
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sorry so late today...

My very best friend, Birdie (who lives in St Louis) came in town and surprised me at our annual girls Christmas party last night!! We all stay up until midnight and talked about old times and our present lives too! It was such a great great surprise for me to have my friend in town that I spent most of the time either in tears or laughing! So that's why I'm very late with today's blog post! Stayed up too late, then couldn't sleep b/c I was too excited from all the excitement of that night!!
Here are Birdie & I...
Here are most of the "girls", we are missing 2 girls who live out of state. We've all been friends for over 15 years! These are girls that I know I can call in the middle of the night for anything ever!
Silly pictures I know but every time we get together we make a pyramid. We've been doing this for years (since our early 20's), unfortunately we are never all together for one pyramid, always missing one or two of us. Maybe one day!  
We teased last night that when we are really old in wheelchairs and walkers that we'll have to have a platform and lift-gate for our pyramid, but by golly we'll get it done one way or another. (Our pregnant, friend, Marla has to be in the front so we can see her sweet baby belly and she can't have anyone climbing on her back either.)

To celebrate our friendship blog stories yesterday I thought I'd share my fun "friend" surprise with all of you today.  Nothing like a true friend!

I can not pick a winner from yesterday b/c all of your stories were wonderful, sweet, funny and some made me tear up too. You all have made some great friends with some wonderful tails of chance meetings... everything from a stranger looking in your purse to an online travel board meeting in another country to a friend taking another friend and her baby in off the streets! You all are amazing people with amazing friends!  I just can't pick one over another so I used the random generator again. 
Yesterday's (Friday) winner is...
Jolanda, who said:
I met my friend about 40 years ago in the playground. She pushed me I got angry and sent my big brother to (_#&"9&? her up. Then my mother sent me to her home with an orange to make it up. We´ve been friends ever since. We have totally different lives and interests, might not catch up for years sometimes, but always find eachother again. And now our daughters are good friends do you like that!!
This was a great story too! Jolanda please email me your address and I'll get your prize out to you next week!

I'm still so happy about my surprise last night that I have to use today's giveaway to celebrate all our friendships! I'm going to giveaway the entire Collection of "My Friend Birdie" to one luck lady! 
Leave a comment on this post and I'll pick one winner and announce it on Sunday's blog post. 

"My Friend Birdie"
I created this line for the friend I spoke about in the beginning of this post, that surprised me last night! Well I surprised her with this paper line this Fall! She loved it, as she is a scrapbooker too! Birdie goes around and tells everyone that she's the "Birdie" of "My Friend Birdie"! Too Sweet!!

That's it for today! Have a wonderful Saturday and again sorry for the very late post!

Have a great weekend and don't forget to sign up for my free newsletter on the upper left side of my blog, I'll be picking a winner from that list to win my mega huge Christmas giveaway... over $100.00 of Nikki Sivils products! 


  1. Can't believe I'm first! And I loved your story about your friends! I'd love to win the goodies - What a great Christmas gift for me . . . maybe I could make some thinking of you cards for MY friends from them!

  2. What a great way to start the holidays!! We've got a girls' get together coming up and I can't wait. We have lots of fun and laugh and laugh. I'm so looking forward to it. I love this time of year because it seems like we all make an extra effort to get together and share some quality time. Thanks for sharing your "girl time" with us.

  3. How wonderful that you still get together! It is always so much fun to do that. Would love the papers. Thanks for a chance to win.

  4. Oh how fun...I wish I had a group of friends like that! What a wonderful surprise too.

  5. What great friends you have! I love the "m Friend Birdie" line (thanks again for sending it to me!), and love knowing the story behind it!

  6. that's a great story of your friends party and your dear friend who surprised you & in return surprised her with such a cute line. i have a bf since i was 13 and recently made contact with a friend from about 20 yrs ago. it was like time never passed. love your pyramid.....
    have a great weekend
    hipljp at yahoo dot com

  7. Congrats to jolanda! And loving that birdie came to surprise you! What fun photos! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  8. loving this line. thanks for chance 4 ME 2 win!

  9. What a wonderful suprise :). Friends are a great gift in life

  10. very nice line hoping to win! more 4 the wifey!


  11. loving the blog giveaways! :)

    Dave R

  12. I too WISH I had a group of friends like are all beautiful and looks like it comes from the inside out by the sparkle in your eyes! Be happy you have friends like that....not all are so lucky.

  13. friends from high school and I still make pyramids when we get together...especially when cocktails are involved. LOL

  14. Don't you just love getting together with your friends of many years and the new ones! It's always a special time and the holidays make everything in brighter! Tanks for the chance to win some great goodies!

  15. Wow Nikki, it sounds like you had loads of fun!! ISn't it great to have longlasting friendships! Hugs,Frea

  16. Oh, I love all the friend stories, too. I missed yesterday's post, but I have a friend for life, too. We met when we were 10 at church and now we live 500 miles apart. We see each other whenever I am in her town and we FB each other plus email regularly. Thanks for the chance to win such an adorable line. :D

  17. how I love all the stories for sure.
    Thanks for the fun giveaways....

