
Sunday, July 25, 2010

CHA and the Winner...

We or rather I worked all day on the booth while Dan played on his iPhone!! I should confess though that I don't want ANY help at all... I just want to put my earphones in, listen to some good music and play!! This is my favorite part the decorating and show the beautiful layout and cards that my design team girls have created!! I'd say I have another 5 hours of work and I'll be done tomorrow, maybe less (but I know I'll start moving things around as soon as I think I'm done)!! Pre-show set up:
I guess you all would like a winner of the 3 new collections... well... first you have to view my 4th collection: "Something For Everyone" my first "all" pattern collection, named after some of my design team ladies, the ladies that work for me and my momma!
Something for Everyone...

For Trish:
For Lanie:
For Ria:
For Hilde:
For Deana:
For Susan:
For Julie:
For Mimi:
For Heather:
Something for Everyone 12x12 cardstock stickers:
Something for Everyone 6x6 mini pad of papers:
I guess you know what's next... leave a comment here on my blog tell me your favorite paper and I'll pick a winner tomorrow night! The winner will get this entire collection along with the last three brand new releases... 4 entire collections for one lucky gal!! Good luck!!

The winner of the last giveaway with Tree Love is Sherry "Country in Phoenix"!! Congrats Sherry!! Email me your address and when I get back home we'll get this shipped to you!!

Oh and my hubby took this picture and told me to tell you all this is what he has to live with day in and day out... a snuggie that travels!! Goodnight!! -Nikki


  1. Nikki-this line is beautiful. I love every piece of it.

  2. Beautiful collection. My fave is For Trish

  3. Another awesome collection! ...My pick is "For Julie" because I am all about the polka dots! ...and the variation in colour gives it oomph!

  4. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee this one Nikki!!!!! And the booth is looking AWESOME!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that photo of you in your snuggie!!! Of course, in Phoenix right now its 4 million degrees so I would be boiling in that!! LOL!!! And CONGRATS Sherry!!! She is a friend of mine too!!!!! She is GOING to be soooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!! YAY! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. Oh my gosh! I think this is the best paper yet!! I love the Heather paper!!! And of course the cut outs!! I just love it all!! Is there a stamp set to go with this collection? I have to have it too!

  6. I love 'For Ria' as I've been loving polka dots lately.

  7. I love the "For Julie" paper....the polka dots are so cute! Love the snuggie!

  8. Oh, my, Nikki, this is awesome. I love them all so I would have to pick the 6X6 mini pad-so cute! Oh, you look adorable in your snuggie!

  9. Thanks Julie!! It's not as hot here as I thought it would be... still not snuggie temps but hey I can't go anywhere without it now!! I LOVE IT!! LOL!

    And how fun... that Sherry is a friend of yours!! YAY!

    Thanks all!!

  10. love this collection! It really is for everyone, and everything. If I had to pick one, it would be For polka dots, and Julie :)

  11. wonderful papers.. my fav is for susan! Very nice.

  12. This line looks awesome! I like the For Ria paper. :D

  13. my favorite will be the "for Ria" paper :)

  14. I love For Julie. Cant resist polka dots!

  15. Congrats to Sherry!
    Nikki, you look great in that snuggie! :)
    The new line is so fab!!!
    Again, it's hard to choose, but I'll go for "lanie" or "Ria" (sorry, Julie, I love you very much, but the other pages look best to me.... LOL).
    Enjoy CHA and come back home safe.
    Thanks for the chance to win these lovely collections.

  16. Girl with that wonderful, handsome husband of yours, loving and patient enough to spend the day watching you rearrange pattern paper . . . you had better throw that snuggie on the floor now!!!!! LOL! :)

    Have to say I LOVE the distressed look of this line, and Ria and Julie are my favs because I am in love with all types of dots!

    Love you other lines too! Bucky Beaver was my high school mascot! (Don't laugh, we were fierce despite our cuteness. Hee! :))

    Good luck this week, hope it is all you are dreaming of!

    God Bless!

  17. I love the For Mimi paper! It's awesome! You're so cute in your Snuggie!

  18. I love it all, just gorgeous. But my very favorite is the for heather paper! Good luck at the show!

  19. Hi Nikki Sweetie...
    Oh my gosh. I am so over the top thrilled. I can't believe it. I won...This is the best lottery ever. I love it. This means I will be having Julie come over and spend an evening crafting. Oh girl thank you.

