
Monday, November 15, 2010

Doing nothing...

Hi all! Hope everyone had a nice weekend, I sure did!! I had the entire weekend to myself no kid, no hubby but I did have the 4 dogs (which was fine) so I decided to not work at all. I didn't even open my mac, in fact I turned it off and put it away! I had so much fun, I got to scrapbook for hours! One paper line I adore is Bo Bunny's new Halloween line and I bought all of it at my local SB store and used just about every sheet of it, all I have left are a few chipboard pieces.
I had a blast watching one movie after another just playing with paper and glue!! ;)

I have Christmas goodies to share... now I wish I could take credit for these layouts but I can't, they were created by a few of my rockin' DT Gals! They used my new Christmas paper line "Happy Holly-Day's"!
This one was created by Liz Qualman, isn't it so pretty!
 This one was created by Leah Farquharson...  I love her son is these pictures, what a cutie-pie!
And this one is by sweet Sarah Eclavea... I love everything about this layout! 
Didn't these ladies do a great job at getting different looks from the same collection! I'm always amazed by their awesome work!! Thanks ladies!!  
I don't know about all of you but I make it my Christmas "mission" to buy every single Christmas paper I can get my little hands on!! Do I use it all? Rarely but that doesn't matter... right! LOL! That being said I have a video of my friend Christine Urias going through some of the new 2010 Christmas releases, including mine, you can see all the goods HERE! Sooooo.... I thought this would be a great time to host a "Happy Holly-Day's" giveaway... leave me a comment on this blog post telling me when your Christmas tree will go up in your home and I'll send my entire Christmas paper line, Happy Holly-Day's to one lucky lady!  At my house all of our trees go up the Saturday before Thanksgiving then after Thanksgiving everything Christmas comes out! 
I'll pick a random winner and announce it on Wednesday's post! Good Luck! -Nikki


  1. What a great giveaway!

    We go tree-cutting the first week of December, but this year we'll be at my in-laws so we'll get a tree when we get up there.

  2. I hope to put up my Christmas tree this Sunday....before Thanksgiving. If not Sunday then the day after Thanksgiving. We will put up the "real" tree downstairs the first weekend in December. We don't want to get it too early and have it die before Christmas. We do currently have a Santa in a helicoptor hovering over our back deck......I just couldn't wait any longer!!

  3. My husband's family has the tradition of leaving the tree up until "3 Kings Day"..Jan. 6, so we usually don't put our tree up until Dec 14 or 15.

  4. We usually put it up the day after Thanksgiving! :) Thanks for a chance to win!

  5. LOVE the layouts, cute stuff on everyone!

  6. Usually goes up Thanksgiving weekend but since we will be out of town it will probably have to wait until the first week of December!

  7. Our tree normally goes up Thanksgiving weekend (Sat. or Sunday) but this year I'm crafting like crazy for a Christmas craft show on Dec. 3 and 4, and hubby is on vacation the next week, so it will probably go up that week. So much to do, so little time! Becky G.

  8. we have a tiny litttle tree for the coffee table as every inch of space is taken up:) Usually I put it up a few days after Thanksgiving!

  9. We usually put our tree and all our decorations (including outside lights) the first weekend after Thanksgiving weekend and leave them up until New Years. You said "trees" so I am guessing you are one of those that have more than one tree! How can you do it?? I have enough trouble with one!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win your beautiful paper.

  10. When ours goes up totally depends on the year. But in general if we're using the fake one it will go up the weekend after Tday or the first week or 2 of Dec if we get a real one.

  11. Loveeeeee the lo's the girls created! Gorgeous! We are doing our tree this weekend! :):):):):):):):):):)

  12. Your layouts our lovely! I start putting up my tree & decorating the house on the weekend after Thanksgiving! Thanks fir this Awesome opportunity!!

  13. My tree is already been up and has been since a few days after Halloween. My husband works out of state and is away from home for 3 weeks at a time. This next trip he will be gone for 4 weeks, and will miss a majority of December, so decided to put our tree up early so he could enjoy it.

    Not only do we have our living room tree up, but we have 3 additional trees set up. In our dining room, den and our baby girl's room (it's her First Christmas)

    We love Christmas, can you tell? lol.

    Happy Holidays Nikki.


