
Monday, February 6, 2012

Still recovering from CHA!

I don't know if its because I'm getting old or just working my butt off but I've slept around 10 hours each night and have mainly just laid around with my dogs for the past 3 days. (And I'm still tired!) However today starts a new week so tired or not there is a lot of catching up to do. I have tons of "follow-up" calls to make and maybe a HUGE co-branding with another company, still to early to see if it will all work out but keeping my fingers crossed!  Also my paper should be arriving early this week too! Very excited about that!
I only got to blog a couple of times last week during CHA, I had wanted to blog more but once back in the hotel room I just passed out! In fact one night Dan woke me up and said "Nik, you are still fully dressed from today, don't you want to get your PJ's on?"so I got all the sleep I could when I could! 
Below are some pictures from my booth and I'll share pictures all week with you since I have more than can be shown in one blog post! 
This is my entire booth all set up and ready to show off!
I re-furbished this child's chalk board easel and instead of using the little shelf for holding the chalk I used it as a flower pot bed that are holding paper flowers made from my paper collections!      
Close you pic...
I hot glued a little blue bird (fake) in a little nest for the corner of the chalkboard!

It maybe hard to see but I still want a place to put my chalk so I bought an old drawer pull/handle turned it upside down and attached it to the backside of the chalk board. Love it!
I also made a little step stool for my nephew Noah with the "Noah" paper collection, I can't wait to give it to him for his first b-day in May!  
DT Diva, Stacy made this cute picture holder from the Noah collection. 
Don't you just love those little wooden spools!
Stacy also used my red Burlap Buttons too!
These are the huge framed boards that hold all the collections and samples of each collection.

DT Diva, Katrina made this star ornament from the Noah collection!
Love it!
This is the sample board for the Noah Collection.

Okay so this little guy sits at the bottom of my stairs in my home and at the very last minute I decided to pack him up and put him in the crate and he was perfect for holding my little fortune cookies made from the "Audrey" collection.  I'm ready to have him back home now! 

Check back Wednesday for more booth pictures! 

Noell Hyman from The Paper Clipping came by to talk about my four collection and she then decided to go ahead and make a video from my booth and talk with me for a bit too! 
Click HERE for the video!
Thanks Noell for the great video and for stopping by to say hi! 

Hope everyone has a great week! 


  1. Your booth looked amazing!!! I loved all the personal touches!!! And fingers crossed for the co-branding opportunity!! Off to see Noel's video! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. everything was so pretty,loved the're so cute !!

  3. the booth looked awesome! i can't wait to get my hands on all these new collections!

  4. Fabulous photos of the booth, way to rock it at CHA!! Loved the video and hearing the creative story behind the Audrey line! Good luck with your new adventures, can't wait to find out what it is!

  5. The video was so touching! I loved hearing the stories, and the little touches that made Audrey so unique :)... Can't wait to find out what the new adventure is!! :)

  6. The booth looks so great & if sounds like you had an amazing & successful show! But of course!!! :-)