    I love the Julie polka dots ofcourse. What girl does not love polka dots. To cute. I love the color variance.

    Now I love that Snugglie on you but here in Phoenix sweetie, even the birds aren't flying. It is to HOT. I saw one walking across the street bobbing his head and dragging his tail. I promise, the honest to God truth.

    Thank you again sweet friend. I am thrilled. A gift from a real movie star. Love Ya.

    Country hugs, Sherry

  20. My favorite is for Hilde! They are all beautiful.

  21. This is definitely my favorite of the new releases. It is *SO* hard to pick a favorite, but I think I have to go with "For Heather". Love the colors, love the paper patterns. A home run!

  22. I love all the new papers, also all your collections. You papers have a little something that hits me. Good luck at CHA and have a great time. I can just see you, Allison, and Stacey sharing stories of how great things are going. Best Wishes Lucinda

  23. My grandson's fav color is green and my granddaughter's is blue. I can see alot of mileage from this line. My fav is for Susan. I am really into circles right now.

  24. Awww, how sweet to name them after your DT! I adore the blue! So cute and versatile, love it :)
    The setup at CHA is looking good! Good luck :)
    hugs, margie

  25. WOW!!! I am LOVING the blues! I ADORE how cute Mimi and Heather look together, and I also love Ria! ACK! To choose just one? OKAY! K! (eyes closed)... I say HEATHER! (but they are all divine!) Congrats on your fourth line Nikki! :D

  26. Super cute picture, hope you'll have a great time at CHA :)

    My favourite paper is definetely the houndstooth one for Mimi!

  27. Beautiful line Nikki! My favourite is For Trish!! Yummy!!

  28. I am so a paper pad person, so love that you ahve these beautiful designs in a smaller scale for us cardies.
    My fave would have to be Heather...lovely and soft.Wishing a fabulous time at CHA...PS -I like that Snuggie

  29. Thanks so much Nikki! I am beyond honored to have something named after me! I love the whole line!!!

  30. Oh my I think this might be my favourite new release! I love all of them, they are so versatile (and in my favourite colours!) but if I had to narrow it down I would say the Julie and the Heather papers!:)

  31. Oh wow! I ADORE this line!!
    I´m crazy for dots...

  32. What a sweet idea to name your papers after some of your designers! and I love them all! Hope you have lots of fun at CHA; your booth is already looking good!

  33. Beautiful collection of papers Nikki. My favourites are Susan, Julie and Heather. Your booth looks fab. Hope CHA goes well. I wish I could visit but being in Scotland prevents that a little! Maybe one day! Hugs, Lainy xx

  34. So cute! Hard to pick a fave one, I like them all, but "fot Trish" is my fave one!

  35. Gorgeous papers ... just love the colours Nikki! My favourite would have to be 'For Julie' though I just love spot papers!! :)

  36. Beautiful new line and that ;for Julie' pattern is a must have even though they all look like wonderful patterns I would love to have. Thanks for sharing!

  37. Really am drawn to for HEather! Gorgeous colors and patterns in all of them!

  38. Have fun at CHA Nikki! I'm sure your booth will look AWESOME! I love the new collections! I have to say my Fave paper is Heather!

  39. The paper is beautiful! It is hard to choose, but the paper "For Heather" the most beautiful!

  40. For Ria and For... and for.... Have a Great Week!

  41. GORGEOUS collection! I honestly can't pick a favorite pattern, they're all fabulous!

  42. Beautiful line! For Heather is my fav, and I love For Ria (congrats Ria!!) and the die cut pp of course!!

    The booth looks awesome and you look super cute in that bed :)

  43. Fabulous line Nikki. My favorite paper is Susan. Hope your show goes well and you have a great time in Chicago.

  44. I love _all_ the blues! It's a hard call, they are all wonderful, but I'd say the polka dots--so I'll say "julie" because she's an inspiration to me and the paper is too!!

  45. I like Heather's pattern!!! And I love how these all look together on the cover of the paper pad.

  46. There all so pretty, but I really like the design for Hilde.

  47. This line is super beautiful and congrats to the winner!

  48. I love For Trish and For Lanie!! This is a great collection!!

  49. The new line is adorable, my favorite is "For Julie"!

  50. I love the traveling Snuggie! LOL I really think Bella needs her own too. That would be such a cute picture - you and Bella both in your Snuggies. :) SOOOO jealous that I am not in Chicago with you! If I lived just a bit closer I'd pop over and say hi!

