
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Welcome Back, Diva Deana Boston!

Deana Boston is no stranger to the Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker design team.  She has been a Diva since the very beginning and is a wonderful addition to the team!  Along with being a Diva, she also has the title of Retail Program Coordinator. This means that along with her duties of being a Diva, she also is in charge of producing the newletter/project idea email that is sent out to the retailers carrying Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker projects!  (p.s. if your LSS carries Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker products, make sure they are signed up for the emails!)

Here are just a few of Deana's wonderful projects that she created for the booth at CHA.  She worked with the Exit Here collection and turned out some beauties.  

Hee hee, this layout is SO Deana!!  I love the banner/flower combo!

Deana and her family travel a lot, so this collection is going to get some mileage, I do believe.  

And Deana also makes the cutest cards.  
Here are a couple that were in the booth.

Deana has a unique, fresh, and clean linear style to her projects and we are so happy that she is still on the team.  We hope Deana's projects inspire you to create something fun today!  Please make sure to visit Deana's blog.....


  1. I love Deana, and I loveeeeee her creations!!

  2. Lovely...


  3. Love all of her amazing projects!!

  4. Loving all of these creations Deana!! After looking at these I think I need to go on vacation :)

  5. love all of these beautiful projects!!! thanks for some much needed inspiration :D

  6. I've loved Deana's work from day 1, three years ago this May when I asked her to be on my team! Having her on my team has only gotten better! Adore Deana and her great work!

  7. I'm such a fan of Deana's style!!