  18. Such a cute collection! Glad you had fun with your friends, thanks for sharing it with us. :)

  19. A very cool collection and what a cute little birdie!!

  20. I always get such a kick out of reading about you especially when you explain the inspiration behind your collections and their names! One of the things that I adore most about you is (from reading your blog & lucky chance at a chat w/you) is how true you've remained to yourself! Even through the hustle, bustle and busyness of your life, you stay "loyal with a full heart" to your family, your friends and to your puppy pals!! So with this being said, I want to tell you thank you... Thank you because after reading your very heartfelt posts about the bond among you and your friends, I took a leap to do something that's been on my mind for quite a bit now. You see, in 4th grade (ouch, 34 yrs ago) I was the new kid in school and Jane took me under her wing right away, not only helping me to fit in but working her way into my heart as my very best friend then. We remained "stuck like glue" until 1995, then for some crazy reason, we stopped staying in touch and although my heart missed her like crazy at times, she just never took a step to pick up the phone or to send a card, sad part is neither did I... She's been in my thoughts alot and after I read your post, I called her to wish her a "Happy Birthday" and to let her know that I was thinking about her. The kicker is that all along, I thought that she hadn't wanted to talk to me so I was very shocked when her Mom's (who had answered the phone) muffled voice before handing Jane the phone say, "you will never guess who it is!" I was a bit ashamed when I could hear the excitement over my call in her voice and then when she asked me, "how come you never contact me by facebook?" It's really sad to think that we've missed out on all these years because we were both waiting for the other to make the first move. Anyways, I've said it before but will say it again, "thank you for sharing such beautiful moments with us, your blog readers!"

  21. Great post--love reading about your friends and your antics!
    Thanks again for a chance to win! This is a really cute collection! I'd consider it a fantastic Christmas present! :-)

  22. Girl time, so necessary for all of us! would love to win the lovely
    assortment. That little bird
    is so darned cute!

  23. I loved your story! I ,too, get to surprise my best friend from high school with a surprise visit for new year's! I haven't seen her in 8 years and she has a sweet new baby boy I can't wait to meet! Hooray for friendships that last forever, even if seperated by many miles! I hope I am chosen so I can use your friendship pack to make her a mini album of us. That would make the whole trip! Thanks for the chance to win!

  24. Friends the neccessity of life I say
    here here and how cool to be the friend with a name named after her.
    cool beans

  25. what a cute line! so glad that your friend was able to be with you on your girls nite out!

  26. wow, so nice your surprise, it's nice to have real friends!! like your pics special the pyramid with the cute belly on front :)


  27. Looks like you had so much fun last night! It's so awesome that you are still all so close :) We finally got our tree today, and the decorations down, so I am off to do some of that in-between finishing the last couple of Christmas cards, and several more gifts that I am scrapping...nothing like waiting till the last moment!!!

  28. My friends and I try to get away for GOWEWOM (Girls Only WeekEnd WithOut Men) every summer. Last summer was soooo very busy we did not do it! I really missed it! To make up for it, we are thinking about adding a winter GOWEWOM in addition to next summers. Your Birdie paper would be perfect for scrapping one of our GOWEWOMs.

  29. Oops! lol went back read the responses from yesterday and accidentally left my comment there! I wanted to say they were great stories and thank you for the chance to win such wonderful scrappy goodies. :-)

  30. I love surprises and this one sounds like a really good one, even a gift. Friend time with lots of talk and food is always good for the soul and the creative mind.


  31. What a great collection-true friends are far and few between-you are blessed indeed.

  32. Friends are the icing on the cake of life. I don't have a lot of friends that I see on a day to day basis. But I have friends who I touch bases with every now and then. One lives in New Zealand,another in an RV. But when we get together it's like finding that old comfortable sock you misplaced along the way. They are tried and true, comfortable to be with, and treasured.

  33. What a great idea-naming a paper collection after a friend! Thanks for all of your great giveaways!

  34. It's awesome to have the gift of friendship as a tradition each year! Not only does the My Friend Birdie bring a smile to my face, but the comments on the individual packaging brings a smile also. Thank you for a chance to win!

  35. so nice to see you get together with friends in large group...enjoy

  36. It looks like you and your friends had a great time together! How fun!

  37. Great story about friends. At work we were just talking about this as we are being to hit retirement age and said we have to get together no matter how old we are, just make room for the walkers and wheelchairs.

  38. What a fun night for all of you!!
    That is so awesome!!
    Loveed the pictures!!
    Love that this collection was created because of your friendship with your friend!!
    That is so sweet!!
    Have a blessd day!!

  39. congrats Jo!! I love your photos Nikki!!!

  40. I looked at your pics and had tears of joy for you. You are so blessed to have such great lifetime friends. It almost made me jealous but then I thought for a few minutes and realized that I do have one great friend and I wouldn't change that for the world.
    Thanks for the chance to win "birdie". Funny thing is, it reminds me of the cards that I send my precious!!

  41. What a great story, it's a gift in itself to have wonderful friends like that in your life. I am so thankful for my best friends who are just like family!

  42. I'm late commenting on this post too! I had a great day scrapping with my friend and the time just got away from me! I love the "My friend Birdie" line! Thanks for sharing your fun story of last nights activities!

  43. Becky Goble agoble@aol.comDecember 12, 2010 at 10:04 AM

    How Awsome that you have such great and beautiful friends. I too, am blessed with some great friends that I have made through the years, esp. through my volunteering group. We get to share commen interests, and help others, and each other. I am truly blessed to have found these women. Wishing you a Merry Christmas. Becky
