it... my top favorite things of 2011!

I'd love to hear what some of your favorite things are too. 
Leave a comment of what one of your favorite thing were from this last year and I’ll pick one winner on Monday. The winner will win my Gingerbread Land Collection Kit and some Helmar Adhesive.
Have a wonderful weekend! -Nikki


  1. Bella has been talking about that Elf on a Shelf thing. Had to go look it up to see what she was talking about. Very cute.

    Some of my faVorite things have to be Our keurig coffee maker, How did we live with out that thing? (and not just coffee, but tea and it gives the hot water for hot breakfast and we make hot cocoa that we are drinking right now! love it)
    Nutella to go... GENIUS idea need I say more?

    I too love those recordable books we did one with all three of us reading parts of the book with Bella this age. I will put it up and we can go back and look at it and have the memories of her and us reading the book together.
    I got her to read one by herself (for us) and for her and Aunt that lives far off. Also for her grandparents both sets. I think I will make this an annual tradition. Wish i had started it sooner. Her little voice giggling and reading and her little voice whispering "Daddeee go, its your turn" and " Thats the wrong page" are priceless and I will not change them.
    ok sorry this is like long

  2. Love love love love this post Nikki!!! Obviously don't put me in the but my fave thing this year has got to be that we made it!! This has been a rough year for us, with moving, 4 surgeries between me and Brookie....and just to say we made it through together and stronger than ever... yep, that is my fave thing this year! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. What a great post! I have to say I have become addicted to Pinterest... sigh I even started a challenge blog based on it!

  4. LOVE your favorite list!! love so many of your favorites as well!

    one of my favorite things is your paper (now i know you think that I am totally sucking up here-but really your paper is my favorite! I just found your paper this year and I fell in LOVE with it! I love to have fun when I scrapbook my kids and my life and your paper just puts a smile on my face! My boys love to see all the paper and see what I am scrapping (they sit at my scrap desk with me when I scrap) and they have fun with it! I wish my local scrap store carried it--i keep asking the owner! So my favorite thing this year is finding your paper! Thanks so much for making my scrapping so much fun!!

  5. Happy Endings, the TV show is one...Once Upon A Time...also a TV show. I have TV issues. A new job for my husband...I love Anything But Perfect! Thanks for the link!!! You said one, huh?

  6. Oh, I LOVE this post! I must TRY to put one together, too! Thanks for inspiring me :)! I have to say that one of my favorite things this year has got to be Modern Family, too. It is the only show on television that I drop EVERYTHING for to make sure I see as it airs, and with all the other stresses in my life, I always NEED a great laugh by Wednesday. Modern Family never fails to deliver :)! Thanks for the chance to win!

  7. My favorite thing about this year is having a permanent home in a new state! I have been without a dedicated scrapbook and craft area for a couple years and I was fortunate to buy a small home with an extra room and painted it Turquoise to match my cricut which I just took out of the box this month. As I have been unpacking and trying to get organized I am discovering all of my "new" old items I have. Can't wait until after the holidays to get into the groove and my creative juices flowing again.

  8. My favorite thing is my relationship with God. Earthly things . . . my family, embroidery, quilting, sewing, and a new favorite digital scrapbooking. I won the software, and have been hooked ever since!

  9. hi nikki..wishing you and your family a wonderful and merry christmas!
    my #1 fave thing: my husband Herbie!!
    he is THE BEST HUSBAND, HUMAN BEING, SON, FATHER, Brother...i won't bore you anymore..he is a doll!
    thank you nikki for all you do for us in the world of creativity..marie

  10. Nikki, this post was wonderful. You inspired me to not only list my favs but I am going to do a favorites mini album and do pages for my hubby, our kids and our grandkids, might be a fun yearly tradition! Thanks for the inspiration and the giveaway!!!!!

  11. So many thing... #1 My son actually reading constantly. He went from indifferent reader to loving books and I am thrilled #2 finally going back to work after 5 years on disability leave. whew... some tough moments but overall so happy! #3 my family - heck, they put up with my moods, my health, my addiction to scrapbooking and love me anyway!