  14. I refuse to go tree hunting until my daughter who is in grad school comes home. It is a family tradition to head to the tree farm, traispe through the snow and cold for hours on end, the kids complain, try to get a small tree even though I want a big one! It really is a cherished time for all of us. This year's date is Dec. 13th!

    Thank you so much for a chance to win!

  15. We always put up out tree the day after Thanksgiving...after the sale shopping of course lol...we had done that when i was growing up, and I kept the tradition with my own family! Although i would love to decorate earlier, I don't think my Hubby would agree, so instead I leave up my Christmas decor extra long into the new year!

  16. very cute layouts! We don't have a specified date when we get our tree. We go on the warmest weekend we can in between all of the kid's activities. It's a tradition though to all go together so we can all decide which one to bring home!

  17. What a great giveaway!!!! We usually don't put up the tree until the second week in December, but it just isn't enough Christmas for me so I am going to put it up Thanksgiving weekend!!! Thanks for having such a great giveaway:)

  18. We try to get our tree up at least a week before Christmas and take it down right after New Year's.

  19. Pur tree usually goes up the weekend following Thanksgiving...after all that black friday shopping, hehehe! Thanks for a chance to win!

  20. No trees unless I decide to pull out the little mini trees this year. We go to my parents house so we have the big tree there. It's usually up the weekend after Thanksgiving

  21. I love Christmas, but we are procrastinators at my house, much to my youngest son's chagrin! So, our tree usually goes up the week before Christmas! I know- put me in the hall of shame! LOL!

  22. My tree will go up Thanksgiving weekend sometime. I wanted to put it up this past weekend, but I ran out of time. The sooner the better for me.

  23. I am getting in the Christmas spirit so much this year that I may put it up before Thanksgiving. And I always leave it up until after the New Years. I love the lights on the tree, the decorations are almost all hand made by me, and the others are gifts from people. I love listening to Christmas music with all the lights out in the house except the tree glowing and the Scentsy warmer of course.

  24. My tree will go up Dec. 4th or the 11th...I haven't quite decided yet. It kind of depends on when the Christmas spirit hits me.

  25. I always make sure to have ours up and decorated the weekend before Thanksgiving so we can enjoy it at Tday dinner too. :)

    Love this Holly-Days collection! Thanks :)

  26. My tree will be going up probably in the next 2 weeks! I want to get at least 1 up (plan on 2 this year) before my hubby goes out of town for 3 weeks for work Thanksgiving weekend.

  27. Since my hubby insists on a live tree every year we will be putting it up as soon as Lowe's gets them put out :)

  28. wow, those layouts are fab. Makes me want to break out some Christmas paper and play.

    We typically put the tree up the weekend after Thanksgiving. If not Friday, then for sure by Sunday.

  29. We always put our Christmas tree up the Saturday after Thanksgiving, along with all the other decorations!! Woo-hoo! Thanks for the chance!

  30. We usually put ours up Thanksgiving weekend, but my hubby is supposed to be home this week, so I think we're pullin out the tree early this year!

  31. We go cut down our tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. I'm hoping the snow waits until after we cut it down because it's hard to pull that tree out of the forest! (But it's fun!)

  32. We put up our tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. It's a fun family tradition with handmade popcorn garland and all the trimmings with all of us singing Christmas carols as well:)

  33. Christmas Tree always goes up the day after Thanksgiving...or at least that weekend. Last year we were a little behind because we decided to have a slumber party for 8 7 year olds, but it will be ontime this year!

  34. Awesome! We put our tree up the day after Thanksgiving!! It's almost time.. whoo hoo.

    Thanks :)

    phenis2031 at yahoo dot com

  35. Traditionally, when the kids were still at home, it was always the Sunday after Thanksgiving, but now that we are empty nesters, it is when ever I get around to it. I do try to stick to the tradition if I can.

  36. Under normal circumstances our tree goes up Thanksgiving night after we have all recovered from dinner...but this year we are putting it up this friday.....or sooner if the kids keep insisting....we are turning it into a "Thankful Tree" I have all the little tags already made up and we are going to decorate the tree with the tags and on each one we write what we are thankful for. Then we will read them after dinner and remember our year :) Then we will pull the christmas decor out and have at it....corny? yeah, kinda :)

  37. I love your give-aways. Your blog is so much fun to keep up with. We put our Christmas tree up Thanksgiving weekend. This year, we'll try to put all the Christmas decor out as fast as possible. Now that my oldest daughter is married we have to share her with her husband's family. But she'll be home for Thanksgiving so we'll celebrate to fullest!

