
Friday, January 21, 2011

Last day of Maya Road...

I can't believe its Friday already!! Where did the week go? I hope the weekend slows down a bit because I have several projects for CHA that I'm STILL trying to finish! 

We've had a great week with Maya Road and their sweet mini albums!
The design team gals have done an outstanding job at showing my paper line Sugar Cookie and Maya's mini albums together. So last but not least here is my Maya Road project I created using both Sugar Cooke and the mini scallop heart from the album. 
"Happy Valentines Day"
Door Knob Hang

I hope you've enjoyed this "Maya" week too! To end the week on a good note I'm going to giveaway my 6x6 mini pad of papers of Sugar Cookie and Maya Road's Love mini album to one lucky person!
Leave a comment about your best Valentine's Day ever and I'll pick a winner Saturday night and announce the winner on Sunday. 
Here is the product for the giveaway:

Thanks Maya Road for your generosity and your awesome products too! 

Also Scrapbook Cards & Today is hosting a "Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker" giveaway! They are giving away one of my new spring collections! So go check that out! 

While your checking things out stop by Suzy West's blog and look at the mini album she created using my new spring 2011 paper line "It's Your Day"! This mini album is for the retailers that have signed up for her "Nikki Sivils" sponsored class! It's so cute! I want to make one too!! 

Here is my 4th sneak peek...

"It's Your Day"

Happy Birthday!

Birthday Wishes


Birthday Surprise

Party Hats

Birthday Border Strips

Wrapping Paper

Birthday Cut-Ups


Birthday Minis A

Birthday Minis B

Its Your Day Cardstock Stickers

Here are some It's Your Day projects my DT Diva's created:
Card by Christine Ousley

Layout by Delaina Burns

Wait until you see what some of the other DT girls have created with this new paper line!

Be sure and ask your local retailer or favorite online store to buy "It's Your Day" while they are at CHA! 
We've already had a ton of pre-orders come in from the lines I've shown so far thanks to you all asking for it! Thank you all so much for your support!
Have a great weekend! -Nikki 


  1. Oooohhh, that Birthday line is incredible. I can't wait to get my hands on it.

  2. I forgot to tell you about my best Valentine ever -- It was when my boys were about 6 & 7 and they saved their ice cream money and took me to dinner at a pizza place we loved. They bought my meal and sat their looking at me. They had not saved enough for their's or didn't realize everyone needed to eat. So my treat to them was to let them choose their own meal from me. Loved that day.

  3. I loved this collection! is beautiful!

  4. My best Valentine's Day was when I was 6. Mom and made cookies, cut hearts out of paper doilies and had an old fashioned tea party. Unfettered by worries or expectations that simple sharing of joy was what Valentine's was meant to celebrate. Simple love.

  5. Wowwwwwwwww! LOVING that door knob hanger you made and love love love love the creations from the girls! LOOKS AMAZING! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  6. Valentine's day has always been one of my favorite holidays but my husband does not care for Valentines Day. We have been married for almost 25 years, and this has lead to some of our biggest arguments. One year he didn't do anything for Valentine's Day which greatly upset me. I didn't talk to him for 3 days because it hurt my feelings. He ended up surprising me a few weeks later with a beautiful ring. So while it wasn't the best Valentine's Day ever, it did lead to me getting my favorite piece of jewelry he has ever bought me.

  7. The projects are amazing....
    Love them all!
    X Lea

  8. What a beautiful collection!!!! My best Valentine was last year when my daughter and my husband made me a delicious homemade dinner! Dinner, Salad, Seafood Pasta and Strawberry Cheesecake all from scratch!!!! Delicious!!!!

  9. My best Valentine's day was in 2004 and I told my husband that we were expecting our first child! It was a very happy day indeed!

  10. Valentines we don't make such a big deal out of cause Feb is so busy with birthdays in our family.
    I guess when my BF took me for a surprise trip to Vegas. Now x boyfriend waaaa

    The paper is great I have so many birthday including mine in Feb.

  11. I think my best Valentine day is when I was young. My Mom came to school and brought bags she made for all my friends and sat and had lunch with me at school. I was always happy when she helped out at school. She still to this day does not go without sending me a card and little something.. She is the best Mom ever! Her birthday is this month too So I am glad she is coming to town and I can see her

  12. Your girls have totally rocked this week with Maya Road!!!! Love the new Birthday line!!!!!!!11 great colors and cute images! Can't wait till it's available!!!!!!! My best Valentines Day, can't really name one because they all have been special!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I cannot wait to play with this new line-its so so pretty! Thank you for your creativeness and sharing your product with others-I will get my DT working on some fun new items to post on my website!!! Hugs Cathie

  14. Thanks for the chance to win. The best V-Day I had was when my DH and I decided to go out for a great dinner with good friends of ours. We figured we spend lots of time together all the time, so we thought V-Day would be a great day to celebrate with friends. This is now an annual tradition.