  12. my favorite things this year... Hmmm i guess i would say my new hubby. After years and years of being a single mama i found a keeper. We got married november 24th. I know thats not a thing really but it was the best part of 2011

  13. My new favourite thing is my running shoes, just turned 50 and taken up running. 2,nd fave thing our little doggie that got me into running. Overall though it's my family hubby, kids and all the craziness that they bring! oh yes and your products that have helped me do mega good pages!
    Happy Christmas!

  14. One of my favorite things this year was making some really special friends through this love of mine...scrapping...I met a real cool bunch of truly creative and inspiring ladies and have become best buds with one. (You know who you are!) We chat daily about scrappy papers and kids.etc...:) Thanks for the chance to win...I am so grateful that this hobby opened so many doors..Happy Holidays..xoxo

  15. Love your list! Think I might try that yoga! I have developed a love for stamps, and using them on patterned paper! I love Modern Family too, it's important to laugh every day! Trying new recipes from other countries, reading books I wouldn't ordinarily read and discovering new things, and starting a gratitude journal! Of course your paper is a given...just love it!

  16. Nikki...this post is absolutely wonderful! I smiled, laughed and even teared up (at the Joplin part) is wonderful! Then, reading some of the responses got me all teared up again.
    This year started out fantastic for me and my family, but in August took a very scary turn when my husband got laid off of work. Almost 3 months of no income with a family as large as I have is enough to scare anyone. My husband became a totally different person. So bad...that When my kids filled out their Christmas wishlist, my 11 year old daughter wrote
    "I wish that Dad would smile for Christmas"

    He did eventually find another job...not making near as much money, but it is much less stress. He has a wonderful boss...and it is crazy that I can say that after him only being there for one month...but it is true. I see a huge change in my husband's whole personality...he is less stressed, less argumentative, and a lot happier on an everyday basis.

    So, I guess my favorite part of 2011 was the realization that God does everything for a reason.
    Yes, He took a huge chunk of income away, but He also took away the things that were driving us apart as a family. My husband is smiling again, and it isn't even Christmas yet! LOL

    Thank you for this post Nikki! I think it is exactly what I needed today!

  17. I met the ELF ON THE SHELF author the other day. She did a book signing at my store!! She's very sweet.
    Favorite things: Various papers, stamps and tools from craft companies are some of the best I've seen. They just keep getting better and better. I've bought a couple of gnome stamps (sounds weird, but they are CUTE!), and they are my favorites.

  18. Mine would have to be my mom and dad and sister and her family coming here for a visit at Thanksgiving. It had been 18 months since I have seen any of my family and it was simply wonderful.

  19. My favorite thing this year is the tv show- The Good Wife. I am totally in love with the story line of Alicia and Will- her sweatheart from college that she now works for!

  20. Some of my fave things from 2011...dh and I suddenly started going out on "date night" together a couple of months ago. With 5 kids, we can't do it very often or even regularly...the goal was once every 2 weeks, but it's more like once a month. I am grateful. Meeting my best scrappy online friend, Nicolle...another blessing. My rl friends do not scrap. At all. It's nice to have a supportive bud who "gets you" and there's no need for explanation. :-D 4 out of 5 kids are in school this year. Woohoo! 4 out 5 are avid readers! Woohoo! The discovery of some really awesome manu's and Nikki Sivils and Helmar (Tracy ROCKS!), I just discovered both this year. :-D

  21. What a fun post! It's like being on the Oprah show (without having to pay crazy taxes on all the stuff)! I would have to say that I am a bit of a Pinterest addict, but my favourite from your list is the Anything but Perfect blog! I have never visited before, but what a fun place! Can't wait to check it out more often!

    Merry Christmas!

  22. What a great blog. I too am a HUGE fan of Pinterest and I have gotten so much inspiration from other people's genius ideas over the past year. However, I think my most favorite thing of the year has got to be the zoo membership my Mum got me and my family. I have been able to enjoy the zoo through the eyes of a 3 year old, which is an entirely different experience. We have also been able to share our membership with friends and family. I have so many wonderful memories of play dates and trips with family and friends.

    (I was sent by Julie Tucker-Wolek)

  23. What a fantastic post!! What you did for those that lost their homes was absolutely astonishing!!!

    I would have to say that my most favorite thing this year has been my absolutely supportive husband, children and family!! It's been a tough one but we're together and happy and that is all that matters!!!

  24. Honestly, it's checking all the wonderful inspiration on blogs! Some ladies are very friendly and I feel like I have some really amazing crafty friends! I'm totally addicted! Thanks for asking!