  38. Our tree doesn't have a set time, but never before Thanksgiving! Thanks for the chance to win this cute line!

  39. My tree goes up the weekend after Thanksgiving along with all the other decorations.

  40. I "hope" our tree will go up Saturday after Thanksgiving.

  41. My tree usually goes up the day after Thanksgiving--after I move furniture and do some hevy cleaning and vacuuming. So the lights go on the next day and the decorations the third day. I have to pace myself.

  42. sayouMy tree is already up....we are having my sweet 2 year granddaughter and her mom and dad here for Thanksgiving and we wanted to knock her socks off with all our decorations and lights. she arrives Tuesday the 16th! (tomorrow)

  43. We usually put it up right after Thanksgiving. It's an artificial tree so we can have it up all December :)))

  44. Oh my gosh the layouts you posted were wonderful. The girls did great jobs on them.
    At our house the kids would put up the Christmas decorations and tree the day after Halloween if we let them! The day after Thanksgiving will be decorating day and the tree will be sometime over the weekend.

  45. Love the DT's gorgeous LO's!!
    We put our tree up a few days after Thanksgiving!
    What an awesome giveaway!!

  46. I have a fake tree mostly because of my son's allergies. I used to put it up during the 1st or 2nd week of December but for the last few years, I've been lucky to even get it up on Christmas Eve. In fact, I'm ashamed to admit that one of those years, I wasn't even going to put it up but felt guilty about it so at the last minute on Christmas Eve, we set it up but only put the lights on it for decorations! Of course, I don't have small children in the house so I'm not compelled to go all out much anymore.... This year, I'd like to do better with the countdown to Christmas so I may make a December Daily and this awesome prize would be just perfect for it!

  47. I put up my tree the weekend after thanksgiving. Sandy from Springfield

  48. Hi, well I have to tell you my 3.5 yr old had been wanting the lights up for over a month, so last Saturday night, 2 poodles, 1 grandma, a small boy and me put the tree up with its lights and every night we sit and look at it. This may be early but time seems to go so quickly these days that it is so nice to admire it for a few extra weeks, he just cannot wait for Christmas and says - Is Santa Claus coming in 2 minutes Mum? it is super cute. Melxx

  49. Wow, such fabulous layouts!!! Your design team rocks! We'll put up our tree the first weekend in December.

  50. thanks for the chance!!!... as for our tree... it's up on the Saturday after Thanksgiving... We always have a huge tree, so the light take a full day to do, but by Sunday night our tree is decorated and we sit by the fire with hot chocolate enjoying our beauty! It's one of my favorite weekends of the holiday...

  51. I put our tree up the first weekend in December.

  52. Our tree tradition is the weekend of Thanksgiving :) this years Christmas Tree should be a real adventure since we added a kitten and have 10 mo pup in the house! Thanks Nikki for sharing these awesome layouts and the chance to win!! You ROCK!

  53. if it were up to me, the weekend right after Thanksgiving...but DH won't allow it (partly because the tree will dry out, partly 'cause he's a scrooge LOL) usually the first weekend or so in December.

  54. Our plans are to put the Christmas tree up the Saturday or Sunday after Thanksgiving!

  55. Love the DT layouts! Thanks for sharing! As a child growing up our tree didn't go up or get decorated until Christmas Eve - However in my home now we usually put the tree up about 1 week before Christmas and take it down right after New Years.

  56. Outstanding Designers and Layouts.
    Beautiful.. I love the variations and cute cute lines
    I will be packing this year I have to move during the HOlidays. I will be putting it up late this year but normally it goes up Thanksgiving weekend.

  57. beautiful LO's! Our Christmas tree goes up Friday after Thanksgiving.

  58. Fun Inspiration
    What a great inspiration
    We usually put it up on Thanksgiving weekend..
    But we did some remodeling that's not done so not this year..

  59. Loving the inspiration!!!
    My husband makes me wait until December to put up our tree. If I had it my way it would be up the minute Halloween was over : )
    So that being said my tree will go up December 1st!
