
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Designing, Designing and more Designing!

Seems to be pretty much all I'm doing 24/7 right now. I woke up at 5:30 am this morning second guessing a paper line I had actually started a year ago and once again I nixed it! I guess its just not to be but I did come up with a great idea for a paper line so I'm sketching like mad! That's why I've been MIA for so long and will be for a bit longer too! My deadline for the paper to the printers is May (the first week) so it will be here before I know it!! This is going to be a short and sweet blog post as I have to get back to the sketch pad. I do have a couple of things to share...

First Dan and I have been working like crazy on designing our brand new booth that we'll debut at this Summer's CHA!  We are so, so, so excited to show it off! Here is a sneak peek of it... 
Isn't it so pretty! I just love the colors and columns! I can not wait to get it all ready and set up for CHA!

Next up is... one of my DT Diva's, Liz Qualman, is teaching a class at Operation Re-Scrap (in Loveland, Colorado) that Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker is sponsoring.  Liz will be using my "Summer" paper line, which has been so popular that we had to reorder it! Here is a picture of the class kit (even the class kit is pretty)
Here is a tiny peek at the layout...
and I had to share these 2 pictures of Maddie, Liz's daughter, who helped put the class kits together!
Maddie's a real cutie-pie!  

Here is a link for more info on this class

I was the guest designer over at Provo Craft Cricut Circle yesterday, which was so much fun! All those Cricut peeps are great! Here is a card I made for the post...

I used my Max & Mollie paper line, one of my Warm Cord Brads, the Cricut Expression and the Florals Embellished cartridge.
And while I was taking the pictures of the cards Miss Bella Blue came over to see what was going on so I took this picture of her! She is loving Spring, we have to make her come inside to cool off and eat, but by 7pm she's sound asleep right next to me!  

That's all I have for you! Off to do some designing! 
Have a great day! -Nikki


  1. LOVING the sneak!!! And yayyyyyy for Liz's class and her little helper!!! And Bella is ADORABLE! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. woohooo love the peek. TFS How did you weather the storms today? all is safe I hope.
    debbie_craine at hot mail dot com

  3. That sneak is great! I hope it comes out being exactly how you invisioned! Wonderful cards! And love your furbaby!

  4. OH WOW!!! That booth is going to be AMAZING!!!

  5. The booth looks fab! Love those colors! Looks look a super class Liz...good luck! What a sweetie Bella is...

  6. The booth looks gorgeous!!
    Love your Mothers day card so very pretty!!
    Liz class looks so fun!!
    The kit looks amazing!!

  7. Beautiful sneak peek. Can't wait to see it in real life in July...

  8. The booth is looking fabulous...can't wait to see it!! Of course I can't wait to see the new lines also :)

  9. Can't wait to see what you are up too so you just create away until it is all just how you want it and then SHARE!!! Cute creations too.

  10. I Love the look of the booth Nikki! Hope to see it in person this summer :) Thank you for posting my class sneaks. You are the best!
