
Friday, December 10, 2010

Short & Sweet....

blog post today because my new Spring 2011 paper lines have arrived this morning!! Woo Hoo!! I'm just beside myself...  I'm so excited for this new release!  Since it has arrived today to help celebrate I'm going to give you all a sneak peak of one of my papers from one on my new paper lines...
Here it is....
"It's Raining, It's Pouring"
That's the name of the entire collection.
This is Tubby the Turtle! 
I love and adore him, and I hope you do too!
 So because I have to get back to my new papers that are waiting for me here 
is yesterday's winner of Sugar Cookie, I used the random generator:
Karen who said:
We visited NYC this summer and had a BLAST!! It was so fun - I can't imagine how great it would be during the holidays!
I always do sugar cookies with my kids for Christmas - we love getting out all the sprinkles and the different colored icings. Some of them we "ice" in melted chocolate - mmmm - the best of both worlds!!
Love this paper line - it is adorable!

I loved reading all your stories about sugar cookies! Who knew so many memories are being made over making sugar cookies! I love it! 

Well speaking of making cookies, here is my good friend, Heather and here Christmas tradition: 

Each year my immediate family and my god-family gets together to make delicious hard tack candy. We pick a weekend in December, go to my god-mother's house for a quick bite of food, and then the fun begins. My Mom Susan and God-mother Charlotte get the ingredients ready and stand over the stove with the candy thermometer. Meanwhile the men of the family get the pans and scissors ready for when the candy gets poured. The remaining people myself included get the bowls of powdered sugar ready for dropping the cut pieces into. The actual process is chaos with pulling and cutting and sugar flying everywhere. It's awesome, and if you aren't covered in white with your fingers burned then it wasn't a success. We have been doing it for over 20 years and I hope 20 more years to come.

Don't you just love her story and her pictures too! 
Heather and I have been friends for about 5 years now, we met at a crop believe it or not! I asked to sit at her table she said yes and that was that... forever friends! I love her, she makes me laugh all the time and we are great travel companions! She often teaches classes with me and we go to all the crops we can (not as many as we used to b/c of the business) and have a great time! 

Here we are at a crop in AK, Heather helped me teach 2 class and we got to crop for like 20+ hours!
Here we are at "Nikki Sivils Day" at our local scrapboook store, Scrapbook Generation...
This is what the back of my car looked like after a 4 day trip to a CK convention we both went too!
(This was 3 years ago I think)
And this is at Scrap-a-palooza here in our home town where we taught 300 crafters 3 different mini classes!
Heather's not just a great friend but she's also my graphic designer. She does a great job at getting my sketches down on paper for me. At times it seems like we think alike. We make a great pair! 
Thanks Heather for all the work you do for my company and for your friendship too! 

Tell me about a friend you met through a chance meeting to win this:
My mini pad of 6x6 papers of "U R My Favorite"
and my
Crown Chipboard album!
Leave a comment on this post about your friend and I'll pick
one winner to win these products on Saturdays post.

Have a great weekend and don't forget to sign up for my free newsletter on the upper left side of my blog, I'll be picking a winner from that list to win my mega huge Christmas giveaway... over $100.00 of Nikki Sivils products! -Nikki


  1. I met Nicol in high school. I was the "rocker chic" and she was a "preppy", no one that I would hang out with. I sat in front of her in English class, one day she tapped me on the shoulder and asked if she could look in my purse. I had this giant denim bag and thought she was weird, but fine, whatever. After that we started talking and she has been my best friend for over 20 years now. I still have a photo of us from school, it's so funny how different we were.

  2. Your a treasure to me and I thank God everyday that we met. Love Ya!

    The Graphic Bee

  3. I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee TUBBY!!! Sooooooooooooo cute!!! And you know I love me some Heather!! She ROCKS!!!!! Have fun going through all your new goodies!! And CONGRATS to yesterdays winner! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)`

  4. i have no close friends living by since i moved a few years ago but i do treasure her even we are so far apart.

