
Monday, February 7, 2011

Hello Monday!

Where did my weekend go?  I got home Wednesday night from CHA and we were both exhausted but also knew we had to get back on the horse again and start pumping out the orders from the show!    So to have my brother, Ryan's birthday party Friday night was not only much looked forward too but also a much needed night with my family to relax and get away from work for a few hours! 

Here are some fun pictures from Ryan's birthday party...

This is Ryan's wife, Tessa, who is due in May with their first baby!
And it's a boy too! 

Jacob and his aunt Nikki!! 
Jacob and his uncle Danny...

Ryan with our mom and her homemade chocolate chip cheesecake!

Dan with my other brother, DJ
My niece, Alex...
My brother, DJ with his family...
Love this picture of DJ with his son...
The birthday boy, Ryan with his wife and their baby in her belly!
I can't wait for another baby in the family!! 

We had a great and much needed night off!! And I have to admit that I took most of Saturday off too... it was not my intent but I got up and laid on the couch to "chill" for a few minutes (which was mistake #1) because then I got stuck!! I couldn't move my body! So I stayed down most of the entire day then got back to work that evening... it was a great day too!
Sunday was good, both Dan and I worked like two little mice running around in circles. I worked on getting orders together all day while Dan organized the warehouse. Nothing like a good day of work to make you feel good and tired too! 

Well back to the shipping department... 
Have a great Monday!! -Nikki


  1. Awesome photos! Looks like a great night! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Breaks & Family are both so important ..... even better when they go hand-in-hand. your post made me smile today, Nikki. thanks.

  3. Beautiful family! You look so much like your mom! :0)

  4. Aww he is adorable!! Glad yougot to rest a little too!

  5. Ahhh how sweet and nothing more fun than a baby the smell their smile, just holding them....
    Precious times

  6. So glad you were able to get some rest and enjoy some fun family time!!
    That cheese cake looks delicious!!
    Have a blessed week!

  7. You have a beautiful family, Nikki! Many blessings to you all:) Prayers for a safe last trimester.

  8. How cute nothing more precious than babies.. I'm gonna be a grandma soon again and nothing makes me happier
