
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I don't know about you....

... but I always struggle with scrapping my December photos actually IN DECEMBER! lol! 

I wanted to scrap my daughter Brookie's Santa picture, but never got around to it in December, so I decided to do it now.

I used Nikki's Gingerbread Land on my layout! I always love love love Nikki's Christmas lines! :) 

For those that are curious, my daughter has a skin condition that requires surgery - she just happened to have her latest surgery right before it was time for Santa photos 

Update on the Scrap Your Cell Phone Pictures challenge....We will announce the winner on Thursday, January 12th.  I (Katrina) have been so busy that I forgot and haven't picked out a winner yet!  So, if you want to get in on the challenge you still have time!!  Thank you for being patient, January is a crazy month here at Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker!!

And make sure you check out another one of Nikki's latest collections "Messages" that she posted yesterday! :)

Thanks so much for stopping by! ~~Julie :)


  1. very cute!!!

    where can i find the gingerbread land collection--it is sold out everywhere! i want to make a christmas mini album present for my mother in law and i need the collection pack--anyone know? i have checked out all the sites on the sidebar and they are all sold out--any suggestions? thanks!!

  2. Hi Mary pat, thanks for the love on my lo :) I am looking into where you can get this line...I will let you know if I find anything out :):):):):)

  3. oh wow--thanks julie!! i truly appreciate your help on this!- i knew i waited to long to order it!

  4. Hi Mary! I know for sure that has Gingerbread Land collection kits!

  5. thanks girl number 2 but i tried and they say unavailable and then several of the individual pieces area sold out as well! thanks so much for your help-i do appreciate it!

  6. What adorable pictures of Brookie!! I LOVE your layouts, Julie - this collection is perfect for scrapping Christmas pictures! Hurray for getting yours scrapped already!!

  7. Thanks everyone :):):):) Mary Pat... I was able to find some of the pieces here --- :)

  8. Mary Pat ... when I just Googled the paper line "Gingerbread Land", up popped "" which I know has carried Nikki's papers before. When I clicked there, it did say that the line's still available AND at a very good price. I was able to order two full kits!