  5. Yay, Heather! What a talented designer!

  6. I met my BF through a mutal friend, funny thing is I went all through highschool with her husband, we instantly bonded - and I don't know what I would do without her even though she lives 750 miles away(for the past 4 years)- she is still my BF and we talk or email everyday. She turned me on to SG and Nikki Sivils -- Thanks Christa -- I love you.

  7. What a sweet post :)
    I loooove Tubby Turtle! I think I'm going to have a new fave next year! I can't wait!!!
    TGIF :)
    hugs, margie

  8. love the peek of the new spring line. How great that you have a friend like Heather. I met my good friend Susie at a racquetball class about 18 years ago. We were the oldest there and just hit it off

  9. Hi Nikki, I met my BFF Annika when I started working as a teacher 6 years ago. She was a teacher at the school where I started and we hit it off straight away. Now I´m an only child and have always felt that there was something missing in my life because I don´t have brothers of sisters, and she only has 1 brother, so we decided to ´adopt´ each other as sisters. So now when someone asks we always reply that we are sisters. Funnily enough we do not look like each other at all, so we´re always joking that the milkman is her dad LOL!!

  10. I met my friend Lucy when I worked at a store and then again when I worked in Branson. We have become such GREAT friends and so much more than just crafting. She recently moved to FL and I miss her so much. They are really stuggling so if I win anything I am sending it to her as a suprise. She could use some perking up...Love her tons which is awesome as hearts are her fav!

  11. I met my new friend,Gayle, 12 years ago at the school where we both worked. We started eating lunch together in the teachers' lounge. That following summer I called her and said, I have a new hobby...scrapbooking. She laughed and said, me too! We have been"scrapping friends" since and love scrapbooking together!

  12. Love how you're showcasing fun to read!! I met Erika at an lss (now closed), we were both customers shopping and sharing stories. That was almost 10 yrs ago (wow, we'll have to celebrate!!) We scrap together, cry, laugh, moan and groan...etc. She's the sister I never had!

  13. I met my best friend in school just a few years ago, we both need to do extra lessons for all different reasons and since then, it clicked!!

    It's so funny, we're so different, but yet we have so much in common!!

  14. I met my best friend Christina while our daughters were doing plays with a children's theatre group...they became friends, and we realized how much we liked each other. She got me into scrapping. This year has been rough for her...she lost her son after a 5 year battle with cancer, and some other more personal stuff immediately after...but she has turned to her friends for support, and we have given it to her with our love.

  15. I was lucky enough to meet my friend MarKay when I moved into my current neighborhood. Our family would take walks around the block and we met when my DS, then two met their greyhound Gracie. He said something very frank about Gracie's bottom which doesn't need to be repeated on line. But we instantly hit it off. She has been my friend for 8 years and I *finally* got her scrapbooking and card making!

  16. Kathy and I met at work, we both sat down at the same table during a coffee break and just started chatting like the 10 year age gap meant nothing! We had so much in common! Here we are 20 years later,BFF's and still chatting every day.Such an intragal part of each other's lives that we often joke we can never NOT be friends if only to stop each other from writing a tell all book!

  17. I met my dearest friend Diana through our daughters' old school. Her DD is older then mine, but we both were involved in the school. We are now at a new school (sadly our school closed) and have remained best of friends. We scrapbook together too...I recently introduced her to our LSS =)

  18. Just had to say I *heart* Tubby! And gotta love Heather too, we have the same name!

  19. I met my friend while hanging out next door with my grandma. We were both so young but one day I walked out and there she was sitting alone playing with some toys. I walked up to her said, "Hi, I'm Cindy", and we have been best friends ever since. Its 20 years now. We may not see each other often but we write, call and text. :D

  20. I met a great person who started working at the same credit union I did, and we because friends right away. Although I moved and now live far away we still talk and send things back and forth, and look forward to our tradition of eating at the same place everytime we can visit.

  21. I met my friend about 40 years ago in the playground. She pushed me I got angry and sent my big brother to (_#&"9&? her up. Then my mother sent me to her home with an orange to make it up. We´ve been friends ever since. We have totally different lives and interests, might not catch up for years sometimes, but always find eachother again. And now our daughters are good friends do you like that!!

