
Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Snow Storm and More Maya...

I guess compared to other states its not quite a "storm" but for us around here its a lot of snow!
Over 200 schools are cancelled so all the kids are happy about that, I know Henry is thrilled! 
I got a couple of snap shot of  Nico thinking he's in heaven... that boy loves the snow.

My 4 dogs and I are as snug as bugs in a rug today! I have about 4 hours of work on my laptop so I'll be doing that in my big cozy chair by the fireplace, then I'll be forced to move up to my studio. I have several projects that need to get done for CHA! 

Hold on to your chair... wait until you see this mini album!! 
Delaina Burns one my DT Diva's made this 
adorable album using my "Sugar Cookie" paper line and Maya Road's 
sweet love album! 

I know I have a lot of pictures but I couldn't not pick any of them! 
They are all so cute!! 
Tomorrow is our last Sugar Cookie & Maya Road day so stay tuned for one more day of goodies! 
(And a SWEET giveaway!)

At CHA this year I'm going to be doing a "Live from CHA" event through Charity Wings .ORG!
I'll be making a Valentine Card with my Sugar Cookie line, you can pre-order the kit, watch from your computer and we can make the card together! 
This is a great event and for a great cause. 
Here is the link for all the info about the event as well as the sign up!

Have a great day! -Nikki


  1. Absolutely positively stunning mini album.

  2. We are suppose to get 6 inches of snow today they have already called for early dismissal from school. UGH! I just love this many album and that paper so beautiful, cute and fun!

  3. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! LOVE LOVE LOVE Delania's album...and those photos of Nico are adorable!! Enjoy your day! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. cuuuute pupy! adorable! love that mini album! you did a great job with it!

  5. I love that mini album! I really want to make one, never have. It really looks like fun.

  6. Those are gorgeous creations!

  7. Fun fun fun wish I lived in cal for class

  8. All of the mini albums you have shared using the Sugar Cookie papers are wonderful! I have 2 questions:

    1. Is you paper available anywhere in the North County St. Louis area?

    2. Do you plan to share the instructions/supply lists for the different mini albums you have shared with us?

    I enjoy your blog and Facebook posts so much. :o)

  9. You are going to love being in Southern California for a few days!!! We were a bit colder last night but we have been usually warm lately. Hope that holds up for you. LOVE the album, what cuteness on every page.

  10. HOW SWEET IS THAT mini?! yikes! I can only dream to be so creative!

  11. Hello,
    Your blog is something else. I love your creative work.
    We are having a snow day too, already have 6 inches.
    Nico is very handsome...our dogs love the snow too.
    Keep warm, stay safe, and happy crafting.

  12. great looking mini......