  15. Sweet!
    Best Valentine's ever? Hmm...spending time with my hubby eating chocolate covered strawberries--maybe a massage...Don't worry, I won't go R or X rated! :-)

    Best hope to one day get to do for Valentines: go to Door County, Wisconsin, to the White Gull Inn overnight and eating their magnificent food (can't afford it now though)!

    Thanks for a chance to win!

  16. I guess my favorie was when my son was 6 and his dad forgot it was valentines day. When my husband told me he was sorry that he did't even get me a card, my son ran to his backpack and gave his dad a card that he had made at school for me. He told his dad that he could have it to give it to me. They both ended up signing it and giving it to me. My son is now 21 and evey valentines day he reminds my husband what day it is and they always get one together and give it to me.

  17. when my son was 6 his dad forgot what day it was. When his dad was telling me how sorry he was for not even getting me a card my son ran to his backpack and pulled out a valentine card that he had made at school for me. He told his dad that he could have his to give to me. They both ended up signing it and giving it to me. It was so sweet. My son is now 21 and he and his dad still get me and card and that both sign it for. Zach has to remind his dad sometimes...but its the luv right?

  18. This is a perfect birthday line! Love the colors and patterns.

  19. I love all the party hats and fun colors. Another great collection!
    I love valentines that I get from my kids...can't get any better than a handmade valentine and a big hug!

  20. LOVE the sneak and Delaina's layout! Adooooooorable!
    My best V-day....? The one right after I got married...My husband actually got me roses, chocolates, and diamond earrings! He took me to dinner AND a movie!!!!!

    I guess he figured that was good enough...because I haven't gotten ANYTHING for the last 16 V-days! LOL

  21. My best valentine is giving handmade cards to family. Also my hubby gives me a card every year with heartfelt writings of how he feels. It usually makes me cry.

  22. I am lovin' your new products! My favorite Valentines memory is one we do as a family every year for over 15 years....a Valentine's hunt! As a toddler, my son got Easter egg hunting and Valentines "confused" and wanted a ever since I hide candy and little gifts all over the house and we have a super fun hunt on Valentine's morning!

  23. Love this line! It's so much fun! My best Valentine's ever was when my hubby and I first started dating. We went out for heart shaped pizza and he bought me a beautiful gold necklace. Even the waitress was fascinated with how pretty is was! Unfortunately, 10 years later someone with "sticky fingers" made off with it and I never saw it again. DH has since found a beautiful replacement. :)

  24. Your paper line is amazing!! My best Valentine's Day was when my daughter was 10 she made me a valentine at school. She could not wait to give it to me. It was so sweet, she made me feel like I was the only mom in the world!!! I will never forget that Valentine, as a matter of fact, I still have it.lloolloollooll

  25. My most memorable valentine day was the first one with my husband (who was my boyfriend at the time) 20 years ago. We were in high school and he got me every valentine balloon that they had at the store. They wouldn't even fit in my car....he had to walk me home from his house so I could take them with me. I still have them all folded up and stuck in my first scrapbook!

  26. Maya Road and Nikki Silvis are a dynamic duo! Thanks so much for a fantastic week of eye candy!

    My best Valentine ever is when my hubby and then 4yoa son made me a basket filled with things that I enjoy and they both made their own cards for me! They even took time to shred pieces of red and pink paper as filler for the basket. The fact that they went through the trouble of all that shredding and making the cards warms my heart even today (9 years later)!

  27. It's another fantastic new line! My budget can't keep up with all Nikki's creativity!

  28. Love your beautiful product and enjoyed reading every ones Valentine stories! When my girls were little (like, 20 yrs ago!) my mom and I would make elaborate tea parties for them on Valentine's day with lots of doilies and hearts and treats, all pink, red and white - so much fun, and a wonderful pick-me-up in the dead of winter! Thanks for the opportunity to win some of your amazing products!

  29. Beautiful collection!!
    Don't think I have a favorite Valentines Day, enjoy them all because there is chocolate involved! Thanks
    miller896042 at bellsouth dot net
