
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cards, Cards and more Cards!!

I started scrapbooking gosh, 20 years ago, but just in the last 4 or 5 years I got into making cards. I love making cards, especially when you want to do a little creating but don't feel like creating an entire layout. Its the perfect kind of gift too, a homemade card. I had a boyfriend (before I met Dan) and his mother would send me these sweet homemade cards she'd make from old magazines and books. I always looked forward to her cards. Its a special kinda gift that can't be duplicated!
With all that said I have some awesome cards for you be inspired by and you will want to create some of your own!  I realize you probably have seen some of these cards before but they are such great cards seeing them twice times can't hurt right! 
All these cards have been created by my DT Diva's using my "It's Your Day" paper line! 
Rae Barthel
Christine Ousley
Rae Barthel
Rae Bartherl
Carina Lindholm
I know this isn't a card but I LOVE it! Its simple but yet sweet and a perfect party favor!
Created by Mimi Leinbach
I hope you've been inspired to create a few cards tonight! 

And.... I have one last thing to share with you all. My dear husband brought home these "readers" with lights that turn on at each end of the frame. 
Yeah... real cute huh! The best part is he got me a pair too, but I refused to wear them!! Then last night I had to do some proof reading for a project and the light in the room wasn't great so while Dan was in brushing his teeth I pulled the "headlight readers" out to give them a try... well I have to confess they are GREAT! Does that make me old now or just a nerd?? Then Dan walked out of the bathroom and went banana's because I was wearing them! He said things like "I told you they were great, didn't I!" and "I'm the man, huh!"!! So here I am in the BEST reading glasses EVER!! 

Have a great rest of the week! -Nikki


  1. LOL! Don't worry about the reading glasses--they look awesome :) And love the cards! I've been inspired! Keep up the great work, and hugs to Nico...

  2. Loveeeeeee the cards and you and Dan look adorable in your lighted readers!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Love the cards, they are all gorgeous! OMG love the readers, my hubby would probably go nuts over these himself!

  4. Those are gorgeous cards! I just got some of your paper, and these cards got my wheels turning even faster! So when can we look for those glasses on your website??? LOL!!!!

  5. Those are awesome! The glasses AND all the cards! =)

  6. Fabulous cards! The glasses are cute!

  7. I definitely need me some of those glasses!I too have learned to love making cards-thanks for the great inspiration.

  8. Nikki your not getting old and no way a nerd LOL just a crafter...
    Love your cards they are adorable...
    My Design team is getting ready to showcase your papers.. Looking like we be hopping on March 20th
    Let me know if you want to hop with us...
    The Scrapbooking Queen

  9. what gorgeous creations and i just told dh how i NEEEEEEED those reading glasses-how cool!!!!


  10. Love all the cards from the DT so very creative!!
    Love the glasses they look really cool!!

  11. cards - great
    glasses - that's hysterical!!!!

  12. Love the cards and the readers are great! Where did he get them?

  13. Love the cards! I will definitely use the inspiration. Nikki, I also
    have a pair of those glasses. My kids think they're pretty dorky but their great for reading in bed.
