
Sunday, July 25, 2010


Howdy! Michelle Bertuzzi here. Hope you all are enjoying this great day! Who's getting ready to go to CHA? There will be lots of new Nikki Sivils products to drool from.

I'm sharing 3 projects with ya' all today using the super cute irresistible Willow Bee collection.
First project is a layout about myself. Yes, I'm a dreamer. It's free so why not take it. :)

My second project is this little bird house. Perfect to use for those scraps that you have hanging around. I painted the wooden bird house with white paint (perfect cover up for those teeny tiny mistakes you'll make with measuring the papers) and brown paint for the fence. I then covered it with this beautiful A Good Place to B and Bee Strips. I pierced the sunflower from the same Bee Strips paper to create dimensions in front of the bird house as well as the clouds. Embellish it however you like. This bird house is available at any Michaels' store.

This 3rd project is a layout of my youngest son. He's happy as a bee so the Willow Bee is so perfect for him and these silly photos.

So glad you popped over!
Have a wonderful time for all of you attending the CHA and give Nikki a big kiss from muah!
Enjoy the rest of this beautiful week!


  1. OMYGOSH!!! These are AMAZING Michelle!! I love love love love that birdhouse! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Now these are just oo cute! I LOVE that birdhouse and the Happy as a bee layout too!!!

  3. Ooooh, love your Willow Bee projects!

  4. What fabulous projects! Loving that birdhouse!

  5. Ack! They're all soooo gorgeous! I love Willowbee! and your layouts are stunning! and that lil bridhouse is amazing! Love it all too much :)
    TFS! hugs, margie

  6. Amazing projects Michelle! I love the little hous and... well al of them!

  7. Amazing projects, Michelle!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. very creative michelle. I loved all 3. Especially the cute bird house

  9. Oh how fabulous are all of these!!! You put the papers and details together so adorably.

  10. i love everything!!! great work !!!
