
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

*YOU are the ones that inspire me* :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

hi all! Julie Tucker-Wolek here and do you want to know what inspires me???? :) Well.....not ONLY does  Nikki's DT inspire me (and Nikki herself!), but all of you out there on the world wide web that uses Nikki's products!!! On a daily basis, I am blog hopping, scouring online galleries and checking out all the AMAZING creations that all of YOU make using Nikki's products!! It makes a JULIE :):):):):):):):):):):):):)!!!! 
With that being said, I have decided (with Nikki's blessing of course! LOL!) that every month, I am going to showcase YOUR lo's, cards, altered projects using at least 80% of Nikki's products on your projects right along side of my DT work here on Nikki's blog!!! Interested in being showcased???? (Of course you will get FULL credit for your work!! And you can have bragging rights on your own blog showing your friends and family that you have been showcased RIGHT HERE!).... Send me an email at with your Nikki lo, card or altered project, your full name, and a link to your blog (or online gallery if you don't have a blog!) I would be BEYOND honored to showcase what you have made! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Sooooooo this month, I have been blessed with several ladies that have created projects using Nikki's products! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
First, we have Fabi Ormerod!!!!! Just look at this GORGEOUS lo she created with her ADORABLE 4 year old son!!! She used the U R My Favorite line!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee all the distressing and the way she rolled back the papers to show her CUTE son!!! :):):):):):):) Thanks Fabi for sending me your lo! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Second, we have TWO lo's from Cathy Beishir!!  She sent me these AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS lo's using the Victoria's Street line!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) I absolutely LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE these lo's showing her CUTE CUTE CUTE son Blake!!! (And Cathy has a new addition coming to their home in about 14 more weeks!! YAY for new babies!!) I loveeeeeeeeeeeee the layers...and the way she used the stamps from this line!! Thanks Cathy for sending me these BEAUTIES! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Third, we have Lydia Siegel!! She sent me a lo also using the Victoria's Street line!!!! :):):):):):) I absolutely loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this lo (and I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee Lydia's NEW COUCH!!) I loveeeeeeeeeeee the way she made the banner and used it for her title...and I loveeeeeeeee the stitching!!! Thanks sooooooo much Lydia for sending me this GORGEOUS lo! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Fourth, we have Jenneke Knol!!!! :):):):):):):):):):) I am LUCKY enough to have this talented lady on my "These are a Few of My Favorite Things" design fact she made THIS LO for our FAVE FRIENDS challenge!!! She used the My Sweet Cherry Pie line!! I just love love love love love love love love love the design on this...and that photo and these papers just scream HAPPINESS!! LOVE IT! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

And last, but not least...we have a project from Julie Tucker-Wolek!!'s ME!!! lol!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)  I mentioned above that not ONLY do all of YOU inspire me....but I am CONSTANTLY jaw dropping AMAZED by the talent on this team of Nikki's!!! Seriously JAW DROPPING!!! In fact....back in March, DT member Katrina posted this ADORABLE little wall hanging...and as soon as I saw it...I knew I was gonna lift it!!! (In told her that in my comment to her!! LOL!).... I was just in AWE over it!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) Soooooooooooo I am one of "those people" that READ and KEEP their fortunes from fortune cookies!! LOL!!! I loveeeeeeeeee them...and just can't help myself in keeping them!!! But, where oh where do I keep them??? After seeing Katrina's idea..I sooooooooooo have the PERFECT place now!! I made myself a little wall hanging and named it, "Fortunate One" :):):):):):):):):):):):) I used the Willow Bee line!!! :):):):):):):) Thanks Katrina for the inspo!!! I loveeeeee this little hanging to hold all my current (and future! hehehehehehe...pun not intended!) fortunes from my YUMMY meals! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

For my pocket...I took one of the CUTE CUTE CUTE pockets that comes with Nikki's NEW stickers, cut it down to size and glued the bottom together! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Thanks for stopping by today...we truly appreciate your support here on Nikki's blog!! And thanks to the BEAUTIFUL ladies that sent me their lo's to showcase here on Nikki's blog...I find you all soooooooooooo very inspiring!!!! And me your Nikki projects at YOU could see your work here next month, or the next, or the next! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