  22. that turtle is too cute!
    happy holidays!

  23. Mine would be my best friend Cathy. She's actually my sister-in-law but we totally hit it off and she's an amazing friend to me. :)
    - April W

  24. Actually my story won't count. My mom is my best friend in the whole world. We live in Az kinda noone but us our family lives in Calif and we are trying to move back, we do everything together. I love her so much So that's my story and wouldn't trade her for anyone in the whole world

  25. Well it's funny I met on of my friends thru stampin in 2000 then we drifted and then ran into each other again when she moved on the internet of all places she moved bck to calif. We are like sisters in my opinion we do so much together anything scrapping related and other. We have this addictive habbit but just because of the internet we were able to stay in touch and reconnect and it's 10 years of sisterhood and friendship. I love all the stories this month you've made this so fun.

  26. My best friend was my older sister. We used to fight daily growing up. I didn't realize how special she was until she died. She had jsut turned 25 and I was 23. That was 39 years ago and I still miss her! It breaks my heart when siblings don't get along

  27. I don't think it was really a "chance" meeting but when I moved here 3 years ago my husband had already been here for a month. One of the guys that worked for him had a wife (well he still has her, LOL) that scrapbooked. So I made sure we were introduced and we even went to a weekend crop together in Branson after having met eachother only once! Later we both met another co-workers wife that scrapped and the 3 of us have been friends ever since! It gets pretty rowdy when we scrap together and is always so much fun!

  28. oh wow great post!!!!!!

    I have a BF who lives back in Cali, we lived next door to each other for about 5 1/2 years and were like family.. we had our first babies within weeks of each other and were sooo close.. I miss her tons and wish we lived next door again

  29. My friend Lisa and I went to Scrap-A-Palooza last year. Dee, Cindy and Sam were there and sat at the table by us, and we all got along so well that we now have a scrapbook club where we all meet and scrapbook once a month. We have all became great friends and made many more friends through scrapbooking.

    This new line is really cute!

  30. WOW that turtle is so cute in your new spring line. I love the prize you are giving away. I have a very special friend that I have NEVER actually met in person but we have so much in common and alike. We are fellow crafters that met on an online message board. I hope before too long to actually get to met her in person.!!

  31. My close friend is like a mother to me. My other friends are friends but not close. Sara took me and my daughter in when I was still in school and getting no help from my family on raising my daughter or teaching me. I felt like I was fed to the dogs when I was still learning life in gerneral. She helped me, taught me, comfort me, treasured me, and loved me like a parent was suppose to do.

  32. Wow, tubby is too cute!!! I became friends with my BFF by pure chance. We had just moved to Fl from Ny and my brother had began dating her. He brought her home, and when we met I was not very friendly to her. Lol, she said she thought I was a you know what. Well a few years later they broke up and we stayed friends, besties forever! My brother always jokes about not being able to get rid of her!! We've been through it all, she was even in the delivery room for my first child!

  33. I have a friend who I sort of met by chance! I happened on a blog challenge site one day through another blog friend and met Stacy HW! She is the most wonderful friend, and I've never even met her in person! I don't "click" that easily with people, but I did right away with her! Thanks for a chance to win! I'm crossing my fingers to win! :-)

  34. I met my dear friend LaShanda at a small, Girls Night In crop at a mutual friend's house, and we have become dear croppin buddies! We have now traveled twice to the Scrapbook Extravaganza in Arkansas (where we had the awesome pleasure of meeting you and Heather this year), and our families hang together all the time! She's the best and we have tons in common - especially our love of the craft!

  35. I met Elaine on an online travel message board in 2003. This was my first time ever to reply on a board. We messaged each other for a week before our travel to the Dominican Republic. Her first message that I replied to was about meeting up with someone with kids around the same age as hers to have play dates with.
    I was nervous to meet her. We met up at the hotel when her bus dropped her and her family off at the resort. We had lunch together that day and the next 7 days were like I was hanging out with my lifetime best friend. For the last 8 years we have become BFF's and I couldn't imagine my life without her in it. She is my lifeline. She is my angel that was sent to me one day on a message board. I am thankful everyday that I got the nerve up to post on that board. Life would not have been the same if I didn't reply that message. I truly have a best friend that means the world to me.

