
Saturday, December 19, 2009

We Are Having A Design Team Call!

We are happy to announce that we are looking for TWO talented people to join our design team!!! If you think you could be one of them, then please show us what you can do! Is your forte' altered items, cards or layouts? We want to see them. Give us some examples of your best work. We would "love" for you to use Nikki's products, but we realize Nikki's still new to the industry - not every one is carrying her products yet. However, after CHA in January they will not be able to resist adding her products to their stores!

Ok, on with the show. Here is what we would like from you: a list of publications, design teams you are on or have been on and some examples of your work. Don't worry. We are looking for talent and for people we feel fit in with Nikki's products. You do not need to be published or on a design team.

We also realize this is the holiday season. Life can get a little hectic. Then there might be some of you hurrying to get projects done for CHA as well. Keeping that in mind, we are giving you until January 25th to get your submission to us. We will be announcing our two new design team members on January 31st. This will be a short term, as we are filling up two vacant spots. Your term will be from February to May, which is a four month term. This is when the current team's term ends as well. In May we will be posting a new call.

Send your submissions to with"Willie-Bee's DT Call" in the subject line!

Here is a link to Nikki's website. Please look around Also, if you have more questions, you can refer to Nikki's very first call

Here's wishing you the best and good luck!

Happy Holidays to you and your family,
Nikki Sivils
Susan Dupre-DT Leader - Domestic
Hilde Janbroers-DT Leader - International


  1. What a great opportunity...go for it ladies!

  2. I know there are sooooooooooooo many talented people out there!!! GOOD LUCK to all that APPLY! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Can't wait to see who the luck glas are!

  4. WOW! What a great opportunity. I may have to try for this:) I know there will be plenty of great entries from very talented girls!! Good luck to everyone who applies! Love, Jess

  5. I'm gonna give this a try. I love your fun papers even though I don't have any...yet.

  6. This is so COOL! Im going to see what I can come up with! Thanks for this opportunity in advance!

  7. What a great opportunity!! I'm going to try to get hold of some your papers straight away and create something new to send to you!!!

  8. WAHOO!! I so want to submit for this opportunity! Good luck to all that apply. I know the competition will be tough but, I will be throwing my hat just never know right?

  9. What a great opportunity.. I think I might have a go at this!

  10. Hey girls, I hope this great opportunity is available also overseas kkkkkkkk. Im from Brazil and love your materials, just knew them a few months ago. Youre already linked at my blog too. Cheers adn Merry Xmas from Brazil.

  11. ooh...this is a neat opportunity!!!

  12. This is a great opportunity. Good luck to all that apply.

  13. very exciting, your lines are fabi and delish

  14. Very exciting, today is the big deadline for submissions!!
