
Monday, April 4, 2011

I had a GREAT Birthday!

My 39th birthday was wonderful! Dan and I ate breakfast at Cracker Barrel, then we (this is going to sound odd) went and looked at RV's, yep the RV's you buy when you are retired and travel the country in...  that's been another dream of ours to retire and travel in a huge bus like RV! We always have fun looking at them and dreaming of the years we'll be footloose and fancy-free to travel anywhere we want!  Later in the day I gave Nico a much needed bath then laid on a blanket under a shade tree with him and read some of my back issues of SB magazines! It was glorious...
My very white feet! 

Such a relaxing day!

Nico got a new bone for my b-day too! I think he really enjoyed it! 
Later that night we went to dinner and had some cake too, it really was a nice relaxing day! (And I didn't work all weekend either... hee hee!) Of course I'm paying for that today. 

The winner for the Clip it Up and my Max & Mollie paper line is... 
Heather who said: 
I thought I was already a follower at clip it up (am on facebook for sure), but I guess I wasn't so I signed up. Thanks for the opportunity to win. I love the Max and Mollie line and no one around here has it. I think my favorite age to turn was 29. I had my kids believing I was 29 for several years!   April 1, 2011 8:12 AM
Please email me your info Heather so I can pass it along to Clip it Up and get your new paper line out to you this week! Congrats!  (I picked the third comment since my b-day is the third of April.) Thanks for all your comments I enjoyed reading them all! 
I also have 2 layouts to share with you from some sweet ladies that I just had to show off! 
First up is a layout by Nancy Keslin, Nancy used my It's Raining, It's Pouring paper line.

Next up is a layout by Sarah Utting, Sarah used my It's Your Day paper line.
Thanks so much ladies for sharing your awesome layouts with me! 

I also want to thank my wonderfully sweet design team girls that all sent me a card for my birthday and for the wonderful blog post by Julie who posted all their cards! It was so sweet and I had tears in my eyes with each card posted! Thanks so much for thinking of me ladies! I seriously could not have a better group of design team girls that I can also call my friends! -Nikki


  1. Congrats Heather!!! Loving the photos and the lo's you posted!! And sooooooooo happy you liked your cards! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Love the layouts you shared!

    Congrats Heather! Enjoy your clip-it-up and your paper.

  3. LOVE relaxing birthdays that are filled with exactly what you want to do! LOVE these layouts.

  4. Happy belated Birthday Nikki, glad you got to enjoy the whole weekend! Great layouts! Might have to borrow the "rain rain" one. My son & I just finished putting plastic Easter eggs on our weeping cherry tree, it started raining again before we finished, I took a pic. Congrats to Heather! jenny.naus@yahoo dot com :)

  5. glad it was a happy birthday! made you some cards on my blog...

  6. Thanks so much! I am so excited to have this paper as I haven't been able to find it anywhere(and we went on a road trip this weekend to a store an hour away and one 2 hours away). Can't wait to get it in my scrappy little hands, excited about the clip it up to. I will email you right away!

  7. Congrats to the winner! And happy to know Nikki that you had a wonderful birthday! Just the way you wanted! I love those layouts! Nancy Keslin is one of my favorites!

  8. Sounds likew the perfect birthday to me! Relaxing and ding exactly what you wanted, with the people (and pets) you love!!

  9. How fun! Just received a sampling of your paper line that I won during the blog hop featuring your paper line! Can't wait to use it!

  10. Congrats, Heather!!
    Very beautiful LO's!!
    Glad you had a wonderful Birthday!!

  11. Congrats Heather!!!

    Nikki, is sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day!!! We love to browse through RV's and campers in search of our favorite features, dreaming of retirement!!

  12. Hi Nikki,
    Sorry little bit late but wishing you a belated birthday :)
