
Monday, March 7, 2011

Hey hey it's Monday again!

Wasn't it just Monday a couple of days ago?  The week goes by so fast! Too fast if you ask me! 
Friday all of our reprints arrived, which was great but they arrived a couple of days early (which by the way never happens when you want it too) and we weren't ready for it at all. We had not made any space for the pallets so the delivery guy had to put them in our driveway, which was fine except a huge storm was headed towards us we had maybe 4 hours before the rain would hit! The best part is coming...
Dan had to be inside taking care of a distributors order (I'm not great at the shipping part, remember when I sent a huge pallet of paper to not only to a P.O. Box but a P.O. Box in the wrong side of the country, so to say the least I wasn't up for that again). So that meant me carrying 96 boxes of paper to shelter! (I have to say boxes of paper are heavy!) 
Here are the pallets of paper...
(You can see Nico tied to the front of the house, still healing and doing great!)
It actually went faster than I thought it would and everything made it safely without any harm. The Rain started about 3 hours after I finished. Later that night I then treated myself to pizza for dinner (Dan too) and didn't feel guilty at all about eating 4 slices and drinking a huge Dr. Pepper!

I know most of you know the story behind my Max & Mollie paper line but for those of you who don't this is the REAL Max & Mollie:
My twin niece and nephew! 
Their 2 yr old b-day party was Sunday.
Its REALLY hard to get a good picture of them together and both smiling!
Heck its hard to get them to smile when they are by their self!
Much too busy to stop and smile for aunt Nikki!
After the party we went downstairs to their playroom and my niece Taylor and I played dress up...
Taylor dressed me and I dressed her.
Yes, that's a pig mask under my hat along with elephant ears!
Taylor really liked putting these bandana's on me!  
The finished product...
Then we decided to get Uncle Danny in on the dress-up game...
I think Taylor did a great job! 
I designed this paper line because of the twins, they are both great inspiration!
So that's the real story of Max & Mollie my twin niece and nephew who are little stinkers!

I want to leave you with a Max and Mollie layout by DT Diva Ria! I love this layout she created, using this paper line for a "love" layout instead of a kid layout! 
Love it!

Have a great week! -Nikki


  1. Fun pics and beautiful layout!
    Love how you get your inspiration!
    Glad your Fur-baby is doing well also!

  2. Loveeeeeeeeeeeee the photos... sooooooooooo CUTE!! Loveeeeee to see you all dressed up... (and Dan too!) lol!! And loveeeeeeeee the lo!!! BEAUTIFUL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Awww, those pics are just the best! he he... 2 is such a fun age! We have a 3 year old and a 2 year old and it's a comedy show 24x7!

    Love the sweet layout with Max and Mollie too!!!

    Props to Dan for being a fun Uncle!!!

  4. Yikes, that is a lot of lifting :) So happy it made it inside before the rain...that would have been a mess!

    Love the family shots, the twins are adorable and you look pretty good with in all the dress up :)

    Love the layout, great colors!

  5. Oh you and Dan look so cute all dressed up! As do the birthday boy and girl! Of course love the lo too!!!!

  6. Loved hearing the story of the origin of the Max and Mollie line!
    Oh Dear with the paper! YES paper is VERY heavy! Thank goodness you got it in on time!
    Happy Birthday to the REAL Max and Mollie! (cutie patooties!)

  7. Well this is what we know as labor of love for sure! Glad the rain held off!!!

    The twins are just adorable! No pic of the two smiling? Maybe that is why my parents did not take pics of me and my twin lol!

    You and your darling hubby look wonderful in your new outfits! Rock on for being an awesome aunt and uncle!

  8. It's a good thing you exercise so much...that is a LOT of paper to carry! =) great pictures and what a fun aunt you must be!

  9. What super fun pictures!!!! I can't wait to see what you create with those :)

  10. Such a lovely pics!! The twins are soooooooooo cute!!

  11. What a fun time to celebrate with them for their 2 year Birthday party!! Love the dress up pictures you can tell all of you were having fun!!
    Glad you were able to get all the new boxes in before the rain!
    Glad Nico is doing well!
    Love the Max & Mollie LO!!

  12. Awww, super sweet - I actually didn't know the story behind it. They are adorable. You and Dan, however, oooh la la - don't you both just look fetching all dressed up. :) Oh, and you'll have to show me your muscles the next time I see you.

  13. What fun photos!!!! Kudos to Uncle Dan for being such a good sport! Loooove the layout too!

  14. Awww, they are too sweet. Looks like fun! TFS! :D

  15. Are they not the sweetest Max and Mollie
    I love the way you name your lines I was loving all the explanations in class..
    The layouts are gorgeous

  16. What good sports! Maybe she will go into fashion! The real Max and Mollie are incredibly adorable and wowie on the load you had to move.

  17. You earned that pizza girl! Looks like a great visit with those cuties!