  36. I've worked on the the same floor with my current friend for years before we discoverd that we had so much in common. We would say hi in passing of course, but it wasn't until I made some crafts and cards for an office party that we discover we each had a love for scrapbooking and crafting! And since then we have been to conventions, traveled all over to different stores, attended classes, and even have our own little scrappy days sometimes during our lunch break! A frienship made in scrappy heaven!

  37. So many fun stories. I met mine BFF thru work I interviewed her and we hit it off and we have been thru the world, bad, good, happy, sad, thick , thin and sometimes we don't get to talk that often but always a place in my heart for her.
    She is the best she would give just bout anyone the shirt off her back that is just her. We are still bff after 25 years.. I love her to death...

    Welll I have the Henry's brillance so don't enter me in this particular drawing... give someone who doesn't have it a chance just wanted tos hare the story I love everything you have done.. I am so excited about newsletter can't wait for the first edition..hehehehe

  38. Love peeking into what is in store for the spring.

  39. I met my friend Roberta through storytime at the library when our kids were babies. We both took a scrapbook class together and were both hooked! Our kids are 13 now and we live across the country from each other now, but every phone conversation always includes some "scrapbook talk". So glad she was my inspiration for starting this great hobby!

  40. I met Peggy around 30 years ago. We lived about 2 blocks from each other and both just happened to be out walking! We've been friends, work out buddies, comforters and go to friends through men, kids, and now parents.

  41. My best friend and I met when we were 3 years old, going to preschool. We are now 34, and have daughters the same age! We both love to scrap and make cards. I am so blessed to have her in my life!

  42. Such a cute spring peek, thanks for sharing!

    I met my best friend Nicole in junior high. Out of our group of friends, she and I have remained the closest and still are best friends to this day.

  43. that candy making looks pretty scary!!!! I met my friend from work. Started working at the same place and donna was already working there. We had simlar families and travelled together, later both of us married and she purchased a cottage on the same lake as my family. Still friends 25 years later.

  44. Back when I was 16 and a junior in hs, I was talking w/a friend after gym class and we ran into another girl that she knew who was in different grade. It was right before winter break and the girl asked for my number. I gave it to her never expecting that she'd call since we'd just met and I had no idea who she was. Well, she did and we talked a lot over vacation...18 years later, she's still my best friend even though she moved clear across the country.

  45. How CUTE is that peek!!! Can't wait to see the rest of the line.

  46. I met one of my best scrapping friends on a message board. We realized we lived only a mile apart from each other. We met in person for some scrapping right after that and have been friends for the past three years.

  47. Went back to read everyone's stories from yesterday. Fantastic! Thanks for the opportunity to win such an awesome pack of scrappy goodies!

  48. I met Rachelle when I was a part of a Christian scrapbook group. When I got very sick and couldn't care for my family, her whole family came with her to Kansas to help me. I was having trouble with what would be later diagnosed as MS. She is fantastic and still one of my closest and dearest friends.

  49. I met my best friend in high school. I moved there my sophomore year, but didn't meet her until my senior year. Actually I probably would have never met her if it wasn't for a friend at my part time job. All of us put together formed some sort of wacky group of random friends that did almost everything together that year. And now 5 years later spent very far apart,she is still my bestest friend and she is going to be the maid of honor at my wedding! Love my Casey!

  50. I have no friends locally, but belong to a group of wonderful people on the internet who I can share anything with, not just scrapping. Thanks for the peek at your new paper.

  51. Hello my name is Penny and I am so happy that I found your blog, it is wonderful. I have a friend that I met my best friend at a church group about 3 years ago. The group makes different items for the new borns at our local hospitals. We have had so much fun making and unmaking in the last year to last a life time... I am the silly one and she sometimes gets embaressed because of me.lolol
    We crochet and sew and make cards and blankets and ....just about everything a newborn would need.
    OH her name is Shirley..
    Thanks for letting me talk about her for a min or two.lolol
