
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The winner is & Spellbinders...

I asked Lanie, who works for us, to pick a number between 1 & 60 and she picked number 10 for the Happy Holly-Day's Christmas Tree giveaway.... #10 is Ange who said "When ours goes up totally depends on the year. But in general if we're using the fake one it will go up the weekend after Tday or the first week or 2 of Dec if we get a real one."  Ange please email me your address and I'll get your goodies to you soon! 

 Well our Big Boy, Nico, went in to get neutered today. Bless his heart, he's not going to be a happy boy when we bring him home tonight! I always hate having any dog go through surgery; it scares me a bit. But we heard from the vet and he is waking up and doing fine. So keep Mr. Nico in your thoughts while he recovers... I'm going to spoil him rotten the next few days!! :) 

The first day of the Spellbinders™ Paper Arts Holiday Hoppin’ Blog Hop is tomorrow!   

*Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker*  is thrilled to be included in this event!  All of the designers in this hop are showcasing the newest products available, just in time for your Holiday crafting and gift giving. 

Lots of creative ideas are in store, as well as prizes galore!  Each participating company has  donated towards the prize package listed on the Spellbinders Blog.  A total of two identical prize packages, one for each day, November 18 and 19 will be given away!  To enter, just leave a comment on a participating blog!  Comments in the first 48 hours of the post are eligible.  One commenter each day will be randomly selected as the winner.  Winners will be announced on November 22, on the Spellbinders Blog!

Visit all of the Holiday Hoppin’ blogs:

November 18

November 19

Simply leave a comment on each of the listed blogs above to be eligible to win the Spellbinders Holiday Hoppin’ Prize Package (Hyperlink to  blog post w/prizes)!  One winner will be chosen from all the comments on all the blogs participating today.  Comments made in the first 48 hours of this post will be eligible to win.  Winner’s names will be published on the Spellbinders Blog on November 22, and they will have 48 hours to reply to Spellbinders to claim the prizes.

Doesn't this sound like fun! I have 2 of my design team ladies participating, Mimi Leinbach & Rae Barthel so be sure and stop by their blogs first!  

Have a great day!! -Nikki


  1. Sounds like Fun!!!! You got me excited! I am off to hop!

  2. Congrats ange!!! And yayyyyyyyyy for spellbinders!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Good luck Nico, I always get scared when my boys go in too, but he will be fine and actually feel lots better afterwards,???? well the boys told me they do. Melxx
