
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Where do I start...

Every morning when I wake up that's my first thought "Where do I start"?? There is so much to do around here and we are all working so hard to get orders out, answer emails and keep up with the phone calls! 
I'm not complaining, actually this is a great problem to have! So please bare with us as we are trying to get to everything but its just going to take some time.  We've even had to reorder product that will be here early next week! We are loving every second of this process!!

With all the things that need to be done I'm actually traveling today.  I hate taking the day off but my sweet big boy, Nico, has a vet appointment at the University of Missouri-Columbia college of Veterinary Medicine due to his knee injury.  This is about a three and a half hour drive from my home one way, but we also have bad weather coming in tonight and most of the day tomorrow... more snow so it will be a longer trip than planned I'm sure! I can't cancel b/c I've wait for over a month for this appointment of which I begged for (I think the vet tech was sick of me calling everyday and finally said "Okay how about Feb. 9th" and so that was a month earlier than what I had, so I took it)! 
I'm hope he is a candidate for this surgery, my local vet seems to think he is and has talked with the vet we are seeing today. This surgery is still in it's "experimental" stage but has been very successful on many GSD's and Labs.   This Dr. Cook is suppose to be the best of the best not just in Missouri but in the United States, we are just lucky enough he's in our state! (But I would have driven across the country for this big boy!!) If he's not a candidate for the surgery then nothing can be done, just pain meds and low to no activity. Which if you have a "high-drive" dog then you know this is almost impossible! But again I'll do whatever it takes... and praying. 

Please keep us in your thoughts for a successful surgery and safe travels!  

Julie will be blogging here Thursday with a tutorial about paper flowers from one of our DT Diva's Sarah!
This is the project... 
Sarah used the Max & Mollie paper line for this project.

Don't forget to sign up for my newsletter if you haven't.  I'm in the process of creating a fun one for you all! Also be sure and ask your local scrapbook store for my papers... there could be something in it for you if they leave your name as a "how they heard about us"! 
Have a good rest of the week! -Nikki


  1. Good luck & safe travels! He is a beautiful dog & as a mom of 2 dogs & 2 cats I know that they are part of the family just as much as anyone else. I hope he is a candidate for surgery! Keep us posted!

  2. Yayyyyyy for being busy! Please have safe travels for you and nico! I will pray that he will be a canidate for the surgery! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Best wishes for Nico. Hope your trip is successfull. Yes it is 9:00 am in St. Louis and it is snowing. Hope you made your trip and are safe.
    debbie_craine at hot mail dot com

  4. Have a safe trip and hope Nico does well :) He is a very handsome doggie

  5. Have a safe trip! and best wishes for Nico.
    Hugs, Lea

  6. **hugs** for you and Nico today. Good luck, my thoughts and prayers are with you both!

  7. Awww, poor baby Nico!!! I am praying for your safe journeys and that he is a candidate for the surgery so he can lead his active life!

    It's so hard when they are sick, it breaks your heart!!!

    Congratulations on being very busy with orders!!! I can't wait to get my hands on some of your new papers!!!

  8. Hope all goes well for your beautifl baby!
    I would love to be on your newletter mailing list!
    Here's my e-mail address:

  9. Nico is so gorgeous. Hope all goes well..... x

  10. Hope you had a safe trip today and they can help Nico!! Our English Bulldog had surgery on his knee a few years ago (patella luxatie) and he so much better now, he still has a little of a limp when he is tired but he can do everything he want (not that much to be honest, he is a bulldog)!! so I so hope he can help him!!

    good thing buisness is going so well!!!

  11. Good luck on your trip. Hope you get good news for Nico:)

  12. Hi Niki so sorry to hear about NIKO's injury. We will pray for safe travel and for a very successful surgery and quick recovery!!we met you last year in Chicago through Andrew and you helped me out with my classes. we talked about our Lab, Odie and you shared your story about your boy and how he was trained we so much enjoyed our brief visit. Take care we'll be watching for the good report!!

  13. I'm so happy to hear about the orders. I'm looking forward to seeing it in more places.
    I know how the dog situation is I just had to put mine down in December so by spring break I will get a new one
    Have a safe journey and prayers will be answered I hope for the surgery.

  14. I hope you and Nico had a successful trip to the vet. He is a very handsome boy, and so lucky to be loved by you!

  15. I'm praying for your safety on the road and for Nico. Vets can perform miracles. Yes! Also thank you for the tutorial on the flower.
    Your method is much less complicated with a better outcome then the way I learned to make them.