And P.S. ... don't forget...we are having a sketch challenge here on Nikki's blog until April 30th! :) See the sketch and all the details HERE HERE HERE HERE!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)


  1. wow wow wow and more wow... sooo many great layouts and I looove your project!! it's sooo super cute!! :)

  2. Love your wallhanger and all the wonderful creations by your scrappy friends. Hope to see more!

  3. Julie, you know you inspire me, right? :) I love the fortune cookie project so much! Cute, cute, cute!

  4. This post is so full of inspiration!

  5. Fun post, Julie! Loving all the creations you posted! And your fortune cookie pocket is too CUTE! :-)

  6. Your fortune pocket ROCKS!!!!!
    I love it!!!
    That was a great idea for you to bring all those layouts to us!!! No one I know reads more blogs than you!!!

  7. FABULOUS HANGING! and Honor to have my lo post here! Great los by the other gals too!

  8. I can't say enough about this blog post.... its so great!! I love seeing what other people create with my products, and all of these are wonderful! That wall hang is great Julie, I took Katrina's with me to a couple shows and everyone loved it! Thanks so much for this post!

  9. Great post Julie! These ladies have so much talent. Great layouts!!!

  10. That's a super fun post Julie!!!! Love your wall hanging with the fortunes ;)

  11. Great stuff, Julie! I need to get to using the Nikki stuff I have and send you some pages. I've been hoarding it! :)

  12. omigosh, what an awesome post Julie! You rock girl! You never stop having amazing ideas- your projects keep getting cuter and cuter...xoxo

  13. What a ton of good stuff! LOVE to see the Nikki Sivils products used so cute!

  14. Every page was so awesome!!! I love your wallhanger!

  15. What a cute idea for a wall hangar! I have a fun fortune I got a few weeks back and have been trying to find a great way to use it. I may have to "steal" your idea ;)

  16. Love your post Julie (as ever) and what a gorgeous creations you're sgowing us!! and that wallhanger is so cute (hmmm maybe I will make one too)and I can cause I found a shop in the Netherlands that sell 2 lines, yay!!!!hugs Hanneke

  17. These are great. Lots of inspiration!

  18. Thanks for showing us these gorgeous projects, Julie!! LOVE your wallhanger!
    And thanks sooooo much for showing my layout too!!

    Hugs, Jenneke

  19. You inspire us, Nikki inspires us!! Life is great!

  20. this is a great addition to the blog Julie. Loved seeing who was next, which line that used and what it was.

  21. Awesome and inspiring layouts and congrats to my friend Jenneke for being featured! Julie I just LOVE your fortune catcher - what a cute idea!!!

  22. what a cute wallhanger... and all the wonderful creations.... you are right they are just lovely!!! thanks for sharing!!! {{hugs}} Michelle

  23. Man this is an inspiring post!
    That fortune cookie project juct blew my mind!!!! Get ready to get an email from me ;)
    Keep on inspiring us Julie!

  24. Wow..loving these layouts Julie and especially our Jenneke's one!!
    Beautiful Jenneke!
    Love your wall hager Julie..awesome!

  25. Aren't you the cutest! Love the idea on showcasing your friends using the line! :) Love the LOs! :)))

  26. Awesome post Julie!! I love everyone's work so much, these projects are fantastic!

  27. oh wow, wow, WOW~!!!!! such gorgeous work!! and I absolutely ADORE the wall hanging!!!!! gorgeous stuff!!

  28. WOW!!!! Love to see all these different creations together in one post!!! Thanks for doing this Julie!! And your wall hanging is gorgeous!!

  29. Hey Julie...we need to tks, not you! for all this inspiration and great work you always share with us. I was very proud to be featured in one of your posts! Tks you/Nikki ;) Kisses from Brazil
