
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Did I say 5 winners?? I meant 6! :)

Hi everyone! :)

Thank you all for leaving Nikki some love on her birthday! It was so awesome to read all the comments and read you fave birthday presents! :)

So, when I said I had 5 winners ... I actually meant 6! (I'm sneaky that way, just ask Nikki, I take over her blog all sneaky like all the time! lol!) :)

So, I actually had a method with choosing my winners! :)

I chose #4 because Nikki was born in the fourth month! PAMK you have won the Sugar Cookie collection! :) Pamk said...
    happy birthday. My favorite present was a diamond ring from my dad and stepmom when I was 16.

I chose #19 because Nikki was born in 1972! :) #19 is DEBC06 and she won the Willow Bee collection! :)
Debc06 said...
    Happy Birthday Nikki!!! You and my daughter have the same birthday she is 27 today!!!! Hope you have had wonderful celebrations with your family. My favorite birthday memory was the one my husband surprised me with tickets to see Eric Clapton who was in town on my birthday.

And you guessed it! Since I chose the 19 for the 1972 reference, I also chose #72! Carol will be winning Dan the Record Man collection! :)
Carol said...
    Happy Birthday Nikki! My fav birthday gift is my daughter! Yep she was born on my 25th birthday!

And because Nikki turned 39 on Sunday, I chose #39! :)  Rebecca will be winning the Will He B the 1? collection! :)
Rebecca said...
    Happy Birthday, Nikki!!! I hope you have a fabulous day!!!! Hmmm... my favorite birthday present? My 30th birthday, my sisters and mom took me out for a trip to the spa, and shopping. Fun, fun!!

And my next winner was chosen...well... I don't have a reason for this one! lol! Except for #72, I couldn't come up with any lower numbers associated with Nikki! lol! So this next one was randomly chosen! lol! RSTUCK2003 will be winning 2 of Nikki's mini albums and all three of Nikki's Pocket of Treats stickers! :)
rstuck2003 said...
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIKKI :) My favorite birthday was when a soldier I had written to called me from Afghanistan! I meant so much to me for him to think of me on my birthday and to call me! That is something I will NEVER forget! Thanks for the chance to win.

And I just couldn't stand to have an uneven number of winners... so... I chose ONE MORE! :)
mow180 said...
    Happy Birthday Nikki. Three years ago my Dad gave me a check for $100. Now this may not seem like such a big thing but my Dad was 93 years old. I could hardly read his writing, his poor old hands were so shaky. He had put it in an envelope with a sticky note on it that simply said "All my love, Dad" My address was misspelled and he had scotch taped a used stamp on the envelope. I guess he was unable to get out to buy a stamp. I was so happy the Post Office delivered it.That was the last gift I got from Dad, I wish I had saved the check but I did save the sticky note.
    I hope you get at least one present in your life that will evoke such memories for you.
    Happy Days....

Seriously, that just brought happy tears to my eyes! :) What a special memory to have :) MOW180 you will be winning the Ellie's Day Out collection! :)

CONGRATS everyone!! Please email me at and I will get your packages out to you! :)

Thanks again everyone for wishing Nikki a Happy Birthday and to the DT girls, thanks from the bottom of my heart for making Nikki such beautiful birthday cards! :) You all ROCK! :)

~~Julie TW~~


  1. Congratulations to all the lucky winners! Love how they were chosen!!


  2. Congrats to all the winners! I love that story MOW tears!

  3. Congratulations to the winners!!!!

  4. Congrats to all the winners! Great way to choose!

  5. Congrats to all the winner enjoy your stuff.

  6. WOO HOO, I am too excited! Thank you so very much!

    Congrats to all winners!

  7. Julie.. that was an awesome way to pick the winners, so fun! And that comment about her dad writing a check to her had me in tears too!

  8. awesome memories everyone -- CONGRATS to the winners!!!!!

  9. Congrats to all the winners...
    Cool way to choose them too...
    such a wonderful memory with Her Dad ...

  10. Thank you for choosing me as one of the prize winners. I am delighted. And I love the collection, too.

  11. Wooohoooooooooo I am so excited and WTG everyone else that won and Thank you everyone!!!!!

  12. The package arrived today. Thank you so very much, I didn't realize how sweet the product is in real life, especially the stamps. So happy with the colours and quality too.
    I was shocked how much it cost you to mail it, wow, a very expensive prize. Thank you again - Robin
