
Friday, February 24, 2012

Marielle LeBlanc, A New Diva!

Marielle LeBlanc, is one of our new Diva members from Canada.  We loved her DT application and her style of how she creates.  She is one of those creative people that can add little touches here and there and make them work seamlessly no matter what!

Sidenote......Some of our Divas have been waiting for the new collections, but we didn't want to wait to introduce them to you.  So, we are showcasing their work with older collections for their Intros.  BUT, they have all received product and are creating like busy little bees!

Marielle had some fabulous layouts using the Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker collection
Tree Love.  (this is one of my favorite collections)

I love the Bucky the Beaver element with the year tag hanging off of it.  Just a nice little "extra" touch that is easy to do on your layouts!

We are anxiously waiting to see what Marielle is going to do with the new collections!  You may not realize it, but we are ALL like kids in a candy store when it comes to the new collections and getting to play with them!  We totally know how you feel!

Please make sure and visit Marielle's blog.....


  1. Welcome to the team!! I love love love your lo's! GORGEOUS!

  2. Fabulous layouts Marielle!!! love, love your style :D

  3. so happy to be working with you... and LOVE your layouts!!

  4. So happy to be on the team with you, Marielle! :)

  5. thank you so much for the warm welcome ,I am so very happy to be part of this incredible team !!!!

  6. Welcome to the team Marielle! So happy to have you on the team and can't wait to see what you create with the new papers!!

  7. Amazing & very beautiful projects!!
    Love your style!!

  8. Fabulous layouts and congrats!!!