  51. I'm gonna have to say my favorite is For Heather lol. Love the whole line though!

  52. Congrats to the winner!
    And your new collection is just gorgeous--it's very different from anything you've ever done before!

  53. I love too many of the Something for Everyone Collection so I would have to pick the mini pad that has so many of them at once. Cute you in the snuggy! Her husband is a blessed man!!

  54. WOW! This line is great! LOVE IT! What a nice way to honor your DT too by naming papers for them. I love the colors too...very versitle.

  55. I love this entire line. It can be used for sooo much! It would make beautiful baby boy layouts and shower invitations. If I have to pick a favorite it would be -- For Heather. Although, I love them all.

  56. What a great line - what a way to honour the people on your team (& mum)! I think I like 'For Susan' the best - love that combo of circles & diamonds.

  57. Gorgeous collection. My favorite is For Julie. I love the varying colors on it.

  58. love this collection Nikki. I think my fav is heather :)

  59.'ve made boring ole' stripes & polka dots interesting again!!! I'm torn between Deana & Julie.... since I live in Phx w/Julie (although we've never actually met!), I guess I better go with Julie!! BTW...all the lines this year ROCK!!! You've outdone yourself!!

  60. OH, waiting for more booth pics! I love hearing about your process. Congrats to the winners too.

  61. I can't decide I love it all! I'm torn between Julie and Mimi. But I love all of it!!!

  62. Love the colors and the polka dots!

  63. LOVE this new line, Nikki. I am still shocked & amazed that you've named one of your papers after me. I could've never imagined something that cool. It's an honor just to design for you, but that... well, that really just takes the cake! You are the BEST! Can't wait to meet you & the rest of the team tomorrow! :-)

    Big hugs...

  64. Congrats Sherry!

    It just keeps getting better, Nikki! Gorgeous collection! My favorite is Heather :)

    cute snuggie photo! lol

  65. For Mimi - and For Julie - and ....

  66. If I have to pick, Julie is my favorite... Great collection!

  67. What a beautiful collection! I really love the blue/green color combo. Thanks for the chance to win! Enjoy CHA!!

  68. Just wrote on Deana's blog that it's a really nice tribute to name these papers after such lovely ladies.

    Really pretty, calming colors in this collection.

  69. I'm liking for heather, damask is always a fave pattern of mine!

  70. I love the colors in this is so soothing. MY favorite paper though is For Susan!

  71. I LOVE this line!!!
    My favorites are For Deana and For Julie. Not only because the papers are gorgeous but also because they are my 2 favorite girls of your team!!


  72. I would have to say "For Trish" is my favourite - I love the shape, and the mix of patterns! You don't need much else on top of that, and it is so very versatile. But not to leave any of them out - they are all so pretty!

  73. This line is my favorite of yours, hands down! My fave paper? I'll go with For Mimi - love houndstooth, and blue is one of my go-to scrap colors!
    Good luck with the rest of the setup- I'm sure it'll be gorgeous when you're done!

  74. I love all the new lines, and Something for Everyone is gorgeous!!!

    Marzee Carnes

  75. great papers but I think I like the die cut paper "for Trish" the best. Lucky ladies to be immortalized like that.

  76. Wow! I thought it was hard to pick from your new line this weekend. I have to say that I love the "Julie" polka dot paper. I am all about some polka dots! Anything in polka dots equals happiness and fun! Love your new line of papers! I so can't wait to use them! I already have my sketch book out!

  77. I love this new collection and my favorite is the die cut For Trish!

  78. Ria's is very pretty, they all are! The 6 x 6 paper pack would be perfet!

  79. Love the color scheme - would work for so many types of layout!

  80. I love the way the cardstock stickers show off a little bit of all the papers!

  81. love the colors and how awesome to name after your DT!

  82. very pretty! aww, and you look so cute in your snuggy!

  83. Love your new lines - And "For Julie" is my FAV.

  84. I love for Susan. The booth looks good. Hope the show goes well.

  85. Love 'em all, so thanks for doing a 6x6 pad -my new favorite thing. I think I would pick for Susan as my most fav piece out of the bunch! Have fun at CHA!

  86. I love that you named these for your DT ladies & friends. :) How cool for them!! :)

    Plus the papers/colors are gorgeous! :)

  87. I love that collection. The colors are lovely. I cannot pick just I really have to? ha!!!

  88. They are all so beautiful! but my fav is the blue polka dot it would be perfect for baby boy layout!