  25. One of my favorite things is my new phone! I love staying close to family and friends and I love having everything all in one place. it is not fancy, but I still love it!

  26. My favorite thing this year has been scrapping with my bestest friends - it's really a sisterhood and I never want to lose it!

  27. I am a new grandma and I have to say my grandson, Brandon, is the love of my life. Yes, I have a wonderful husband and two great kids. But I am smitten with Brandon. I love the way we spend time together. We go to story hours, museums, parks, and our favorite...The Zoo. I love the way he crawls in my lap for a story. It is fun to sing kids songs in the car. We are so excited to be decorating Christmas cookies with my best friend tomorrow. I could write pages about this sweet boy. God knew that I was to be his grandma and I really am thankful for Brandon and my family. That is what life is all about. Happy Holidays!

  28. Wow! Love your list of favorites! I would have to say that my favorite thing from this past year would have to be my mom. She has been suffering from complications from radiation treatment she had undergone back in the eighties. Lo and behold, 25 years later, doctors are discovering that these treatments have caused irreparable damage in patients that underwent them. She is a soldier, a fighter, and my hero and I am grateful to have her in my life!

  29. Hello I enjopy reading your blog. My favorite part for the past year is our family bond. We truly GOT together to support our sweet sister when her husband became seriously ill. He had been in hospital for 9 months. It had been most difficult long months for all of us but together we made it and we all are thankful that he is home now.

  30. One of my favorite things from this past year was the iphone 4s....I am in love with this wonderful piece of technology. It does things I never knew a phone could do and I am so happy that I splurged on it.

  31. oh. fun list. I love many of those same things. although I would love to have an ipad...because my favorite thing of 2011 is my iPhone. I love that little gadget. It rocks. all the photo apps make scrapbooking all that more fun.
    Have a very Merry Christmas!!!

  32. One of my favorite things from this year was getting my iPhone. I'm seriously in love with it, lol!!
    - April W

  33. Hi Nikki, I love your stuff !!!My #1 thing to do is taking pictures of my grandsons and making scrapbooks for them !!!!

  34. I discovered Modern Family this year and each episode has me laughing so hard! Did you love the Express Christmas episode, where Manny thought he was the "butterball" (he was even wearing a pale yellow top!) and Gloria with her "Luke" and "look"? I had to explain to my daughters what "butterball" was.

  35. Nikki, love your list of favorites!!
    Please don't add me to the drawing since I have already been blessed from receivng this amazing collection from you sponsoring the dt team!! Thank you so mcuh!!
    Three of my favorites from this year is trying new techniques, buying the smash books which has been so fun, and thankful for good health!!

  36. Everyone keeps talking about Pinterest. Hmmm.... Do love Modern Family, though.

  37. Hi Nikki! I'm honored to make your list! Thank you for the link love :) Happy Holidays!

  38. welll, I am going to try and do 10 but as I am writing I can only think of 5.
    1. Being able to turn in my retirment papers after teaching for 32 years.
    2. Being ale to accomplish over 60 pages scrapbooked and about 80 cards made whle working full time.
    3. Getting back my scrap room since my son got his own place -- don't getme wrong I love my son but when you turn 25 and are still at Mom's house the adults clash.
    4. Adopting a puppy at 9 months old who is absolutely perfect in our house and totally spoiled and scrapped many times.
    5. Getting home improvements done on my house while son and I work together. Who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks. I can now work a power tool -- Home Depot here I come.
    Thank you for having this post to realize I have had a fabulous year and "All is good".

  39. My favorite things right now is that im 8 weeks from graduating from nursing school, Glammor Dust ulta fine glitter paint from Deco Arts and Modge Podge!!! And of course planning my DIY wedding!

  40. Great idea for a post! I might just have to share my favorites as well - I do a Favorite Friday post, would be perfect for that. To start it off, one of my favorites from 2011 would be my participation in so many different forums and challenges. Thanks!

  41. I have to say the HI lite of 2010 for scrapping was taking your class at Pages in Time in Monrovia that old brick building when you came to show in Calif. It was so fun and your so down to earth. It was a great birthday gift. One I will cherish forever.. I so think the best of your papers is that Gingerbread Lane.. It's so adorable.
    Good luck to th e winner..
