
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

As Design Team Divas....We Are Family!!!!

Ok, I admit it...corny, but we are showcasing the We Are Family collection today...well, some of us of us is dreaming about summer and the Summer Collection and another one of is dreaming of beavers named Beatrice from the Beatrice collection!

Let's just get right to it!

 First up is Linda Beeson-She used the Beatrice collection
How adorable is that pinwheel and she used the Cute as a Button Buttons on the card also!

Next up is Rae Barthel with some We Are Family 
And on her first card she used the Warm Cord Brads, so fun!

Next up is Karen Taylor, who is loving the Summer Collection!!  
What a soft and pretty card....and she used the Cool Cord Brads!

Then we have Ms. Lea Albers...first she created an adorable housewarming card with a sheer 
and the We Are Family collection
 Then check out this mini album!!!!  I LOVE mini albums....and she did a GREAT job on this one!!!
She used the scallop mini album on this one.
 Then she used some of the same photos and made a matching 4x4 photo cube!!

And then there is little ol' me!!! I used all of We Are Family for my projects this month
First of all a layout

Here is a little detail with the kites and the Cut Ups

And I think the owl mini album is my FAVORITE!!!!  I created this little wall hang in a matter of 30 mins or so....super quick and I can't wait to find a place to hang it! Don't forget, you can always split your mini albums up into individual pieces!!!
Well, that is it from us today.  We are trying to get Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker to 5000 likes over on Facebook.  If you don't already like us over there, then head over and like us!!!!  Here is the PAGE.

Have a Scrappy Kind of Day!!~~Katrina


  1. Gorgeous work!! Such a fabulously talented team!!

  2. Wowwwwww! I loveeee what everyone created! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. All the projects rocks, but I loooooooove the hanging owl!!

  4. I loooove to see what the DT comes up with!!! so many cute ideas!!!! the pinwheel on the tree definately caught my attention!!!

  5. WOW!! I don't even know where to begin....all the projects today are simply FABULOUS!!! The DT totally rocked this line :)

  6. Fabulous job DT! great projects! TFS

  7. Loved all of the projects!
    I'm already a fb fan :)

  8. Great work love all the lines y'all used.
    debbie_craine at hotmail dot com
